073. The big melee in the square, Whitebeard is not allowed to move

Just when Whitebeard was fighting Tanya.

On the icy execution platform.

Sengoku frowned, picked up the phone bug, and ordered in a deep voice:

"Go ahead and execute Portgas!

In response, the two executioners grabbed the blade with both hands...

This scene was seen by a group of pirates, and they immediately became anxious!


"Damn Marine, get out of the way for Lao Tzu!

"Come on, shoot the execution platform, you can't let Marine succeed~!"

The pirates were anxious, roaring, and even raising their guns.

But Marine's side came up like a tidal wave, blocking-down one after another...

Whitebeard gritted his teeth and shouted angrily:

"Old fox, do you think I can't stop you!

Marco is dead, he will never allow Ace to die in front of him!

Saying that, Whitebeard's old eyes narrowed and his eyes were cold.


Between the heroic eyebrows, the vast Conqueror's shock is released...

"Don't think you're the only one with Conqueror's!"

With a cold hum, Tanya also unleashed Conqueror's collision.


Suddenly, two huge momentums clashed in the square.

Gold and blue waves, soaring into the sky!

The wind swept wildly, like rolling waves, hitting all directions...

"This is... Conqueror's Haki?!""

"Does Lord Black Crow also have it?"

"Never heard of it before..."

"Hey! Be awake, are you alright?"

Both Marine and Pirates were astonished.

At the same time, many injured people fell one after another because they could not bear the mental shock...

In fact, Tanya has used it just now, and the Conqueror's has been twisted several times.

But because the method is too high-end, almost no one recognizes it!

The Conqueror's collision is different.

In New World, those who own Conqueror's are like crucian carp crossing the river!

Even if there are exaggerated ingredients in it.

But just be a veteran.

Know a little bit about that sea area.

Basically, everyone knows what the primary Conqueror's is all about!

When everyone was surprised.

The icy blade has been swung down.

Ace silently closed her eyes, freckled her face, and accepted her death calmly...

huh! huh!

Suddenly, two crescent-shaped sand sickles came, and blood flew.

The two executioners were blown away, fell from the execution platform two or three stories high, and passed out on the spot!

In an instant, countless people were stunned.

"who is it!!"

Sengoku glared at the past, his face twitched involuntarily:

"Crocodile, you bastard...why?!

Doesn't this guy have a feud with Whitebeard?

He actually ran backhand to help the other party...

Did he suffer from Stockholm like Hancock?

In the square below, countless sailors surrounded and aimed their guns.

Crocodile stood in the center, domineering, with a black coat floating.

"I'm very upset right now.

He was smoking a cigar, raised a pair of gloomy eyes, and said impatiently:

"I don't want to see your happy faces until the dead old man is gone!"5

Either way, it's all about going against Marine.

Fighting Whitebeard himself, the Marine fisherman wins?

Do you really take his Crocodile for a fool!

Sengoku gritted his teeth, his face a little ugly.

A former Shichibukai joins the Whitebeard front.

Although it won't turn the situation around, it's enough to cause a lot of trouble...

Helpless, he could only order the messengers, call the reserve personnel to come over, and execute the sentence again.


Here, Tanya glanced sideways.

In her heart, she couldn't help feeling speechless.

If the two executioners are killed, kill them!

Looking for a backup?

You Sengoku grabbed the execution knife and stabbed Ace to death, right?

Can Crocodile kill you too?

I feel like I'm dropping the price myself.

Or do you think that execution must be ritualistic?

To be honest, Tanya has the urge to get out now and slash Ace with one knife

But not yet.

Once Ace dies, Whitebeard will immediately go into a frenzy!

Don't look at how fierce he is now, causing hundreds of casualties...

In fact, Whitebeard is still suppressing power!

After all, in case there is too much movement.

It would be embarrassing to accidentally injure or even kill Ace...

If Ace dies, Whitebeard is on fire.

The whole island will be turned upside down!

Tanya is indifferent, she is immortal.

But the sacrifices of the sailors will definitely increase exponentially...

It is conservatively estimated that no matter how small it is, there will be a thousand starters, and thousands of families will be fragmented!

Even put aside the moral factors, only from the point of view of interests.

