070. The surrounding wall is activated, and justice is brought down from Tanya.

However, some people are happy and some are sad.

Ivankov was overwhelmed with remorse and fell to his knees.

Touch! Touch! Touch! Touch!

He thumped the floor frantically, weeping furiously:

"Woooo, how can you fix it! Whitebeard, you must kill the black crow and avenge the straw hat boy! Wooooooo...

In order to realize Luo's plan, he and Luffy split up.

As a result, the entire Straw Hat regiment was destroyed in Tanya's hands...

Even the big bear who helped save her life was killed by her!

How can I have the face to meet the dragon!?

Hearing this, Whitebeard snorted coldly:

"That's what I thought!""

He glanced in Tanya's direction.

A pair of old eyes flashed the cold light of murder.

When Ace is rescued, definitely pull her back!

So, a little greeting first...

Whitebeard grabbed Doflamingo and threw it high into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, his burly figure squatted down.

The old man had a pair of big hands, clutching Cong Yunqie tightly, and roaring to the rear.


Whitebeard shouted in anger, a broad blade, brewing a pound-thin shock...

Then, swing forward boldly and vigorously!


Violent shock force.

Hit the dying Heavenly Yaksha hard.

As if the lenses were shattered.

Doflamingo's body is in pieces.

Painfully coughed up blood...

He was like a steel cannonball coming out of the chamber, flying towards the execution platform at high speed!

Everywhere along the way, the surging power of shock spreads, sending countless sailors flying... The scene is extremely shocking!


A large number of officers and soldiers turned their backs on their horses and collapsed.

When the quake suddenly stopped, the place was in a mess.

The sailors staggered, got up from the ground, and pulled up their colleagues.

"Damn, damn Whitebeard..."

"Are you all okay?"

"Speaking of what happened to the execution platform!

A group of disgraced sailors looked towards the execution platform.

The heavy blow just now was aimed at the attack, and the dust is now filled!

However, when the dust slowly dissipated, the execution platform was intact!

Seeing this, the sailors breathed a sigh of relief.

But the pirates were puzzled and surprised.

"What's the matter, didn't you hit the execution stand?"

"Impossible, the Naval Headquarters at the back have been destroyed a lot!"

"Look there, there are three Admirals!

Many pirates looked down at the execution platform.

Aokiji, Akainu, Black Crow... The three of them released their armed colors.

An invisible barrier was formed, and the shock that was enough to destroy two or three streets was blocked alive!

"Hasn't the encirclement battle started yet?"

Tanya grabbed Doflamingo and threw it to the ground with a cold expression.

"It's all because Aokiji's icebreaker gets in the way! 39

Akainu glared at Aokiji next to him and sneered.

Whether it's Aokiji, or the renegade Garp...

Moderate officers, they're all things that get in the way on the battlefield!

"Then you go and melt it, won't it be OK?"

Aokiji retorted coldly, looking very ugly.

That year Tanya executed Saul.

Now her benefactor Garp is also publicly executed by her!

Both times in front of my own face...

This woman has never changed from beginning to end, she is extremely cold-blooded!

Suddenly, there was a pool of blood under Tanya's feet, and the dying Doflamingo moved his fingers.

He gave Tanya a cry for help, and said hoarsely:


Those eyes were like a dying stray dog.

As if to say:

As long as you save my life, I will do anything for you!

Tanya raised her eyebrows lightly and sighed helplessly:

"I know, this will save you.

She drew out a thousand blades, and made a backhand...


The sharp blade was inserted into the heart, and blood spattered.


Suddenly, Doflamingo coughed out a mouthful of blood, and his face was hideous.

His eyes were split open, staring at Tanya!

"You don't look like a thank you look, it's really kindness that doesn't pay off..."

This was the last taunting speech Doflamingo heard before he died.

Pulling out the magic knife, Tanya kicked away and ordered:

"Clean up."

If it weren't for this guy's old account with Luo.

Whitebeard won't be resurrected at full health either.

