Chapter 51

The overwhelming pain in my body had let up only slightly, but it was enough for me to get upright with a hand on a boulder I'd landed near. My limbs shook as I took an unsteady step, looking around. 

Where do I go? 

What do I do? 

All I can think about is finding a safe place to deliver this baby, but I'm not sure I can make it more than a few meters on my own as I am now. 

Sweat and tears dripped from my face as I saw blood running down my legs, staining my dress, and darkening the stones on the ground. In my frantic glancing around, I lay eyes on a tiny cave so small that I could see its back wall from afar. It wasn't much, but it'd have to do if I could even get there. 

So, I breathed deeply in my nose and out my mouth. One step after another, I shakily approached the natural shelter. Once within a yard of the cave's entrance, that unbearable sensation returned and took me to my knees with a cry. 

Blood dripped to the ground as I stared, wide-eyed at it, unable to comprehend how the body could feel such awful things. Only then did I recognize the coppery taste on my tongue. Weakly lifting my head, I forced myself to crawl toward the cave, crying loudly and freely because there was no way to stop it anymore. 

Somehow, I made it and collapsed onto my back, chest heaving as I panted. I could feel it, my life force sinking away quickly. 

With no other choice, I tried to picture Sasuke's face as I pushed, screaming and squeezing my eyes closed. I remembered the first time I saw him sitting in the dining room with his back turned. When he stood, and I saw his face, I fell instantly. It wasn't his handsome face, attractive physique, wealth, or status. 


It was his eyes. 

As I was at the time, I'd expected all the royals to have dull eyes, lacking in emotion, and empty, but that wasn't the case. Sasuke was angry. He was full of self-hate, annoyance, and discomfort, and it threw me off so severely that it took me a long time to realize it. 

Though it was all negative, it opened my own eyes to the truth: I'd been prejudiced, and I was wrong. Sure, the Uchiha's did little to nothing to help their people at the time, but I let that sully my personality instead of trying to make a change. They were terrible, and so was I. 

With that realization, I concluded that Sasuke and I weren't so different. That's when I allowed myself to admit I cared for him for the very first time. 

Oh, God, I wish I could see him one last time. 

Tsunade said he'd feel she broke the vow and undoubtedly begin seeking us out to figure out what happened, so I'm sure our baby will be found quickly, but I'll be long gone. 

The scream's leaving my throat became more choked and harsh as the unbelievable pain sucked away the last of my energy. 

My wheezing, heavy breath was the only sound for a moment, but then my heart was hypothetically torn from my chest by the sound of a baby's cry. At that moment, all the sadness and pain disappeared. 

It didn't seem possible, but I still forced myself to sit up and move the skirt of my dress to see the beautiful, innocent blessing of a child there. She was covered in blood, with her little legs and arms curled toward her middle. 

"Come here, Sweetheart," I whispered in disbelief, carefully picking her up to hold in my arms. 

I'm in love. 

She's perfect, the spitting image of her father. 

Thick, black hair was atop her head, and when I brushed my thumb across her cheek, dark eyes like Sasuke's peeked up at me. 

A smile met my lips as I weakly tore the umbilical cord and part of my skirt to swaddle her before laying down on my side to cradle her. 

Her cries slowed to a stop, but my tears didn't. I don't know how much time I have left because I've lost an incredible amount of blood and can't do anything to stop it, but I don't care at this point. All I want to do is spend my last moments with her, with my baby. 

One of my arms rested under her head while I rested my other hand atop her tiny belly to feel the strong beat of her heart on my palm. My eyes became heavy as I gazed lovingly down at her. "I know you won't remember this, but I love you with all my heart," I weakly rasped out, voice waving and cracking emotionally. 

The baby's pretty dark eyes stared innocently at me as she obviously began to fall asleep. 

A small laugh left my lips, "I bet you're tired after all that drama, huh? Me, too." 

As her eyes closed, my smile faded, and reality set in. She'll grow up without me. Will she hate me for not being there? Will she think I didn't care and that's why I left? 

Sobbing, I kissed her forehead, squeezing my eyes closed as tears fell heavily down my cheeks, "Daddy and Uncle Madara won't let anything happen to you, so don't worry, okay? Mama would never leave you if she didn't know for sure." 

I pulled back to lay on my side so I wouldn't fall forward and crush or suffocate the poor child. In an effort to survive just a few more minutes, I let my eyes remain closed and focused on calming my pulse. 

She's so small and warm in my arms. I've never felt this way about anyone or anything. The moment I lay eyes on her, there was no going back. 

A moment later, the distant sound of quick footsteps met my ear, and my eyes crept open to see multiple figures in the distance coming our way. Who are they? They won't hurt her, right? I sucked in a surprised breath when I realized there was no way of knowing if Yahiko and Konan had survived Tsunade's self-sacrifice. 

With all that I had, I tried to get up but couldn't manage it. My vision became blurry to the point that I could barely see a yard in front of me, but I tried to get the red glow to appear in them as a threat to whoever approached to back off. Pulling the sleeping baby closer to my chest, I protected her with my other arm like a shield, "Stay away." Even though I could tell how weak and lifeless my voice sounded, I couldn't just give up. 

The dark figures came closer and closer until the most wonderful sound met my ears, "Sakura! Sakura, stay awake." All the defensive anger in my body fell when Sasuke's face came into focus as he hurried to my side, coming to his knees with wide eyes dancing frantically over me and our daughter. 

