072. Marco dies, the battle of the emperor begins

Oris Square.

The giant whale paddle steamer is towering.

On the execution stand, Sengoku looked gloomy and gritted his teeth:


This old guy is too fierce!

What did Luo do to him just now?

In the square below, all the sea soldiers and generals were also shocked.

"How on earth did this ship fly in?

"Looks like Whitebeard, who brought the boat in in one breath... a monster!"

"The Demon Race doesn't necessarily have such strength, right?!"

"I heard that this monster has a quarter of giant blood! 39

"Damn, in this way, the surrounding wall has become an obstacle..."

Marine's side became anxious, armed with various weapons, and entered a state of preparation for battle again.

Meanwhile, the giant whale is on the paddle steamer.

A group of injured pirates climbed up from the boat one after another.

"I finally entered the square, it really took a lot of effort...

"It's all thanks to Dad!"

"Speaking of the surviving partners, there are only a thousand people left?"

"Damn Marine, I won't let them go!"

"Ace, wait a little longer, and you'll be rescued soon!""


Many injured pirates are still shouting with high fighting spirit, with a loud voice.

On the execution stand, Ace, who was kneeling on the ground, bit her lower lip in pain:


His voice was hoarse and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

Ace's heart was mixed.

Sadness, pain, joy...the list goes on.

Why didn't I find out about this earlier?

It is not until you lose it that you will understand the value of friends and family...

The sour tears reflected Ace's "two six three" vision.

in his distorted vision.

In the distance, Whitebeard jumped off the bow of the giant whale.

The surrounding pirates gave way one after another.

Whitebeard strode up, holding the cloud cut high, and shouted angrily:

"Little ones, rescue Ace together and destroy Marine completely!

The majestic roar spread throughout the square.

The shocking deterrent force made many Marines secretly swallow their saliva.

The pirates on the boat were greatly encouraged.


"Understood, Daddy!"

"Come on, don't show mercy to Marine's men! 99

"I've suffered so much just now, so I must return the favor!

"That's right, otherwise people will think we're inhospitable!

Suddenly, a group of pirates shouted angrily and jumped off the big boat like dumplings.

A number of captains opened the way, and many pirates followed closely behind to make up for the output...

Marine's Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, have led troops to meet!

On the square, guns and blood, once again played a grand war march!


At the right time, Whitebeard also jumped down and landed on the square with a mighty force.

He picked up Cong Yunqie and said solemnly:

"Sons, don't get into my straight line! 39

The pirates all responded:

"Yes, Daddy!"

In such a big melee, it is impossible not to accidentally injure friendly forces.

Especially Whitebeard's moves, they are all destructive skills!

Just try not to be affected...

To be honest, he has not tried his best to shoot, but also because he is worried about accidentally hurting his son.

However, when Whitebeard was ready to get his hands on it.


An unexpected person stopped in front of him... Haixia Jinbei!

Many of the pirates in the main group were puzzled.

"Boss Jinbei?!


They were all stunned, looking at Jinbei who decided to block the way.

In fact, the pirates also passed through The fish men island and learned about Jinbei's participation in the mandatory call.

They didn't take it too seriously.

After all Jinbei has Shichibukai's stand there!

Pirates can understand, and naturally they won't hate anything...

However, Jinbei's shot is very strange, he is the most respectful of Dad!

Shouldn't it be like fishing like Kizaru?

"Sorry, Whitebeard, I won't let you through here! 99

He spoke in a deep voice, taking a deep breath.

Then, put on the starting position of fishman karate.

Seems like a big decision...

Opposite, tall Whitebeard sullen.

He squinted his eyes slightly, looked down at Jinbei in front of him, and said solemnly:

"Jinbei...are you ready?"

As a big pirate, Whitebeard dares to love and hate.

If someone respectfully calls you a father.

Then of course he will love it.

If you stand on the opposite side of yourself.

He doesn't hesitate like a pussy either!

The question now is... is Jinbei ready?


Jinbei spoke seriously, blue fists clenched.

Let him be a bystander and watch the war indifferently, Jinbei really can't do it...

