079、Kizaru calls, Rayleigh goes all the way

After that, it is the aftermath of the war.

Shanks originally wanted to persuade him.

Now there are only corpses left.

He also took advantage of the situation and started the work of collecting corpses.

Not just Whitebeard, Ace.

There are also 14 squad leaders.

A group of captains under the Bai Tuan.

And the corpses of the Straw Hats... Shanks want them all!

He's going to give these people a decent funeral.

Don't waste your time on a trip.

Just do your best...

But this was met with fierce opposition from the hawk generals.

However, Sengoku, as a marshal, suppressed all dissent and took all responsibility!

Shanks said thanks.

He picked up Luffy's body and drove away with his men.

Marine, on the other hand, also began to do his best to rescue the wounded, and he was very busy...

Two hours later, the battlefield was basically cleared.

Corpses are difficult to deal with.

Marine just removed the body of his companion.

As for the pirates... let's hang it up for now, there is a serious shortage of people to carry coffins!

Suddenly, a battle broke out in a broken wall.

Moria put her hands on the ground, gasping for breath:

"Hu, hu... Black Crow, what do you mean?!"

He was covered in bruises and bruises, his throat was full of anger, and he screamed.

Around Moria, many pacifists surrounded him, like catching turtles in a urn!

Originally, Summit War ended.

Moria's harvest of corpses is quite good.

Like a garbage guy who has returned with a full load, he can't stop laughing.

Just as he was about to leave, Tanya stopped him, saying don't leave after school... Oh no, I have something to discuss with myself!

Moria didn't think too much, and agreed.

After all, it is an invitation from an idol.

Maybe Tanya will have good health, how about giving yourself good health?

Moria is still looking forward to it...

As a result, when he arrived at the agreed place, there was no one around.

It is not the girl's confession that is waiting for her.


A group of muscular men surrounded him, and all kinds of lasers shot him in the face!

This caused Moria to burst out with an exasperation of exodus.

As Tanya's solo pusher.

He felt it deeply.

The pain of being stabbed in the back by an idol...

Following Moria's resentful eyes.

Tanya sat on a broken wall with Erlang's legs crossed.

Her eyes, not on Moria, moved up and down.

The left hand of the girl in the military uniform grabbed a small stone.

Leisurely thrown into the air.

Immediately afterwards, several small stones fell.

She caught it firmly with the back of her hand.

Tanya repeats again and again.

On the back of the left hand, there are more and more small stones...

This is a game she used to play with her two brothers when she was a child.

They always lose more and win less.

Deliberately losing to myself, pretending not to know, praising my sister is really amazing...

Tanya was helpless and occasionally found them extremely boring.

But even that boring time.

It also makes people feel nostalgic.

Because all the people who would play this kind of boring child's play with her are gone...

Angry question to Moria.

Tanya said absently:

"Don't look at me like that, blame yourself.

You are no longer qualified for Shichibukai, so I was told to kill you. "5

There is no need for any Shichibukai that has been turned over.

Half a month ago, on the Dreadnought Dhow.

Moria was beaten by Straw Hat Crew, and the government has already moved to kill!

The government granted Shichibukai great powers.

But only use them as tools.

Now that the tool man fails, naturally it needs to be obliterated...

Honestly, Tanya isn't much interested in killing Moria.

Not to mention no military exploits.

She also wanted to clock in and get off work early.

However, after the task assigned above, Tanya did it smoothly.

As a soldier, she is very competent.

That's why you can be so young, take the position of Admiral, and win over various resources...

Moria gritted her teeth, her face twitching with more anger:

"Is it Sengoku's instructions?!!"

Throw it away after using it, what's the difference between a bastard Sengoku and a scumbag? Diao is ruthless!

"No, it's higher.

Tanya shook her head and pointed to the sky casually.

That is the orientation of the Holy Land Mariejois.

Why assign her.

It's because of the pirates that Tanya is looking at seriously.

No one can escape the chase...


Suddenly, dozens of small stones fell.

Tanya shook her left hand and stood up.

She stood up, her eyes became cold again, and she said:

"Okay, don't worry, like Doflamingo, you will be recorded as an honorable death, so be grateful.々.

For pirates, this should be the greatest honor...

Then, in the struggle of the fish dying and the net breaking.

Moria was shot to death by countless lasers!

On the other side, under the headquarters building.

Sengoku is sitting on a large rubble.

The building was destroyed and he couldn't go back to his office.

Can only be here, waiting for the news of Impel down.

Suddenly, a Captain with a shiny forehead ran over quickly.

"Marshal Sengoku! Kizaru Admiral is calling! 99

Brannew ran up to Sengoku and stood at attention, gasping for breath.

"Come on? Give me the phone bug."

Sengoku frowned and gestured.

