080. Aunt Tea Party, Kaido licks the bag in tears

Early next morning, Sabaody Archipelago.

The waves kept crashing on the shore.

A gentle sea breeze blows over a high-end hotel.

The curtains danced lightly, and Tanya on the big white bed slowly opened her blue eyes.

Last night, she and her subordinates came to Sabaody's place to stay overnight.

A sumptuous banquet, a beautiful hot bath, a warm big bed…

This is the best consolation after the war!

purr, purr, purr...

Suddenly, on the bedside table.

The military phone bug rang.

Tanya frowns slightly, is she coming to work again?

She stood up, rolled over and got out of bed.

Rubbing his blond hair.

Lazily grabbed the phone - phone bug, connected.

"Hey, this is the Admiral Black Crow-, what are you doing?"

In an instant, the phone bug becomes charming and amorous:

"Oh hey, little Tanya, did you sleep well last night~? 35

This is a very seductive elegant voice.

Burn people like a fox!

Tanya's face sank, and he gritted his teeth and pouted:

"Tsk, a beautiful day is over..."

Call yourself, not someone else.

Exactly one of Queen of the Pleasure District, Stussy, CPO!

The phone bug cried aggrievedly:

"Hey, it's too much, it's rare that the Lun family-da called you earlier, your attitude is really hurtful~"

Tanya scoffed:

"What nonsense, it's morning in your time zone!"

New World side, with Sabaody Archipelago.

But it's a few time zones away.

Stussy is about to have lunch now...

"Kelun's family just likes you, so they made the call at the right time~"

Tanya held her forehead and her eyes were cold:

"To be worried about by a mother like you all day long, I am really disgusted.

Pick a good day to bury you. What do you think about the beautiful burial? 99

No woman would be happy to be liked by a prostitute.

Unless it's a natural XX! (harmonious)

"Woooo, little Tanya is too much..."

After some wrangling.

Tanya sternly said:

"Okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you, why are you looking for me?"

New World side, a beautiful beach, sunny.

Large villa, with a parasol on the balcony on the second floor.

Stussy crossed Erlang's legs.

Sitting gracefully at a white round table.

Her soft right hand, holding her chin, smiled charmingly:

"Nothing. Yesterday's Summit War, you were in the limelight."5

Stussy grabbed a newspaper in his left hand.

That small cherry mouth, drinking orange juice from a straw, said inarticulately:

"Today, Morgans World Economic News, the whole newspaper is praising you, hehe~~"

The Summit War is over and the world is buzzing about Marine's victory!

And as Tanya who contributed the most.

Nature is widely reported...

Presumably in a few days, this young/female Admiral will be known to all!

"That bastard... Got it, I'll thank him later."5

Stussy showed her teeth slightly and smiled charmingly:

"Hehe, your tone doesn't sound like thank you at all~"

After that, the two chatted, one or not.

Occasionally exchange some secret/secret information.

After the chat was almost over, Stussy said leisurely:

"By the way, in a week's time, there will be a wedding at BIG·MOM's tea party."5


"Well, they're going to marry the Vinsmoke family.

"Is that so... get me an invitation. 35

Tanya pondered for a moment, then made a request.

"...you, you don't want to make trouble, do you?

After a moment of silence, Stussy said with a half-smile.

Marine Admiral coming to Four Emperors wedding?

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the weasel is greeting the hyena...

"How come, do I seem to be such an incomprehensible person?"

"Hehe, this is really not convincing..."

"Can it be done?"

Stussy pursed a charming smile:

"Yes, yes, but is there any reward?"

She squeezed the straw with her right hand, stirred the ice cubes and orange juice in the glass, and looked at the phone bug with interest.

"It will satisfy you. 39

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to it, that's it?"

With a snap, Tanya has hung up the phone.

At this time, the pure white bed.

Kuina, who was wearing white pajamas, stood up.

"Did anyone call you?"