So Tanya doesn't show mercy...

In the square below, several marines hurriedly came over to remove the corpse.

Here, Whitebeard leaped and fell onto the battlefield.

He heroically led a group of pirates and launched a mighty counterattack!

"Quick! Keep up with Daddy, don't fall behind!"

"As for the people outside the bay, they all quickly converged and launched a charge!"

"Break into the plaza in one go before Marine regroups!

"Don't waste the opportunity Daddy made!


For a time, the morale of the pirates was unprecedentedly high.

Facing the powerful attack of pirates.

Marine is fighting and retreating here.

Adjusting the formation for the encircling wall operation that follows...

And, with Whitebeard taking the lead, they couldn't stop it if they wanted to!

Meanwhile, on the Moby Dick.

A woman's anger screamed, and suddenly sounded:

"Hey, what did you inject me with?! 35

It was a beautiful woman with fair complexion and a slender figure.

She has a blond pineapple head, and she hugged her chest with both hands, looking ashamed and angry!

Opposite, Ivankov looked ashamed:

"Ah sorry, I got the anti-excited hormon and the female hormon wrong..."

Because of Luffy's death, he lost his spirits.

Just now Marco asked him to help.

When returning to combat.

Accidentally mistaken the type of Hormon...

However, Ivankov put his hands on his hips and went into missionary mode:

"To be honest, you're pretty good looking like this, do you really want to change back?"5

After all, it is the mate of the Four Emperors, with a bounty of more than one billion.

If you can abduct your own new shemale camp.

That's definitely a big deal!

However, Marco's eyes were full of black lines, and he gritted his teeth:

"Believe it or not I killed you!"

Ivankov was so disappointed that he could only silently turn her back into a man...

At the right time, Luo took a step forward and said coldly:

"Okay, stop arguing, we haven't had time to relax yet. 35

With Ghost Cry in his hand, he tapped on the shoulder, and stared in the direction of the execution platform with a cold gaze.

There, Doflamingo's body, is being removed...

Mr. Clarke, you can rest in peace.

Maybe it won't be long before I'll be there with you...

"I know!

Ivankov said seriously.

Rescue Ace is Luffy's long-cherished wish, so he can only go all out...

"Speaking of Kroc boy, do you want to have a hair too?"

He was eager to try, the needle-like nails stretched and stretched.


Crocodile cursed in a phlegm tone.

Not long after they started.

Marine all withdrew to the plaza.

At the same time, the operator in the main control room pushed the gate to the top with all his strength!

"Wall around, start!"

In response to the sound, the entire battlefield in the bay rumbled and trembled!

bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

Fans of steel barriers broke through the ice and rose into the sky.

The shadow of the tall iron wall quickly enveloped the entire bay.

Even the sky is dark and obscured

Ultimately, countless steel barriers.

Suddenly a huge encirclement was formed.

Trap all the pirates in it!

The pirates who had been charging bravely were surprised.

"What is this?'

"Do they want to trap us in their (cjbd)?"

"Eat me!"

A pirate's shoulder resisted the rocket launcher and shot with a bang.


The huge cannonball smashed hard against the steel wall.

However, when the smoke cleared, it didn't move!

Even Whitebeard punched him hard.

It was only deeply dented, and did not crack because of it!

For a time, the pirates were furious:

"Damn, does the information about the surrounding wall that was detected just now refer to this?"

"Damn Marine, do you want to keep fighting!

"Hey, look at that, there are cannons on the wall, and the muzzles are all pointed at us!

"Damn, is there a place to escape?

Looking around, all are dark and tall iron walls.

There is absolutely no loophole!

The only way is to escape from the bay through the crescent moon gap at the rear.

Then from other places, log into the square...

Just then, Tanya grabbed the phone bug and ordered:

"Zhan Taomaru, it's your turn to appear!"

With an order, a large number of tyrant bears appeared.

These mass-produced giant robots.

Side by side to form a human wall.

Close the only gap in the surrounding wall.