"Ah, yes! 35

Brannew hastily presents the phone bug.

"Hey, Kizaru."

Sengoku grabbed it and shouted in a deep voice.

Soon, the expression of the phone bug became wretched:

"Oh, Marshal Sengoku, here I am!

Listening to his voice, he was still able to handle it with ease, obviously in good condition.

Sengoku asked:

"Why was there no news from you just now?"

Since Kizaru is not bad.

Why didn't you get in touch just now?

Sengoku says: He's curious! (Death stare face)

"Ah, well, I confused black phone bugs with regular phone bugs

Kizaru hesitated, then squinted and smiled, sloppy eyes.

His confusion is an old problem.

Just wanted to make a report.

But I shouted at the black phone bug for a long time... fortunately no one saw it!


Sengoku was silent for a few seconds, his face twitching slightly.

In the end, he held his forehead and asked helplessly:

"Let me start from the beginning, what happened on your side!

Why did Luffy and his party escape successfully?

And come to Summit War?

And what about the Pluton Rayleigh people!?

This was handled by Kizaru, and he had to explain it!

Kizaru said slowly:

"Well, it's really a long story..."

Sengoku interrupts:

"Give me a long story!""

This time it was Kizaru's turn to be speechless.

Sengoku-san, have you also learned the black crow's scornful retribution?

Helpless, he can only be concise, and tell Sengoku the matter...

When Kizaru arrives at Impel down.

In fact, the escape team has already broken into the gate.

He did not neglect, and immediately launched the eight-foot Joan Tomoe bombing.

However, Rayleigh hits Hormon and rushes up to kill him!

Naturally, Kizaru didn't dare to fight the old man.

He wanted to live a few more years.

Enjoy your old age when you retire!

Even if you don't die, leaving some sequelae will be blood loss!

So we fought and retreated, and let the prison escape team enter the Uzumaki current...

Come to think of it, as long as the Naval Headquarters doesn't open, it's not a problem!

Afterwards, Kizaru fought Rayleigh for more than an hour, and a sword Amakusa clouded him into the Calm Belt.

Kizaru didn't have time to confirm whether the old man was dead or alive.

Just ran to Impel down to clean up the rebellion and confirm the situation at the same time...

It was also at this time that Kizaru had finished everything.

Only with the help of Domino.

Connect with Naval Headquarters on...

Speaking of which, Sengoku was a little anxious:

"What's going on with Impel down now?!"

When the Golden Lion escaped from prison that year, it had already stained Marine.

Today, Straw Hat Crew is making such a big deal.

I hope you don't lose too much.

Otherwise, the benefits of Summit War will have to be offset a lot...

Kizaru sighed:

"It's not optimistic, especially the sixth floor, it's just... appalling!"

At the moment, he is in Eternal Hell.

in a dark prison.

Kizaru, who is three meters tall in a yellow and white striped suit, looks particularly eye-catching.

The surrounding cells were full of felons with heavy casualties.

These are trash fish, left over by Blackbeard!

Although in Eternal Hell, it is said that they are all legendary criminals.

But there are strong and weak...

In the original book, Hancock visits Ace, surrounded by a group of trashy fish with sperm on their brains.

Luffy broke into the sixth floor, surrounded by dragon faces...

If it's all Kid, Luo, Luffy's supernova-level power.

Then Blackbeard didn't have to, let the prisoners kill themselves.

Then select the most elite group.

Wouldn't it be better to take them all out?

Of course, even if it is weak, it is also weak in the Lv.6 standard!

Some of these people are old.

Some commit crimes with their brains.

Some were tortured to the point of being unable to take care of themselves...

Hearing this, Sengoku couldn't calm down and asked in a deep voice:

"In other words, he selected the most elite personnel from the most vicious criminals in the world and took them all away?! 35

You know, even one of these people escaped.

fled to a country.

will bring great danger to the local...

And so many ferocious prisoners gathered together, definitely have the level of the Four Emperors regiment!

"Yes, the phone bug is displayed like this, and some prisoners took the opportunity to escape..."

Kizaru pouted, and his tone was rather helpless.

There were naturally many who were willing to submit to Blackbeard's command.

For example: San Juan Bad Wolf, Caterina Devin, Abaro Pizarro, Basque Choate...

All from the video call bug, confirmed to be gone with Blackbeard!

But the most powerful criminals in Lv.6.

There are also many missing.

These people are the real horror!

According to Impel down here, preliminary collated information.

Blackbeard took a warship with him.

The escape team also took one.

But there are still two, I don't know where to go...

Sengoku's brows tightened and he gritted his teeth:

"I see... Brannew, you are responsible for confirming with Impel down.

He felt a headache and sighed:

"Make a list first, then immediately issue a wanted notice to the world!

