Find My Luna

I love this place, Blue said looking around.

Ricardo smiled as he followed her eyes.

I'm glad you like it, he replied.

He had quickly called the restaurant for an emergency reservation in a secluded place.

Since Mia already told him that this isn't for the gram, it was for their moms eyes alone.

He didn't want to ruin things.

Now they both are currently sitting in the reserved area.

The space was wide and the decors were lively and beautiful.

Blue couldn't take her eyes off the painting on the wall.

It was that of a perfectly built man but he looked insanely handsome.

His eyes glittered like they emitted fire.

He had a deadly look which only showed in his eyes and the way his muscle tightened. .

He had a lion lying on his shoulder, yet he didn't look weak.

The sword on his left hand had blood dripping on it.

It felt surreal to her, she wondered if it was a real person or a mere painting.

Her attention was drawn out of the painting when the waitress walked in with their order.

Ricardo was the one who made the order on their behalf, he ordered for Tapas.

Blue initially didn't like the idea because she had to eat together with him as Tapas is preferably shared.

But she knew it was Mia who tipped Ricardo on what she liked to order each time they both for a date.

She likes to eat Tapas with Mia but not with a stranger.

Thanks, Ricardo said to the waitress who smiled and walked away.

Alright, lets eat, Ricardo said as he poured wine into their glasses.

But Blues eyes were back to the painting.

Oh that, isn't it beautiful? Ricardo asked joining her to look at the painting.

Its is... perfect, it feels.....real, Blue pointed out, her eyes still glued to the painting, trying to make a meaning out of it.

Thats King Wright Knight, Ricardo said as he pulled the tray of Tapas towards Blue.

Blue tore her eyes away from the painting as she began eating from the same tray with Ricardo who couldn't take his eyes off her.

He loved the way her mouth moved as she chewed.

He only wanted to watch her, if that's all he gets to achieve today, then he would leave the restaurant feeling like a fulfilled man.

Blue lifted her head to look at him, shyness washed over her when they made eye contact,making Ricardo smiled nervously.

You are beautiful,he commented taking her left hand into his.

Thanks, Blue replied with a shy smile..... *Click

Whoa! That's f**king romantic, Mia yelled jumping up like a kid.

Aww, this picture is so beautiful, she kept blabbering checking out the picture she just took as Daphane walked in too.

Blue sighed in relief on seeing them, she was glad they helped ease the tension that came with the awkward moment.

But her excitement was cut short when Mia groaned.

The hair... mom can't see you without the wig, she complained.

This picture is really pretty, look we have to recreate this scene, she said in excitement as she dumped the camera in front of Blue who picked it up to check out the picture.

Can I see it? Ricardo asked.

Sure, Blue replied showing him the picture..

Ricardo reached to hold the camera for a better view, he placed his hand on Blue's making Daphane who was seated close to Mia smile as she pointed them to Mia.

Wow, that's so fast, Mia whispered.

You should take a picture with your phone, Mia suggested.

Yeah yeah... Daphane replied picking up her phone.

She took few shots of them with a wide grin on her face...

Kathy can't see this though, she said smiling.

Mia held the wig she took from Blue the night before.

She carefully brushed it then went over to Blue.

Slipping it into her head,she made sure to brush it well then she made her sit.

Go on and eat,she said tapping Blues shoulder then sent Ricardo a wink.

You should smile you know, Daphane said winking at blue who let out a smile.

Now I'm going to take an unaware picture,you both... make a sweet facial expression alright, Mia said taking few steps back to her new job.

Daphane rushed to Blue.

She adjusted and fixed her hair like a mother who was about to send her only daughter into marriage.

Then she leaned in and whispered, I know you don't like this but this could buy you your freedom, you know, then she walked away with a smile on her face

Blue turned to Ricardo who was staring at her, she stared back and kept her eyes glued to his face.

Mia seeing this quickly took pictures.

She was going to utilize every opportunity she gets.

Without waiting for Ricardo to talk,she initiated a conversation herself, making sure to keep her eyes glued to him.

They talked and ate while their camera woman did her job effortlessly.

They talked and laughed like they have known each other for a long time.

Daphane on her seat smiled,she needed to say that to her.

She was glad it worked.

They were talking amd laughing out so loud to the amazement of Mia.

She has never seen her sister so happy and free with anyone.

Was she already falling for Ricardo?


Ricardo laughed when i made a mockery of his ears which looked like that of a little kid.

It was awfully small, mustering lots of courage,I reached out to it,touching it.

It was so soft and tiny.

I felt him freeze for a second then he smiled nervously.

I heard the clicking sound of Mia camera and smiled more.

The picture has to look real.

I'm not an actress just for nothing,I have to put in my all and convince mom.

I know I'm leading him on right now, I don't want to, but then, i have no choice.

If faking this date with Ricardo will put mom outta my tail even for two weeks then I will do it over and over again.

I need my freedom and I would do anything to get it even if it means sharing my first kiss with him.



The cat let out a meow that sounded way above the league of cats.

No this is not happening, Your Majesty! i screamed falling to the ground bowing to the cat.

You can't do this Your Majesty!

This is a big mistake! I screamed but His Majesty (the cat) only watched me.

No! I screamed, freaking out.