Completely cut off the escape route of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Zhan Taomaru picked up a big axe, carried it on his shoulder, and snorted coldly:

"Hmph, it's finally my turn to appear, I'm so impatient to wait!

A week ago, it was concocted by Tanya, Luo and Kid.

In Zhan Taomaru's heart, there was a sigh of resentment.

Just right now, let the Whitebeard Pirates take a knife to vent their anger!

On the execution stand, Sengoku's old face was tense.

He glanced under the execution platform and said solemnly:

"Go on, Akainu, Black Crow!"

Hearing this, Tanya instantly disappeared.

And Akainu also took a step forward.

His hands were billowing with lava.

Anger boiled, brewing the gas fired.

After a while, Akainu swung his fists towards the sky.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Hundreds of thousands of large magma fists rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky!

At the same time, Tanya also dodged into the dim sky.

She is suspended high in the sky, with golden bangs fluttering, and arcs cruising...

The girl in military uniform looked down at the thousands of pirates surrounded by the bay with no expression on her face.

Immediately afterwards, Tanya raised his hand and grabbed it.

Take out a handful of white steps from the void!

The soy body is slender and made of pure white mithril.

At the same time, it is engraved with intricate and magnificent patterns.

And crosses and mysterious totems...

It looks on the outside.

It is exactly the same as the headless senior sister Ba Mami's soy stick!

Name: Baiyin, it is a magic guide with infinite bullets...

Immediately, Tanya held the soy in both hands, tilted her head and aimed downward, and began to chant:

"God, please grant me the power to annihilate the evil pirates. At the end of the long journey, we will surely reach the land of the oath!"

Accompanied by chant-like singing.

The eyes of the girl in the military uniform were quickly dyed with a golden color.

Like a puddle of molten gold, so sacred!

At the same time, Tanya's chest burst into golden light.

Ellen Mumm 95-style, massive gear rhythm, full operation!

Unparalleled magic power, rushing out...

Immediately after, in front of her, countless magic tricks were spread out, and the magic circle in the sky was shining!

Eventually, Tanya coldly pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Countless bullets with explosive flames poured down like a torrential rain!

Among thousands of pirates, looking up in despair.

Justice from the sky of Tanya.

Meteor Volcano with Akainu.

Instantly devoured the entire ice battlefield!


One by one, the pirates were annihilated, and they let out a heart-piercing cry before dying.

They run, they flee.

However, the lava fists and the explosive bullets fell endlessly.

The battery surrounding the wall roared in anger.

Zhan Taomaru's transforming human army is also constantly firing lasers...

The pirate side was gradually eliminated.

Even if Whitebeard uses Shake Fruit in succession.

Blast the lava and blaster bullets away.

Bounce into the square and destroy Marine's line!

But the casualties of the pirates are still extremely heavy...

In the end, the entire ice battlefield turned into a lake of hot water burning with fire.

Lots and lots of fine ice cubes, floating on the ice.

The only remaining pirates can only lie on the dead body of Oz.

And looking for driftwood everywhere for some peace of mind...

But the atmosphere of despair has spread rapidly in the bay!

Meanwhile, the foreshore in the bay.

Moria clenched her hands and grinned:

"Hee hee hee, so many corpses, I can't stop!

It's really a pity that I couldn't cut off the straw hat Luffy's head with my own hands.

But so many corpses still make him excited!

Marine is worthy of being the most violent institution on this sea.

The efficiency of killing is really incomparably neat!


Jinbei clenched his fists secretly, gritted his teeth, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Now he can't wait to rush down and save all the people in Bai Tuan!

However, there is still a demon staring at the sky...

"The Whitebeard Pirates, is this the end?"

Hawkeye flicked the black knife, the blood of the night, and put it into the scabbard on his back.

Although he seized the flaw, Vista was hit hard.

But he saved the other party's life.

Whether he can live or not depends on the other party's creation...

Hancock was expressionless.

As the emperor of the daughter country.

She only has to be responsible to her own people.

As for dirty men...the more dead the better