Chapter 36

A blindfold was over my eyes when I woke next, my entire body pulsating with pain from almost five whole days of continuous physical activity. I couldn't cry out because my throat was raw and ragged from having not eaten or drunk a thing the entire time. Something cold was around my wrists, and the air smelled of freshly cleaned laundry.

I feel so weak, even more so than when I was human.

A delicious scent suddenly filled the air, and my face tingled as my eyes undoubtedly began to glow beneath my blindfold. It's blood. Confirming my suspicion, something warm met my lips, and when I realized it was someone's bleeding wrist, I hungrily sunk my teeth in and drank, incapable of forming a coherent thought in my bloodlust. Slowly, the aches and pains throughout my body faded, like I was brought back to life.

Whoever was feeding me tore their limb away much sooner than I would hope, earning a feral-sounding growl from me. I tugged against whatever was cuffing my wrists to no avail. On instinct, I tore away at the blindfold with my power to see my surroundings.

It was a bedroom. My hands were cuffed together, a chain leading from them to a large bed, so I had the potential of moving around a little bit, but not much. What took priority over that was that Hidan knelt in front of where I was laying on the bed with his mouth to his wrist to close the bite wound that'd fed me. Behind him stood the king of Amegakure: Yahiko.

Rage thumped against my ribcage with my heartbeat as I sat up, the thick chain rattling with the movement.

"I'd prefer to work together as allies, but I'm sure you realize by now that you don't have a choice in the matter," the king's voice was as cold and cutting as I remembered.

I snapped at him, "And I'd prefer it if your head were no longer connected to your neck, but here we are."

Suddenly, I was moving to stand beside the bed, Hidan rising to his feet and stepping away so he'd be out of reach. Yahiko was controlling my body. When I realized it, I steeled my limbs. The pain that shot through my spine was akin to that of disobeying a powerful vampire's orders, but it wasn't enough to make me fold.

An orange brow lifted inquisitively, "You can still resist in your state? I'm impressed, I admit."

He gestured at Hidan, and the silver-haired man's eyes began glowing brightly. Panicking, I used my abilities to slash across my own eyes. No one can glow me if I can't meet their gaze.

One of the vampires sighed, sounding mildly inconvenienced more than anything, "We'll just have to weaken you until you're controllable. Keep an eye on her in the meantime, Hidan."

Someone, likely Yahiko, left the room and closed the door behind them.

Then, I was proved correct because Hidan's confident voice met my ears, "This'll be fun, don't you think? Just the two of us and a bed. The possibilities are endless."

I hissed, blindly finding my way to the edge of the bed and sitting, "Try it and see what happens."

Him not so subtly threatening to take advantage of my body wasn't a surprise. In fact, I'd be stunned if he didn't. What I'm not sure about is if he'll actually go through with it. If he weren't my master, I'd venture to guess he wouldn't think twice, but that's not the case. Hurting me won't be psychologically easy for either party.

I sensed movement and held my breath, ready to defend myself. When Hidan spoke again, he was right in front of me, "If you'd quit being so damn stubborn, you'll save yourself from torture." A negative sound left my chest, making him chuckle, "At least you make it fucking fun."

My eyes were healing, albeit slowly, because of the little amount of food, water, and blood I'd had in the past week. Gingerly, I reached out until I felt Hidan grab onto my hands, "Did anyone get hurt?" I was, of course, referring to what'd happened in the desert before he ordered me to run away.

My hands were pressed back against the mattress in a snap, and I sensed him hovering over me. I thought he'd say something to tease me, but he sounded angry instead, "I'm not your friend, and I won't blindly serve you like your lovers."

Hidan moved to straddle my hips, and I was scared, but I didn't feel he would force himself on me, so I didn't waste my energy trying to push him away, "I know. I just want to know they're okay."

There was a long pause before he responded, "I'll answer your question if you answer mine. Who were you meeting in Kakurega?"

My breath hitched, but only because I was relieved. Though they sent me away, I still care for Tsunade, Jiraiya, and the others. The fact that Amegakure wasn't aware of Tsunade's lineage or existence took a tiny bit of weight from my shoulders.

The man seemed to realize I wouldn't answer, and the aura around him became more threatening. I finally sensed bad intentions and began struggling when he moved a muscle.

