She's Dead, But Her Soul Lives. HOW?

King Wright quickly got out of the blue sea which has been his favourite place.

He quickly dried his body and dressed up with an angry look on his face.

The next minute the white horse was rushing towards him.

Quickly he jumped on the horse and he was taken home in split seconds.

Getting to the palace, the Seer was standing outside giving instructions to the guards when he rode in.

They all had surprised looks on their faces as they bowed.

His hair was still wet and dripping water and the curl was so visible.

He was looking stunning even with his mood....

Your Majesty? The Seer called rushing to him.

Get the Witch leader, he instructed and dashed into the house.


Maya was busy with other witches as they practiced spells together.

Since she was not the mother supreme, she was merely an appointed leader, she tried not to be authoritative.

She accorded all the high ranked witches their respects and allowed them to teach spells while she learns from them.

They were gathered in circle in their practice room, their eyes shut as they activated their inner energy when they heard a cracking sound coming from the late mother supreme's room.

They snapped their eyes open in shock.

Its happening again, Maya screamed running out while the high ranked witches followed her.

Getting to the door Maya opened it, same time Evenius arrived at the coven.

What's going on? He asked rushing over to Maya who stood at the entrance with her mouth wide open.

The mother supremes staff was lying in the floor, both of them stared with their mouths open.

How did.....

I dont know, Maya replied looking terrified.

Summon all the witches now! The Seer ordered and Maya rushed off.

The next minute they all assembled before him looking nervous.

All supernatural creature have their own king but King Wright was their overall king, coupled with the rumours they have heard of how ruthless he is, they dare not disobey anyone that works for him.

Without saying a word, The Seer eye scanned them all.

None of them has the slightest sign of a white haired witch.

Its alright, you can return to your duties, he instructed them and they all scurried away leaving him with Maya and the high ranked witches.

There is no successor, how come the supreme mothers staff is out of its position? One of the witches asked.

Only the supreme mother or her successor can pull her staff out of its position, and there is no successor... Maya was saying when Evenius cut her off.

Even if there is a successor, where is she? Nobody walked in here,the door can only be opened by you, he pointed out and Maya nodded

I can't even lift the staff myself, she said.

No outsider can have access to that staff, even the successor can't until she steps her foot here and is inducted first...

This can only mean one thing, Evenius added and the witches stared at each other with the same thought on their mind.

But none of them could voice it out.

We have to go to the palace,the King sent for you, Evenius said to Maya and she nodded.

I know what you all think but it's a mere hunch, at least for now, this shouldn't leave the four walls of this room, He warned and they bowed.

Nodding, he walked away with Maya chasing after him.

Getting out, Evenius teleported and Maya used her broom as she floated in the air.


The King sat on his chair in the room where he organizes mini meetings, waiting for them.

He felt their presence and his jaw tighened when he felt the tension in The Seer's body.

Your Majesty, The Seer walked in and bowed immediately.

Maya rushed in almost immediately too as she bowed nervously.

Saraphina is alive, he announced glaring at Maya.

The Seer and Maya glanced at each other wondering how he found out.

Did you all hide this from me?! he asked standing up as his voice thundered.

Your Majesty i didn't know... I'm sorry your Majesty... Maya cried falling on the floor.

His glare felt like fire burning all over her body.

She couldn't face his wrath.

Your Majesty, The Seer called trying to get his attention as he walked towards Maya.

The King glared at him and he shut his mouth instantly.

He got to Maya whose head was on the floor, her tears already stained the floor, she was shaking like a fish that was brought to land.

He dragged her up forcefully trying not to use his power since she thought her was merely a werewolf.

He pinned her to the wall, staring into her eyes.

Maya shook more, she sensed her own death already as she shut her eyes awaiting her last breath.

Growling angrily, King Wright tossed her towards Evenius who was quick to catch her.

He sensed her innocence.

He walked back to his seat and sat down while Evenius calmed the crying Maya down.

He wiped her tears then began tapping her back as she sniffed.

Are you both done flirting before me? the King's voice thundered making them shift away from each other.