These criminals must not be ignored.

First issue a wanted notice, wait for Marine to recover, and then consider the pursuit...

"Ah, this... The government has just ordered us to conceal what happened in Lv.6, otherwise..."

Brannew swallowed and said with difficulty:

"Otherwise it will affect the government's credit!99

Suddenly, Sengoku widened his eyes and gradually clenched his fists.

His face twitched and he shouted angrily:

"What a joke!!

For the credit of the government, should the life and death of the civilians be ignored?!

Meanwhile, news of Marine's big win.

It began to spread to the whole world through various channels.

More than half destroyed due to Marineford.

In addition to the wounded being treated locally.

Some officers and sailors went to Sabaody land one after another.

Report safety to the family members, as well as rest the team and accommodation…

And when Marine arrived at Sabaody land.

What awaits them is a grand welcome and celebration!

""||Welcome, big heroes!"

"I heard, you Marines wiped out the Whitebeard Pirates... That's amazing!"

"Is my husband all right... Is his left arm injured? It's good to live, it's good to live..."

"Our shop is a big deal! As long as Marine comes, provides a non-commissioned officer certificate, half the meal fee, and free drinks!

"Tonight, everyone won't go home if you don't get drunk!!


The whole Sabaody place is filled with a festive atmosphere.

Even the Marines shirk.

There will be work in the next few days.

He couldn't help the enthusiasm of the people, and he was half-pushed and half-pulled to celebrate.

When the sun went down, dozens of islands turned into a city that never sleeps. Celebrate to the fullest!

Reporters are also running around the city, asking for information...

Everyone is enjoying the joy of victory.

The world where only pirates get hurt is complete!

The night, like water, goes by...

Cheers Sabaody Archipelago.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that it gradually fell silent.

But there are also restaurants, restaurants, that celebrate all night long...

No one noticed, it was past four in the morning.

A wet old man.

In the dark night, quietly climbed up the island.

He staggered, his decadent figure swaying, walking through the dark corners of Sabaody.

In the end, I found a bar that was rarely visited.

Shakky's ripping off BAR!

dong dong!

"Xia Qi, open the door, Xia Qi!"

The old man's voice was accompanied by a knock on the door.

In the dark island, echoing...

Soon the lights were turned on in the house.

A woman stepped on her slippers, strolled over, and opened the door.

See the moment of the person in front of you.

Xia Qi was stunned:

"Rayleigh...you escaped from Impel down? 39

The news on her side is still very well-informed.

When heard Straw Hat Crew was caught.

Shaqi found out that Rayleigh was also missing, and that Island 12 was half-destroyed.

Then there is a high probability that Rayleigh has also been caught...

Shaqi was not too sentimental.

After all, they are all pirates, and they have already made up their minds!

Only, when Luffy's gang escaped.

She guessed, did Rayleigh escape?

So, seeing him now is not too surprising...

At the moment Rayleigh, the breath is very weak.

His clothes were dirty and covered in blood, and it looked a bit oozing!

"Well, just got back from swimming in the Calm Belt, any wine? 99

Rayleigh nodded, asked weakly.

Hearing this, Xia Qi pouted:

"Tsk, really, why are you thinking about drinking?!"

She was impatient, took out a box of matches and cigarettes, and lit one for herself.

After all, he was so badly injured.

Can't this guy care about his body first?

However, Rayleigh just repeated:

"Is there any wine?"

Xia Qi pursed his mouth, closed his eyes, and let out a long puff of smoke:

"Hoo, come in, this is for you! 99

I really can't handle this alcoholic...

Then, Rayleigh followed Shaqi in.

The old man sat on the sofa by the door.

The proprietress went to the back kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets

"Shaqi, what about the wine?

Rayleigh's urging voice came from outside.

"Come on, why are you in such a hurry?

Finally, Shaqi pulled out Rayleigh's iron jug from the refrigerator and strode out.

"Give! 99

She grabbed the cigarette in her mouth with one hand and handed over the bottle with the other.

However, Rayleigh did not raise his hand to receive it, nor did he answer.

He just sat on the sofa like that.

The wet head drooped.

His hands rested weakly on his thighs and remained silent.

Like a lonely old man sitting on the Iron Throne, silent...

Xia Qi was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

Her face softened.

Leaning over and pulling Rayleigh's palm, he stuffed the cold iron jug into the old man's hand.

Shaqi said softly:


He was forcibly cured by Luo.

He was injected with an overdose of anti-stimulant hormones, and fought with Kizaru.

After swimming back from the Calm Belt, Rayleigh had already run out of fuel and dried up...

The wind blew through the window, picking up soap bubbles.

Blowing into the sky, shattering one by one.

Darkness before dawn, Pluton departs silently... hungry...