Thousands of elite sailors lost their lives.

Also try to avoid it.

Not to mention, the pension will always be a lot, right?

As for the wounded sailors, that's more...

Tanya is just cold-blooded, but not tyrannical.

Meaningless death and injury, she will try to avoid it!

So, it's not just Whitebeard that is suppressing power, Tanya is also suppressing power.

The key is, before this old man goes berserk.

How much can he weaken his state!

The worse Whitebeard's condition, the shorter the rampage time, and the less damage caused...

"Hmph, don't look around when you're fighting!

Suddenly, Whitebeard snorted coldly and punched him hard!


The atmosphere shattered, causing violent shocks.

Smashing Tanya into Marine's camp...

A blast and dust!

In the smog pit, Tanya stood up.

Her muscles and bones recovered, and the corner of her mouth twitched:

"Cut, living pirates are an eyesore! 99

She jumped out of the thick dust, her eyes dragged with cold light, and she suddenly slashed with a knife.


The two blades have not yet collided.

A powerful storm broke out in the air.

Countless black and red flashes erupted, stirring the sky...

Finally, it exploded violently!

A huge gust of wind.

Whistling away the gunpowder all over Marineford!

Conqueror's entanglement, the power of the world's apex.

Just one eruption made the whole island tremble!

Both of them were really angry, so they tried their best.

If you do your best, I don't know what kind of situation it will cause...

Whitebeard confronts Tanya fiercely.

Either a sailor or a pirate.

In addition to the shock, all consciously do not approach, so as not to be affected!

The fighting in other places is still fierce.

"Hee hee hee, corpse, I want more corpses!"

Moria clenched her hands, grinned, and used her shadow to summon countless bats to kill the pirates.

These are elite pirates with a hundred enemies and a thousand enemies.

If the corpse is complete and made into a zombie, it will become a powerful chess piece!

call out--!

Suddenly, a sharp slash struck.

"Government lackeys, get away!


It is Harta of the 12th Division who will open the way for the partners.

The other captains were also facing off against the government's Marine Vice Admiral and Rear Admiral.

Crocodile is like a tiger in the flock.

In the face of the siege of the sea soldiers, there was no damage, and they were killed one after another...

Hawkeye couldn't stand it any longer and walked over.

"I didn't expect you to be on the same side as Whitebeard."

Speaking in a deep voice, he pulled out the black sword Ye, Jianguang Hanren approached step by step!

"Just to get rid of boredom!

With a cold face, Crocodile flicked the golden hook and threw away the sailors on it.

Once the same as Shichibukai, he was neither cold nor afraid of Hawkeye.

In other words, Crocodile, whose heart is higher than the sky, doesn't put anyone in his eyes at all!

"Oh, it looks like we're about the same.

Hawkeye suddenly slashed with his sword!


The wind was blowing, and it was a battlefield where strangers should not approach.

In addition, Hancock vented a lot of anger.

She chose to find a secluded high platform.

Leaning on the big python Salome, with Erlang's legs raised, he watched the battle with a cold face.

There are no marines or pirates, who dare to touch her bad head, so she is clean...

On Joz's side, it was Admiral, a member of Aokiji.

Actually Aokiji didn't really want to fight.

But Joz was on top, and he had no choice but to accompany him!

On the battlefield, once fell into a stalemate.

Although Zhan Taomaru, led the pacifist army, came to the rescue.

But it only increased Marine's victory, but not a one-sided situation.

After all, the pirates who can survive here basically have two brushes.

The pacifists are just particularly brutal.

If the Grandmaster is armed, it can still hold back, and even kill one or two!

Sabaody Archipelago, Island One.

Countless people held their breaths and watched intently.

"Mumbling, what a tragic battle..."

"Is this the final scuffle?"

"Yes, this will determine the future situation of the world!"

"But the pirate side can't make waves anyway, right?""

"Yeah, it looks like Marine has the upper hand!

"Don't be careless, Whitebeard is still alive and well..."

"No, look at that, two more pirate troops have come by surprise!

A blond female reporter pointed at the screen, and everyone looked away.

That was under Whitebeard, the captain of some pirates.

Leading the surviving crew, rushing all the way...