He couldn't help Whitebeard himself, and he had Shichibukai's stance.

In this case, you can only send the other party on the road with all your strength!

This is the highest respect he can give!

"There is a kind! 35

Whitebeard grinned and gritted his teeth, his left fist smashed with a majestic concussion force and smashed it hard!


The atmosphere is broken, and countless cracks spread...

Jinbei was knocked flying, and countless sailors were affected along the way.

In the end, it slammed into a huge wall, and the bricks splashed... a huge hole!

Before long, Jinbei's big man fell to the ground.

He bleeds from his mouth, his eyes roll, and he faints...in seconds!

The whole square was stunned.

"Mumbling... Shichibukai Jinbei got instant killed!?'

"Liar, is Whitebeard so powerful?

"This is the strongest man in the world..."

A group of sailors raised their hearts of fear.

Here, Aokiji frowned:

"Hey, is this done?"

This acting is so exaggerated...

If you come up and give it away, Kizaru wouldn't dare to act like this!

"Don't look around!!"

Suddenly, there was a loud roar.

Joz, who was covered in diamonds, smashed Aokiji with a punch!

Broken ice cubes.

Reunited not far away.

Aokiji squatted on the ground and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth:


Honestly, Garp's disrepute has shaken the justice in his heart a bit.

Not particularly interested in combat.

But Joz gave him a punch when he came up... What a fire!

The seat under the execution stand.

Akainu put his arms around his chest, with a stern face, and said coldly:

"Pirates are just pirates after all!"


It was of no use at all, and even ran to give away the head.

It even affected hundreds of sailors...

Can't let Whitebeard get angry and destroy it with all his strength!

Otherwise, what will Marine's face be?

He dropped his hands and took two steps, ready to face Whitebeard.

However, Akainu frowned and looked up.

something is falling...

Here, Whitebeard swung Cong Cloud Cut with both hands.

He looked down contemptuously, and the group of marines gathered in front of him smiled boldly:

"Gu la la la, let the horses come here if you are not afraid of death!

Like a huge Godzilla, smiling at himself.

Hundreds of sailors were startled.

They were all trembling, swallowing saliva.

After all, there was a Shichibukai who was killed in a spike just now, and it's impossible to say not to be afraid...

If you face difficulties, you are called a warrior, and if you die recklessly, you are called Luffy!

in their fearful gazes.

Whitebeard's broad blade condenses surging vibrational power.

Immediately afterwards, he gritted his teeth and slammed it out!


Suddenly, Whitebeard swung out the blade.

A shooting star in the sky.

Squeeze the power of shock!

Tanya cut Cong Yun and stomped on the ground with a savage expression:

"Don't get carried away, Whitebeard, this is not the place for you to run wild!"

The oscillating power of the blade is still running wildly.

Just being suppressed by Tanya with all his strength, life and death can't break out!

But the wind was unavoidable, blowing bitterly.

Raise the Tanya justice cape, and the golden bangs.

The oscillating refracted white light reflected the girl's icy cold eyes, staring at Whitebeard stubbornly.

The tall, burly old man glanced at her.

Tanya's black military uniform has a few more wounds, a little messy...

But in her hand, black flames shot up, holding onto a beating heart!

At this moment, a figure fell not far away, and someone shouted.

"Hey, that's Captain Marco!

"Did he lose to the Crows? 35

"What a tragic wound...wait, the heart is gone!""

A ship doctor ran up, but his face showed consternation and fear.

The figure who fell down was Marco!

At this moment, he struggled in pain, and there were countless bloodstains all over his body.

Amaterasu black flames, like thorns, parasitic on the wound.

Marco's vitality is constantly being drawn!

But that's not the point, the point is that Marko's heart was pierced!

Just like Luffy, he came out through his chest, and the black flames continued to burn in the wound...

The cyan flame can't help him regenerate his heart at all!

If it goes on like this, it will not take long for the whole body to die of ischemia and hypoxia!

"Don't touch the captain, that kind of black flame can't be touched!"


The ship doctor wanted to get rid of the black flame, but he set himself on fire.

A pirate can only reluctantly break his wrist for him!