Is her staff still intact? He asked


It was moved from its original position, Your Majesty, Evenius answered since Maya's vouce wasn't stable.

How did it happen?

We were practicing some spells when we heard a sound, we rushed to the room and found the staff on the floor, the door was locked, i sealed it myself, we don't know what happened your Majesty, Maya replied, her voice quivering.

She is not in the house, her scent is all over the room but she isn't there, The King said to Evenius whose muscles tightened.

He glanced at Maya who looked confused, wondering why the king was bringing up the topic in front of her.

Saraphina has a doppelganger in the modern world, The King announced ignoring the signs the Seer was giving him.

He pointed his finger at the wall and the room the cat entered came to view.

Maya almost jumped out of her seat in shock, a werewolf can't do that! she thought as she watched the room which looked strange to all of them.

The things in the room was in no way related to what was in theirs.

Is that our Luna? Evenius asked happily staring at the picture on the wall.

She was born with a natural white hair, Maya said doubting if the blacked haired girl was really their missing Luna.

The King only stared at the picture, not sure too.

They couldn't see the cat because they were seeing the house through the eyes of the cat.

The King led the cat out of the room as they both searched for the woman he saw previously.

The woman rushed out too on sensing the cat.

Supreme Mother! Maya screamed the moment she saw her.

Her hair... its black, Evenius pointed out as they watched her take cautious steps around the room looking for the invisible cat.

Thats not Saraphina, but her soul, King Wright deopped the bombshell.

How? Evenius asked confused, Maya had the same expression as him.

She was sure Saraphina died, she died right on her arms, how is her soul still alive in the body of a woman that looks exactly like her? Maya thought.

That's her doppelganger, King Wright hearing her thought replied with a frown.

He too could not figure out how she did it.

How did she find her doppelganger.

How is she dead but her soul still lives in the modern world?

And why is she in the same house he felt his mate?

Did she plant the scent there for him to perceive?

But she definitely didn't know he was coming.

What is her aim living in the modern world, same place his mate vanished to?

What is Saraphina up to? he kept asking himself.

JOE(Mia's Father)

I took a taxi from the airport down to the house.

The kids already called to tell me they won't make it but i got no call from Kathy.

In as much as I already got used to her hostile attitude towards me sometimes, I still can't help but expect her to call or atleast come pick me at the airport each time I go for a business trip.

The Taxi stopped in front of the black gate and i began to feel nervous all of a sudden.

I paid the cab man then walked in, putting up a sweet smile.

I misses Kathy so much,I couldn't wait to see her.

Honey I'm home! I announced from the door way but got no response.

Honey? Still no response.

She probably stepped out.

Or did she go to the airport to pick me? i thought with a blush.

It could be, and i hope I'm right.

I need to drop my bag then go look for her.

I rushed into the room,dropped the bag on the bed then rushed out to go find her.

But getting to the living room,my eyes landed on her phone.

If she went to the airport, her phone shouldn't be here right? I thought going to pick up her phone.

She barely uses her phone,I'm sure she didn't see the need as usual.

Shaking my head i dropped the phone back on the table but a cracking sound from Blue's room caught my attention.

Honey? I called walking towards the room hoping she would be there.

On getting there i saw Kathy searching the room like a maniac.

She was throwing all of Blues stuffs out like she was looking for something.

Kathy? I called wondering what was wrong but got no response.

I rushed towards her but something pierced my right foot.

Jeez Kathy, what's going on? I half yelled when i saw what I stepped on and the blood oozing out of my injured leg.

Oh Honey, she screamed when she saw me.

What happened? she asked rushing over to me.

What's going in, why did you destroy the picture frame? I asked picking up the picture she just ruined.

It was Blues picture, the only picture she ever took with her white hair when she attempted to grow it before she was caught and forced to cut it for reasons I don't know.

I just... I was... it slipped! Yes I was.. I was arranging her room when it slipped off my hands, she rushed her words.


I have to fix it for her then, I said picking the picture frame.

You are injured,let me see your wound, she said throwing the frame into the trash can then led me out as much blood trail followed us to our room.