If I didn't know it'd hurt me, too, I'd use my powers to harm him. Sure, it'd make him stop for now, but I might not survive if I lose too much more blood. Until there's no other choice, I don't want to resort to allowing myself to be killed. Nagato will revive me, but it'll undoubtedly be a traumatic experience.

I struggled to fight off Hidan and ended up losing, gasping for air and exhausted as he lifted my shirt so he could see my bra.

"I'll make it feel good if you don't fight."

Brow furrowing, I opened my mouth to insult him, only for a surprised sound to come out when he suddenly moved lower to sink his teeth into my lower abdomen, above my hip bone.

My limbs shook with fright as I was reminded of what Kabuto had done, but I tried to hide it by beginning to fight him again.

A moment passed before Hidan pulled back, licking the wound closed before laughing knowingly, "And here I thought you'd be fuckin' vanilla. You like this kinda thing, don't you?"

I successfully landed a kick against his stomach. He was shoved off me, "Not when you do it. Don't touch me again or-" "Or what? You'll kill me? News flash, baby. You can't."

The only sound in the room for a long time was my heavy breathing, but Hidan eventually threatened me, "We both know I'm capable of taking you with little effort. Now, repay me for not, and open your damn eyes."

"Fuck you."

A hand wrapped around my throat, and I panickedly opened my eyes to see Hidan's angry face. His eyes were red, "You're just a slut the Uchihas like to use. A low-class whore. That's why Sasuke hasn't married you. He never will. I bet they're happy to be rid of you. They probably won't even try to save you."

For some reason, his words immensely hurt. It must've read on my face because his grip loosened so I could breathe. Tearing up, I searched his eyes in disbelief. Hidan stared back as though there were words on my face for him to read.

Then, for the first time, I felt it, the emotional tug of the bond. I wasn't tempted to have sex with him, but my entire being was encouraged to be vulnerable. Is he feeling it, too? He has to be, or else he wouldn't be looking at me like that.

My tears overflowed, and my voice cracked when I spoke, "Hidan…."

"Don't fucking leave this room, or I really will do it." It was an order. Slowly, he rose to stand, broke the cuffs around my wrists, and angrily left.


I was left alone for two days without a single person coming to bring me a change of clothes, food, or blood. No one even visited to make sure I hadn't committed suicide. Hidan would be able to tell, but I digress. At least I had a bathroom with a shower, meaning I wasn't also dirty and dehydrated.

By the end of day one, I couldn't muster the energy to move around anymore. It'd been over ten days since I was fed solid food, and the only blood I'd had in that long was the couple mouthfuls Hidan gave me when I first woke up. I cried for most of the first day, mind reeling with panic and terror, and I prayed that this was a bad dream that Sasuke would wake me from any minute.

It wasn't.

At some point on what I thought was day three, I was awakened by the smell of blood. Sleeping in the bed felt like giving in since they wanted me to do that, so I'd curled up with a thick blanket in the bathtub. My eyes crept open, and I groaned when they locked onto Deidara's. It smelt delicious, his blood. It took all of my little strength not to immediately bite down into his skin.

"Drink. You're starving."

Tears welled in my eyes as I weakly gripped his wrist before he could press it to my lips, "I'm so sorry."

The blonde man peeled my fingers away, and I sank my teeth in when he pressed it to my mouth. The extraordinary taste brought my body to life almost instantly, and I found myself tightly gripping his arm as I whined and sobbed and tried not to lose control of my bloodlust.

"How can you apologize when you're here because of me, hm?" I deduced that he wasn't supposed to be here by his whispered tone and shifty eyes.

After another couple of mouthfuls of his delicious blood, I shoved his arm away and gasped for breath, struggling to control myself. I really wanted to tackle him to the ground and drain him.

"I promised to protect you, and I didn't."

Deidara licked the bite on his wrist closed before allowing me to hold his hand, tears in his pretty blue eyes, "You don't understand. I went with Sasuke because I wanted to, not because they made me. I should be the one apologizing."

My fingers fell slack around his hand, but his tightened as I searched his face and tried to comprehend his words. They didn't take him hostage? I ran out into the desert like a crazy woman, ready to wreak havoc on my allies because I believed them to have committed an awful crime when, in reality, they'd been acting with honor and humility all along.

