074. Killing Ace, Marineford is turned upside down

On the battlefield, countless pirates were shocked and watched.


"Damn, it just fell into the hands of the black crow?!"

"Obviously it's the last minute..."

"Can you shoot?

The pirates became anxious, took aim with their guns, and fell into great hesitation.

Ace must not die.

This is their only goal in this trip!

Once Ace is dead.

Then all the previous efforts.

And the sacrificed family members have become a joke!

The Whitebeard Pirates will also become the laughing stock of the world!

Therefore, none of the pirates dared to act rashly.

Oddly enough, the Marines didn't take the opportunity to attack.

Some of the hawkish Marines, even started to back away quietly...


Ivankov got up from the ground, trying to save Ace.

call out--!

Suddenly, a icy sword light came and stopped Ivankov.

"Don't move!

Flying Squirrel drank in a deep voice, holding a knife in both hands, and landed beside Tanya to guard.

He knew that this was the only thing that would hold Whitebeard back, so he stepped aside to help!

Ivankov gritted his teeth, but didn't dare to break through...

Here, Whitebeard straightened up and turned around.

"Let me go let him go!"

The burly old man clenched Cong Yunqie, his face was sinking like water, and he gave orders coldly.

I brought so many family members here to save Ace!

Tanya wants to use this to threaten herself?

How could he be a mediocre person who would be at the mercy of others!

Follow Whitebeard's murderous eyes.

Tanya holds the magic sword upside down and has no intention of withdrawing!

She was expressionless and said coldly:

"If I cut off my arm, I might think about it! 35

For Whitebeard's order.


Tanya doesn't catch a cold either.

So launch a tit-for-tat provocation!

Suddenly, Whitebeard's eyes flashed a cold, and he gritted his teeth in anger.


A powerful coercion burst out.

The gust of wind that blew up, heading straight for Tanya!

But with flying squirrels in front, Tanya can only feel the wind blowing...

Just when the two sides faced off fiercely.

Ace, who was nailed to the ground, gritted his teeth, raised his head and shouted:

"Dad, let's do it. 々!"

He had severe pain in his left shoulder, tears in his eyes, and a sincere plea.

A hundred meters away, Whitebeard's old face was tense, and he frowned slightly.

In his slightly suspicious eyes.

With a hoarse voice, Ace spoke decisively:

"I don't want to implicate you any more, she will never let me go anyway!"

His pupils were ashen, revealing the eyes of a dead man.

So many pirates, Oz, Luffy, Garp...

It was all killed by Tanya!

How can such a cold-blooded person let him go? How is it possible!

With so many relatives and partners dying, Ace has long been heartbroken.

He never wanted to implicate his father before he died!

Looking at the depressed Ace.

Whitebeard was silent.

The old eyes, as if the years have passed, the past scenes are like a revolving lantern.

After a while, with a sullen face, he said in a deep voice:

"Ace, answer me a question.

The elder's voice fell on Ace's ear.

He was slightly stunned and bit his lip:


Before I die, is there anything my father wants to know?

Whitebeard looked at him seriously and said solemnly:

"Is it a pass for me to be your father?"

In an instant, Ace's lacrimal gland collapsed, and countless hot tears poured out.

He wept bitterly and shouted:

"of course!!"

No matter how self-willed he was, he didn't blame him.

Even if you make a big mistake, you will be infinitely tolerant...

Even if it is so hopeless.

He will also contain without hesitation, illuminating his dark heart...

In Ace's eyes, there is no better dad than Whitebeard!

What a delightful answer.


Whitebeard looked up and laughed heartily:

"Goo la la la la..."

It would be a waste of life to hear such an answer before he died!

Looking back on the seventy years of my life...

What a long and satisfying journey!

Actually, it doesn't have to be Ace.

The person Roger was waiting for might be someone else.

In this case, let's have a grand carnival as the curtain call of life!


Whitebeard cut the cloud upside down.

Then both hands slammed into the void and pulled down fiercely!


The balance of the entire Naval Headquarters was instantly destroyed.

The whole island was tilted and violently turbulent, as if the sky and the earth had been subverted!

"Ah ah ah..."

"Did Dad start to get angry at everything?"

"Quick! Escape to the open! 35

This move does not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and all the pirates are also affected and hurriedly flee for their lives.

Ivankov looked anxious and glanced back and forth:

"Whitebeard...Damn it—!!"

He gritted his teeth, pulled his legs out and ran...

Both Ace and Whitebeard are desperate.

There was nothing Ivankov could do.

He really can't save Ace from Tanya!

If I had known this, I would not have saved the straw hat boy.

It's really a loss for the lady and the soldiers...

Damn, damn, damn!

At the same moment, Tanya's face was icy cold, and the magic knife suddenly swung down, blood spattered!

The head rolled around, the flying squirrel's eyes twitched:

"You are too decisive..."

Even if Whitebeard and Ace are desperate.

But in Tanya's style.

Shouldn't continue torturing Ace.

To shake Whitebeard's mind?

Unexpectedly, Tanya sighed and looked at him with a helpless look:

"I said flying squirrel, you really don't understand.

Flying Squirrel: "???"

In his suspicious eyes.

With his thumb, Tanya pointed to the square in the distance.

During the time she threatened Whitebeard.

Kuina, Dauberman, Ghost Spider and other hawk generals.


With the sailors, they fled to the open area in the distance, took refuge and defended the warship...

They all knew that with Tanya's style, they would definitely kill Ace!

Whitebeard will definitely go wild by then.

In fact, this coercion time.

It was Tanya who deliberately bought them time to adjust their formation.

Otherwise, Ace will be rescued, the pirates will be like a rainbow, and Whitebeard will start to run wild... It will definitely be a disaster!

But Tanya dragged on.

Not only Whitebeard, but all the pirates were distracted.

The hawks also took advantage of the short time to lead the navy to adjust the formation...

When the formation is adjusted.

Tanya slaughtered Ace again, severely frustrating the psychology of the pirates!

To be honest, it was a waste of energy for the flying squirrel to come to help her.

Because Tanya is a procrastinator!

As for the runaway Whitebeard... I can only fight hard.

Who made Sengoku fail to watch Ace?

If it can take longer.

Tanya estimates that at least it can weaken Whitebeard to less than 70%...

Of course, Marine executives also did battle damage assessments.

That year the Golden Lion broke into Marineford.

Even if Sengoku and Garp joined forces, they destroyed half of the Naval Headquarters (by Wang Hao) before taking the other!

For the havoc that Whitebeard could do.

Inside Marine, he was already mentally prepared for the worst...

|| Then, the next picture is slightly inappropriate for children.

Tanya flicked the blood on the magic knife, and lightning splashed all over his body.

Then, she summoned a small piece of Thousand Blades and shot out suddenly!

On the windowsill of the tower in the distance, the phone worm watching the movie quietly was suddenly pierced through his head!

With a thud, it rolled down the tower...

Life throughout Marineford.

All are within the scope of Tanya's detective investigation.

Just didn't have time to deal with it.

But she didn't want Whitebeard to shout again "ONE-PIECE is real! 99

Pirates are just tools for Tanya to gain military merit.

But with her current strength.

In fact, there is no need to brush much military merit.

Just killing the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army is enough for her to level up again...

If there is another era of great pirates.

Will only add to Tanya's purge plan!

Immediately, Tanya's pupils were dyed gold, and her fair face had dragon-like scales...

Thunder Dragon Power, Liberate!