Here, Tanya crushed his heart with one hand and burned it to ashes.

At the same time, he turned his head and spit out the blood in his throat...

The phoenix in the excited state is quite troublesome to fight.

So, her Emission, Amaterasu, Dragon Slayer Magic, Conqueror's entanglement...all of them went up!

Although he won Marco in one breath, the consumption was not small after all.

However, this is not a small excitement for Whitebeard.

He yelled out in anger:

"Then you have to protect it, devil kid!!

Suddenly, the furious Whitebeard triggered several times the power of shock.

Tanya is suppressed from above, and the cloud cut bursts downward!

rumbling rumbling—


The floor is in the shape of a spider web, shattering and disintegrating in all directions at high speed!

All the marines along the way, and even some pirates were thrown away, screaming countless times!

In the center, two figures, big and small, collide and wrestle with each other.

Thunder and lightning splash, the golden light of Tanya.

Like the blue sea, the heroic Whitebeard.

The momentum of the two bombarded together.

Straight into the sky, even the wind and clouds are stirred!

Meanwhile, Sabaody Archipelago.

Countless people and reporters stared at this scene in amazement.

"Mumbling... Whitebeard goes all out, so terrifying?"

"It's like watching the end of the world...

"The title of the strongest man in the world is not a false name! 35

"However, it should be a good thing that Marco was killed by the Admiral Crow...

"Yeah, almost no one under Whitebeard is available now!"

"But that's exactly what it is, the beasts that are driven to a dead end are the most feared!"5

Many people were worried, heartbroken at the sight of such massive destruction.

If all the sons are dead, how violent will this monster go? It's unimaginable!

They were all focused, looking at the only big screen.

Above, Whitebeard and Tanya are heads-up.

Every blow of the two will cause huge fluctuations and cause many casualties!

Tanya looks slightly underwhelming...

Because of her figure, she is too young!

Whitebeard's height of 666CM is more than four times her height!

That sturdy and burly body is itself a huge monster!

This also made many children feel scared and worried about Tanya.

"Come on, big sister in military uniform!

"Don't lose to that monster!

"Definitely knock him down, justice will prevail!"

"Justice will prevail—!!

The children kept shouting, cheering, and doing their best!

It doesn't matter whether these voices can reach Tanya's ears.

View back to Marineford.

Boom! Boom 1.3! Boom! Boom!

A loud explosion sounded in Oris Square.

Countless marines and pirates were affected, and they could only hurriedly escape...

Whitebeard wields the cloud cutting, slaughtering wildly, quite the style of Guan Yu, the god of war!

He slashed several times, cutting off Tanya in the air and his left arm by the roots!

But the girl in the military uniform gritted her teeth and seized the opportunity.

Her eyes stabbed the magic knife fiercely.

With Conqueror's Coil, Emission, Amaterasu, Thunder Power...

It pierced through Whitebeard's left shoulder in an instant, and then the magic knife exploded, bringing out a puddle of blood!

Whitebeard's shoulders are also rotten by half...

Once the attack succeeded, Tanya's hands were quick and fast, and he immediately grabbed the severed hand and put it on his shoulder!

The code of immortality and immortality is activated, and the wound heals in an instant!

Injury-for-injury play, Tanya has never been afraid.

The so-called pain, for her, has long been as normal as eating and drinking!

Therefore, sometimes fight with the enemy.

In order not to waste Haki, Tanya used her body to hard connect, and she could recover anyway.

It's not that I like to seek abuse, but I'm trying my best to wake up myself!

Compared to mere physical pain.

She hated the helpless and weak self in the past even more.

I am even more afraid of forgetting that humiliation!

Tanya is ruthless to the enemy, but even more ruthless to himself...

Immediately after, the girl in the military uniform kicked Whitebeard hard and leaped into the air with the help of her strength.

"Come on, let me see how long you can last!"

She took back the fragments of the thousand blades, laying them across her chest, and opened her mouth coldly.

Even Whitebeard in its heyday.

As long as the wounds continue to accumulate, it will be a matter of time to kill!

At the same time, Sengoku also begins the execution of Ace...