The first response was to get angry at Deidara for letting me think badly of my loved ones for so long, but as I stared at the guilt in his watery eyes, the rage sank into pity. He did it because he couldn't overcome the trauma he's been dealt. He did it because he was scared.

"Stop it. Don't forgive me, Sakura. I can see it on your face. All of this is my fault!"

I shook my head, tears falling into my hair as I squeezed my eyes closed, "But you're here feeding me when you could get punished, so I have to believe there's good in you."

Deidara helped me sit up, "I'll never be able to make up for what I've done, but I can try to get a message to the Uchihas. Is there something you want me to tell them?"

Wiping at my tears, I sighed, giving the blonde man a defeated look, "Ask them not to hate me if something bad happens, and tell them I'm sorry. Tell them not to come here no matter what. I'll find a way to win without putting anyone else in danger."

Deidara's tears overflowed, too, and he gently pressed his forehead to mine, a hand on the back of my head to hold me there as we shared a moment of silence to revel in our doom. He had to leave, though, because the longer he spent with me, the more likely it became that we'd be caught.

"I'll come back when they reply. Just…. Do what you can to survive, Sakura. I'm sorry." He didn't wait for my response before leaving, and then I was alone again.

Within an hour of his departure, I realized his blood might've been a curse rather than a blessing because it left me wide awake so I could lay there and feel my stomach caving in on itself with hunger. Maybe I should've just let myself die. They'll just bring me back to life anyway.

When I next awoke, Yahiko was standing over me. With every ounce of my being, I made myself remain still went I felt him compel me to move. His jaw flexed, and after a minute, he wordlessly left the room.


That same evening, after Yahiko's visit, Hidan finally reappeared in the middle of the night, scaring me awake by loudly entering the room before showing up in the bathroom doorway a moment later.

Having returned to my exhausted state, I weakly glared at him, curling into a smaller ball with my blanket, "Go away."

He ignored my statement and crossed the room to pull me up and toss me over his shoulder, my weak attempts at fighting not phasing him. A moment later, my back hit the mattress, and a panicked sound left my lips when he climbed under the covers with me, "N-No, don't!"

To my surprise, he glared with red eyes, glowing me, "Behave while I'm asleep. I'll feed you in the morning." Even in my weakened state, I could tell he was exhausted and barely keeping himself awake.

I clamped my lips shut, too stunned to fight him when he lay half on top of me, his face buried in my chest and one of his arms wrapping around my waist to keep me still. Bile rose in my throat because I didn't want him anywhere near me, but I couldn't shove him away because of his orders. Wide-eyed, I stared at the ceiling as I felt Hidan's breathing steadily even out until I was sure he'd fallen asleep.

What's going on here? First of all, what happened that caused him to need sleep? Secondly, why did he bring me to the bed if he didn't intend to have sex? He could've left me in the bathroom.

Hesitantly, my arm bent so I could feel his hair and confirm my suspicion that it was wet. Obviously, the silver-haired vampire just got done bathing. Some sort of battle must've occurred. The only reason I didn't start freaking out was that I'd be able to tell if Sasuke or Madara were killed. Hidan may tell me about it tomorrow if I'm lucky.

With that hopeful thought, I allowed myself to fall asleep again.


A sigh passed my lips when I awoke to the feeling of someone cuddling closely to my lower body. Their arms were around my hips, face against my stomach, and legs bent slightly so my feet were in their lap. I curled into their embrace, fingers running into their hair and a hand laying on their shoulder.

Sasuke hasn't cuddled me like this in weeks because his uncle has constantly been around, but it felt like ages. I wonder what's gotten into him.

He slightly tightened his arms further around me, pulling me closer still. I sighed again, love and warmth filling my chest as I returned the favor. I live for quiet mornings like these. It's when he really lets himself be vulnerable.

Suddenly, the body between my arms disappeared, and I gasped as my eyes shot open to see Hidan glaring down at me suspiciously. That's when my world came crashing down, and I remembered where I was and who'd captured me. I'd just been cuddling so intimately with a monster. With a bright red face, I fumbled to cover myself with the blanket, groaning in disgust as I buried my face in the pillow.