She rubbed the tears at the corners of her eyes, feeling a little tired, like a beauty sleeping in a bed with infinite style.

Because yesterday afternoon, Tanya killed Zoro in person.

So, Kuina cried.

Not that Zoro is anything special.

It is a kind of sadness that the childhood photo frame is broken and can no longer be recovered.

Although it is called white Shinigami, in Kuina's heart, there is still a kind of innocence of a girl.

After all, nothing like Tanya's.

Her childhood was still beautiful.

However, Zoro escaped the prison and released the prisoner, and was beheaded by Tanya.

Kuina's childhood is no longer complete...

She is sensible and will not hate her master.

Just sentimental about the cruelty of fate.

Without Bellmaber.

Nor Luffy.

Zoro won't become a pirate either...

To this end, Tanya also comforted her.

Then comfort and comfort, and comfort on the bed...

Of course, there is no 404 plot.

Can anything impure happen between two pure lilies?

Tanya put the phone bug back on the bedside table and said casually:

"Nothing, a bitch...take a day off?

She turned her head to look at Kuina.

for this apprentice.

Tanya is still more concerned.

If you're not feeling well, take a break...

Hearing this, Kuina shook her head and smiled faintly:

"I'm fine.

She is a very strong woman.

Truly heartbroken.

But it's almost enough to cry.

If you keep entangled, it is hypocritical!


A look of relief flashed in Tanya's eyes.

After last night, this apprentice has grown up...

At the same time, Wanokuni.

On the haunted island of ghosts, Kaido is going crazy:

"Is Dover actually dead? Too weak... It's all because of him, he has no power!"9

He wept bitterly and desperately poured himself liquor.

Kaido's rough, big hands were holding a copy of this morning's newspaper.

It was recorded that Doflamingo was killed by Whitebeard...

This is the fate of the weak.

Even a bad old man who was intubated could kill him!

"Ton ton ton... hoo! There's no wine, bring me some wine! 39

Kaido let out a long breath, then slammed down the jar and roared.

Below, all the subordinates suddenly panicked.

"Yes! Kaido-sama, please wait a moment!"

Several sturdy pirates ran away in fright and went to the warehouse to carry the wine jar.

Back to Wanokuni this morning.

Kaido's mood is uncertain!

They really don't dare, at this time, to anger each other's bad luck...

In the hall, other cadres also fell silent.

Only Quinn of the three plagues dared to ask:

"Lord Kaido, JOKER is dead, what should we do with his business?"

He was bloated and fat, and he was smoking a cigar with a wretched face.

Recently, Kaido has started to purchase smile fruit with Doflamingo.

At this time JOKER died.

It will undoubtedly affect the "Zoan Legion" plan of the boss!

Hearing this, Kaido burped:

"Hiccup~ Pie, send the little sheep over and take his territory for me!

He shouted drunkenly, waved his hand, and shouted orders.

Now that Doflamingo is dead, he can only lick his bag in tears!

Below, a group of pirates froze:

"Little, little sheep...?!

Although they are Beasts Pirates.

But no one calls it Little Sheep!

It seems that this time, Kaido-sama is not too drunk...

"Oh no, you can't send the little sheep there, it'll get dirty! Just send...'

Kaido suddenly came back to his senses, and with a dazed look, he swept around.

Finally, he pointed to a burly man and shouted:

"You! Yes, it's up to you, Jack! There you go!"

Jack the Drill was stunned:

"I...I see, Kaido-sama!"

He was stunned for a moment, then nodded earnestly and led the way.

Since it was an order from Kaido-sama.

Then whether he is drunk or not, he has to do it himself, and he has to do it beautifully!

Wait until Jack leaves soon.

Several pirates brought a jar of liquor.

Kaido took off the paper seal and took a gulp!

At this time, Yan Zhanjin crossed his chest with both hands and said solemnly:

"Speaking of which, the Redhead wanted to go to Marineford for a truce yesterday, but Marine gave him no face at all!"