I can't let you do this, I have to do something,I said trying to perform some spells but it wasn't working, Instead it felt like it was draining my energy...

What was I thinking, there is no way His Majesty would turn himself to a weak cat.

Can you talk to me at least,please your majesty.

We can talk this through, Please, I begged kneeling with my head on the floor,my eyes shut.

I didn't live hundreds of years to still be dumb, His Majesty's intimidating voice spoke and I quickly lifted my head to look at the cat which was staring at me with mean looks

I'm sorry!

I didn't mean that, your majesty,I spoke.

He was still glaring without moving.

How dumb, I heard again.

This time i was looking at His Majesty(The cat)

His mouth didn't move but he was talking to me, is this how its going to be from now on?

Oh no!

Stand! I heard.

Quickly I jumped on my feet then bowed.

Do I look scary? he asked.

Ye...No.. no your majesty... you look..

The truth Evenius!

Your majesty.... You look honorable,magnificent, your....

He was cut short when he heard a growl, but it didn't come from the cat.

He was sure that was the Kings growl.

That scary growl.

Turning around, he saw the King standing behind him.

Your Majesty! he called out in shock...

Do I look scary? King Wright asked again.

Evenius turned around to look at the cat.

It was still glaring at him.

Your Majesty, I thought.....

I turned to a cat? The king asked letting out another growl

I mean.. you...

Sit, the king said in a low voice.

Evenius took quick steps to the chair and sat down with his two hands clasped between his legs

I turned the book to a cat instead, it would get past the border as a book then transform to a cat when it crosses,King Wright explained and Evenius sighed in relief.

The King smirked seeing his reaction.

When i felt her heartbeat, it was for few seconds but I was able to keep that strong scent that came with it in my memory.

Evenius listened wondering what he means.

The King picked up a bottle and tossed it to him and he caught it.

Francento? Evenius asked after inhaling it

And Goulen,The king added.

You already know why i called for the meeting?

Yes your Majesty, you needed their scent?

Yes, none of us knows her breed.

We only know she was born, she has to be one of those breeds.

I added all of their scents, mine and those fragrances.

While our scent helped the cat locate her,her own fragrance would help her find and accept him.

That is... amazing, Evenius praised him but he only frowned.

But how will she be able to find out about you through the cat? Evenius asked curiously.

I am the cat.


I can watch and control the cat from here, its more like I am the one there in form of a cat.

Your Majesty?

Its time, the king declared lifting the cat which has beautiful cold eyes.

The moment Evenius made eye contact with it, the cat glared.

Your Majesty? Evenius called out, fidgetting.

The cat acted the same as its creator.

Your Majesty, you cant have him glaring at your mate like that,Evenius pointed out on their way out.

Shut up, King Wright said as he teleported to the border leaving Evenius behind.

Oh my, the old man exclaimed teleporting too.

Getting to the border, King Wright stood staring at his cat.

Truly, your eyes are cold, he whispered.

I told you,Evenius who just landed said with a smile.

Glaring at him,The King dropped the cat on the floor close to the border.

He performed a spell and the cat meowed lowly.

His eyes became sober as it looked adorable.

It has the same eyes as the king.

The only difference was the cats eyes looked milder and alluring.

I look weak now, that not what a true king should look like,King Wright complained.

Evenius chuckled but he pursed his lips when he received a deadly glare.

The king performed another spell and the cat looked mean again.

Your Majesty!

He has two sides now,his mild look is for my Luna alone,the king said and Evenius nodded.

He understood why it was like that and he had no objection provided their Luna is not getting scared to death by His Majesty.

Performing another spell,the King added a small crown on the cats head, the same type of crown on his head.

The same type of crown that's drawn on the books they sent to the libraries.

He wanted quick recognition.

Smirking he performed the last magic and the cat slowly turned to the book.

Picking it up, Evenius performed his owm spell and the book was sent out through the border.

They both stood waiting to feel it across the border.

Few minutes later The King smirked.

Let's go,he said and teleported leaving Evenius behind once again.







The book appeared in front of a black gate then slowly it turned into an adorable cat.

The very little crown on his head shone brightly like his eyes.

Following the scent that took him to the gate,it disappeared into the house.

Unnoticed, it roamed around the house.

A woman who was lying on her bed sleeping quickly jerked up.

Grabbing her ring,she put it on and ran out of the room.

She could feel the presence of something but couldn't make out what it was.

She went from room to room sweating as she searched endlessly.

She wasn't going to ignore the sign at all.

The feeling became so strong as she stood at a spot trying to figure out what it was.

Her instinct led her and she ran into one of the rooms.

Still nothing but the feeling got really strong.

Who is there? she asked bravely but heard nothing.

She knew she was not hallucinating, she knew the feeling she was having.

She has not felt that way for the past ten years.

Feeling it now means something is definitely wrong and she was going to fish out whatever it is.

They can't ruin her plans.


Slowly her eyes changed, her scarf on her head fell off and her long white hair fell on her shoulders.

Widening her eyes, she muttered inaudible words looking around the room.

Come out now! she growled angrily.

The cat stood invisible watching her with that glare as his eyes shone and glittered in anger.

Saraphina? King Wright muttered as he quickly raised his headfrom the water he had his head buried into.