Surprising me further, Hidan left without another word, reappearing half an hour later with a tray of food and a silk robe for me to change into. Then he left again. I stared at the door after he closed it, entirely confused.

I've been here for over a week, and they haven't done anything significant other than starve me. What kind of game are they playing? Yahiko said they were going to keep doing it until I was weak enough to control, but now I'm being fed. I gingerly rose to change into the robe and nibbled on some of the food I was given, not wanting to make myself sick.


I shouldn't have questioned their tactics because that very same evening, things changed. I was glowed to be obedient by Hidan before being led out of my room, which was when I realized it was on the same floor as the guest bedroom I'd stayed in when I was still human.

He took me upstairs and into Yahiko's office, where he and the queen were waiting. The king immediately tried to control my body and would've succeeded easily if I hadn't been expecting it. Electric agony flashed through my veins, and I gritted my teeth to stop myself from making a sound.

In my blood-starved state, I couldn't hurt them, but I could resist until I figured out what to do.

"We've refrained from the usual torture at the request of your master and my wife, but if you continue to defy me, I'll be left with no choice."

Shocked, I released my resistance, and he made my body stand before his desk; Hidan went to stand beside his leader. I thought Yahiko would continue speaking but was surprised when Konan stole the room's attention instead, "Sakura, my dear friend. Please agree to join us. It pains me to see you looking so thin and pale."

My eyes immediately lit with rage, "I'm not your friend, and I'm sure as hell not defecting just because you asked nicely."

Her pretty orange eyes narrowed, but the expression was sad rather than angry, her tone matching, "Now is the time to help yourself. The things that'll be done to you if you don't are-" "I'm not buying this innocent act, so cut it out."

I turned to her husband, whose gaze hardened, "Let me clarify before we do anything else. I'm never going to stop fighting you, not until you're dead and stay dead."

Rather than argue, the king nodded calmly as his glare sank away, "Very well." He turned his odd-colored eyes onto Hidan, who glanced at me before realizing what his king meant. "Prove your loyalty once more."

Since it'd be futile, I didn't bother trying to talk Hidan into helping me as he dragged me into the dungeon. Instead, I simply stared at his face as he clasped the shackles around my ankles and wrists in the cell furthest from the stairs.

My disgust in him boiled over as he shut the door and began locking it, "Why're you so quiet? Normally you're spouting off all kinds of bullshit by now."

Pinkish eyes locked onto mine, and he growled, "I advise you to shut your fucking mouth."

I spit in his direction, "No. If it bothers you, I'll talk until my throat bleeds."

In a blink, the cell door opened again, and Hidan shoved me roughly against the stone back wall, my chains rattling loudly. We glared at one another for a long time before he suddenly bent to sink his teeth into my neck. Gasping, I tried to lift my hands to shove him away, but the chains wouldn't let me move them high enough.

The point of me getting dizzy came, and I hissed, "S-Stop, Hidan…." The vampire just bit down harder and drained me more quickly.

My body betrayed me for the millionth time since my arrival in Amegakure, and I began crying. Where did I get the audacity to feel hurt that Hidan, of all people, was doing this to me? He's evil, a demon from hell. My dizziness became deliria, and I felt my lips move as I said something, but I couldn't recall my words as they left my mouth.

Whatever it was, it worked because the teeth in my neck disappeared, and Hidan straightened his spine to fix me with an enraged stare, eyes bright with vampirism, "Call for them all you want: they're not going to save you. I'm your master now."

I must've said Sasuke or Madara's name. For some reason, that seemed to really piss him off.

Laughing dryly, I closed my eyes and tried not to faint, "Funny. You don't act like any master I've met before." At this point, the only reason I wasn't on the ground was him pressing against me.

"What do you expect me to do, Sakura?" I could barely open my eyes to see his face, but I was surprised to hear him call me by name. Hidan lowered his voice to a hiss, "Fucking give up so I don't have to torture you."

I allowed my forehead to rest against his, seeming to take him off guard, "If it bothers you so much, then let's go. We can leave together." It was futile, but I had to try. A surprised sound got caught in my throat when he suddenly kissed me. He pulled away so quickly that I couldn't react.

My stomach churned with disgust, "...Hidan?"

Rather than respond, he simply stepped back and allowed me to fall to the ground. I was unconscious before I could land.