I sighed in relief, lying on my side again with exhausted eyes.

The prince didn't know what to do, but Madara did. He knelt beside him with tearful eyes on my face, "I'll take her." I nodded, brow furrowing as the beautiful bundle was gently taken from my arms. 

Sasuke stared at the baby momentarily, and my entire being warmed at the look in his eye. The same thing that happened to me a few minutes ago just happened to him. He'll do anything to protect her. He'll die and kill for her. I can die peacefully, knowing they'll be okay. 

Smiling softly, I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes. 

"Sakura, no. Look at me. Open your mouth!" 

Trembling fingers forced my lips apart, and the familiar taste of blood met my tongue. With warm eyes, I gazed up at Sasuke, whose forearm I drank from. He was crying. 

My brow furrowed when I realized it, and I tore my teeth from his skin. "I love you." 

The prince shook his head, glare red and serious as his jaw flexed, voice gritty and low, "Don't, Sakura." 

I lifted a hand to his and brought it to my mouth to kiss it.

"Sakura…Please don't…." 

And then there was nothing. 

The familiar embrace of death melted away the pain and exhaustion, leaving nothing but a peaceful lull, like a dreamless sleep. It's exactly how I remember from dying in Amegakure. 

I thought I'd feel bitter, but I don't. No, I'm satisfied. I, Sakura Haruno, got to experience deep, passionate love with an incredible man. I was able to live a life with great friends and family. Though it was hard at times, I was never unloved. I was never completely hopeless. 

As soon as I fully accepted that I was dead, an odd sensation akin to getting dizzy from spinning occurred, though I didn't feel my body anymore. 

Then, my eyes opened. 

Looking around, I had no idea where I was. It was gray and cloudy, even below me, with bright star-like lights shining through so I could see a white-skinned figure approaching. It was a man with long silver-white hair, like Kaguya's, but he had no eyes. Only a bright white shined from where they should be. 

"Who are you? Where am I?" Somehow, I asked, but I don't know how. Maybe this is God, and he's here to lead me to heaven. Or perhaps he's the devil, and I'm headed to hell. 

"My daughter, how confused you must be." 

"Yes…. I'm dead, aren't I?" 

The man stopped before me with a calm smile on his peaceful face, "Take pride in the life you've led. Though you've perished, the endurance you portrayed is of the highest quality." 

Completely lost, I awkwardly asked again, "Wh-Who are you? What is your name?" Something was familiar about him. I didn't notice it until he smiled. 

The man hummed warmly, nodding with closed eyes, "I suppose you wouldn't recognize me in this form." Right before my eyes, his appearance morphed into something familiar, something I'd missed dearly. 

Tears wavering my voice, I reached forward, "D-Dad?" Wild sandy-pink hair, loving green eyes, and that goofy grin that used to make me giggle as a toddler all made me feel nostalgic like I was a child again. 

"I've missed you, Pumpkin." 

Stepping forward, I hugged him tightly, crying into his flawless white robe, "I have no idea what's going on, but I'm so happy to see you." Gasping, I pulled out of his returned embrace with wide eyes, "Oh, I get it. You're here to lead me, so I'm not alone in the afterlife since you're also dead. Am I right?" 

Kizashi's grin widened as he shook his head, "I apologize for not being there to explain things to you and your sister." He brushed my hair away from my face with a furrowed brow, appearing happy, "You grew into a beautiful young woman, as did Ino. I've watched over you both, and you couldn't have made me more proud." 

The man's speech patterns were more casual in this form, whereas they were more professional before. I stared at him in disbelief as he explained, "I had to choose one of you to inherit the Kogoshi, the power of the gods. You were the obvious choice." 

He rested his hands on my shoulders, tilting his head with a sad smile, "I've been reincarnated thousands of times, and I have numerous children, many alive and many not. Although science would never prove it, Kaguya and Tsunade were both your sisters." 

My mind reeled. 

What is going on? How is my happy-go-lucky, dead father here? Surely, this is some sort of afterlife, a purgatory dream…right? 

"But I've grown tired of life on Earth. My power isn't compatible with the realm in which our kind resides," his smile fell a little, "Unfortunately, there's no way to pass it along with you in the human realm, so I've had to wait for a tragedy to occur." 

Stepping back, I lifted my hands slightly in defense, "So, what you're saying is that you're…God?" 

He chuckled, "Technically, my original name is Shibai Otsutsuki, though I've had many more. I'm not the creator of Earth or humans." I'm sure I'd feel light-headed with all this unbelievable information if I was alive. "There are hundreds of what those of Earth regard as Gods, and, yes, I am technically one of them. Now, so are you." 

"Huh? No, I'm not. I'm dead, too. Aren't you taking me with you? That's why you're here, right?" 

"Shibai" shook his head, "I'm sending you back to your body, Pumpkin. With this revival, you'll receive all of my Earthly abilities and become an idol to the world." 

I shook my head, feeling as though I was beginning to fall through the floor of clouds, "What? Revival? Dad, please wait! I don't understand!" 

He said warmly, "Goodbye, my daughter. Use your gifts to better the world, and remember that I will always love you." Just before I lost sight of him, he gave that goofy grin I've missed so much, "Take good care of Ino and my grandchildren." 

Then, my eyes opened.