·For flowers·

Marineford, on the execution stand.

Sengoku frowned and whispered to himself:

"This guy Whitebeard, has he kept his hand?

He was not surprised, after all, the intention to fight against the wall was quite obvious.

The Whitebeard Pirates are not fools either.

Not really, all rushed into the bay!

There are always more baskets for eggs...

Therefore, some pirates in the battlefield in the Bay were not in time to help.

Just break through from the ports on both sides, and then kill all the way!

The leading captains are all powerful pirates who are famous in the New World and have a bounty of over 100 million.

The crew led by them is about 2,000...

After all, it is a difficult force, but it is still within the controllable range.

Sengoku grabbed the phone bug and ordered:

"Zhan Taomaru, flying squirrel, ghost spider..."

Just when he was distracted, the sudden change occurred!


A dark blue Uzumaki field suddenly covered it!

Sengoku turned around suddenly.

I saw Luo grabbing the short gap.

Teleport to the execution platform...

He pulled out the demon knife and cut off Ace's hands!

Then, grab a pair of severed hands and put them together for the opponent!



Ace was a little stunned.

This change was too sudden.

He even forgot that his physical strength had recovered...

"time to go!"

Luo directly snapped his fingers, ready to teleport himself and the other party away.

Suddenly, Sengoku's pupils shrank:


He rushed up and pinched Luo's neck.

Although the ability was activated to send Ace away, Luo stayed!

Sengoku pressed him to the ground and shouted in a deep voice:

"What good is it for you to help Whitebeard one after another! 35

He really couldn't think of a reason for Luo Yiming to help the other party, so he forced him to ask such a sentence.

However, Luo's next self-reporting shocked Sengoku...

Here, Tanya is still playing against Whitebeard.

She saw and heard the color, aware of the situation on the execution platform.

Tanya gritted her teeth and pouted:

"Shout, what an unreliable marshal!"

The hostages can be run away...

At critical moments, the moderates are always dropping the chain!

You know, after Ace is saved, Whitebeard will also go berserk!

Gotta get Ace back!

Tanya thought about it and wanted to withdraw.

But Whitebeard, who had been holding back for a long time, was liberated.

"Where do you want to go!!

He roared and slashed with all his might!

After Ace was rescued, he didn't have to show mercy!

Fighting with a Four Emperors, this devil kid, can't he be distracted and take care of other places? Impossible!

Although Tanya dodged the first blow.

But Whitebeard, backhanded the hilt, smashed Tanya's right shoulder hard!


The girl in military uniform was nailed to the concrete floor in an instant!

However, Tanya scoffed:

"Hmph, it's just an arm, I'll give it to you!"

Suddenly, blood and tears flowed from her eyes as she stared at her right shoulder.

Amaterasu raged and burned his right shoulder in an instant!

Whitebeard's pupils shrank suddenly, and he wanted to raise his hand to grab the main body, but Tanya had turned into a thunderbolt and disappeared!

At the same time, the thousand blades of the magic knife also turned into starlight and automatically returned to the warehouse...

Here, Ace is transferred to the battlefield.

Ivankov immediately grabbed his hand and shouted:

"Aceboy, leave me quickly, you must not die! 39

Ace looked at the execution platform and bit her lower lip:

"I know!

Although he willingly accepted death.

But the hand of rescue that is stretched out will never be let go!

Otherwise, how could it be worth saving so many fathers and so many family members with their lives?

With grief and determination in his heart, Ace followed Ivankov and walked away quickly.

Countless pirates around immediately cleared the way.

Ivankov preaches while running:

"By the way, are you interested in becoming a woman?"

Ace sullen and said speechlessly:


Suddenly, his shoulder was pierced and pinned to the ground!

That's a seastone ten hands.

Tanya stopped by, snatching it from Smoker.

The girl in military uniform stepped on Ace's back, her eyes were cold, and she leaned down.

The sudden strong wind pressure lifted many people around.

At the same time, a white arm grew out of the right shoulder at a high speed, and the five fingers were slender...

From the warehouse, Tanya once again grabbed a thousand blades and placed it across Ace's neck.

She raised her icy eyes and opened her mouth coldly:

"Don't move, Whitebeard, or I'll kill him!