... ask for flowers ...

Afterwards, he told everyone about the information he had received from his subordinates.

Since the red hair was promoted to the Four Emperors.

Expanding its territory year after year.

He mediates disputes everywhere.

Just like a peacemaker in the sea...

But yesterday, Shanks went to Naval Headquarters to hunt for people.

I ate a closed door and did not say anything.

He was also beaten up by Tanya!

The point is, Shanks hasn't dared to fight yet.

Otherwise, it runs counter to his original intention of the truce!

"Ton t t t... Interesting! Is that stinky bastard deflated? Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Kaido drank and drank, and gradually began to laugh, his smile wild and immoral.

Yesterday he wanted to take advantage of Whitebeard to fight Marine.

Go grab the dead old man's turf.

As a result, he was stopped by the red hair...

The reason why Kaido went home, went back to Wanokuni.

It wasn't Shanks who unleashed the face fruit.

It was that kid who took the information about the big secret treasure and exchanged it with himself!

Of course, even so, Kaido still holds a grudge...

I can hear the red hair being deflated, and I am naturally relieved!

The same news also spread to the Totto Land kingdom.

A towering cake castle.

BIG·MOM ate all kinds of desserts and said inarticulately:

"That stinky boy also has today? Mama Mama..."

The fat old man with heavy makeup, squinting and laughing, was very happy.

It's been a lot of fun lately!

Not only with the Vinsmoke family, but also negotiated marriage matters.

The Whitebeard Pirates were also wiped out.

You can also steal some of the opponent's territory...

Not to mention, The fish men island's dim sum, she has been coveting for a long time!

"Hehe, yes, that kid should also understand that not everyone in this world will sell his face!"5

The eldest son, Perospero, shook his candy cane and smiled proudly.

Shanks was a decade younger than him.

Four years ago, he was named the Four Emperors.

No doubt Perrospero was very jealous!

If my mother died, I would be able to become the new Four Emperors...

If my mother doesn't die, he will be a prince for a day!

BIG·MOM sneered:

"Hmph, is that kid back in New World now?"

Compared with them, the old pirates who have been in the sea for decades.

Shanks' qualifications, after all, are too tender.

Therefore, neither Kaido nor Auntie think highly of him, the new Four Emperors!

Perospero shook his head:

"Not yet, heard the redhead left Marineford shortly.

Just collided with the Blackbeard Pirates, and a big battle broke out! 99

Hearing this, BIG·MOM frowned:

"Blackbeard? Why did that guy have a conflict with the redhead?

Remember that kid, broke the rules on the Whitebeard ship.

Later, he went to be Shichibukai and sparked the Summit War...

It can be said that the fuse of this war.

Besides Ace, Blackbeard is also to blame!

Could it be that the redhead wants to avenge the Whitebeard Pirates?

"I don't know for now, but I heard that Blackbeard stole Whitebeard's body.""

Speaking of which, Perospero swallowed:

"Then...he activates Shock Fruit's ability! 35

Suddenly, BIG·MOM's eyes sharpened.


Her eyes narrowed at a dangerous angle, she leaned over to look at her eldest son, and asked coldly:

"Are you kidding me, how can one person have the power of two Devil Fruits? 99

Death stared at by my mother.

Perospero was a little frightened:

"I can't believe it, maybe the information is wrong...

If Blackbeard makes it back to the New World alive, maybe he can figure it out!

BIG·MOM snorted:

"Hmph, it must be a lie!"

Suddenly, a chess soldier ran in from outside the castle and said out of breath:

"Report Mom, the Vinsmoke family is here!

Suddenly, BIG·MOM smiled:

"Mama Mama... It's finally here, let's go out with me to meet you!

After all, it is the future in-law's family, and she is still very enthusiastic.

As long as it can marry the Vinsmoke family.

Get the science and technology of Germa by yourself!

As long as that mountain is governed, marry her own Charlotte Qifeng, Mama Mama...