Come over here! Blue screamed jumping in excitement.
She was out on site seeing with Ricardo, Mia, and August (Mia's boyfriend)
Come see this, this is beautiful, she whispered to Ricardo who already ran to her all smiles.
She was pointing at a statue of a man, half human, half wolf, he was huge and he looked scary and dangerous.
Beautiful? Ricardo asked
Yeah, you know I have read alot of were wolf stories, who ever erected this must have loved those fairy tales too, she replied.
They aren't fairy tales Blue, these are real, August said as he approached them with Mia.
Nah, there is no way there are animals in humans bodies, those are just tales, as unreal as Daphane like to picture them, Blue replied taking a step towards the statue.
Why does he look so familiar? She asked raising her head to look at its face, though the sun blinded her eyes, she still kept looking.
Is there a possibility you have met before? Mia mocked.
Maybe... do you think they live with us? Blue asked completely buying into Mia's joke.
August and Mia burst into laughter.
You must be 100 years old to have met him, if his existence is true, I think it should be a hundred years ago, Mia pointed out.
Hundred? that's an under statement, August replied.
You seem to know a lot about him man, Ricardo said pulling Blue towards him.
His hand on her shoulder as their bodies touched for the first time.
While Blue stared at August to hear if he knows the story, Ricardo was finding it difficult to keep his cool, he didn't know how to react to their bodies touching each other.
Back at The White Horse Kingdom, King Wright was watching through the eyes of the cat back at Kathy's home trying to find any clue to where His Luna has been for the past few days when he felt that sting in his heart.
The same sting that came with her heart beat few days ago.
He growled angrily, smashing the first thing he could lay his hands on.
How dare you touch my luna! he growled.
Even if he could not see them, he wanted to kill that male who dared to touch his mate.
Because of how furious he was, he couldn't control the Meowing sound the cat let out which made Kathy run out of her room.
She had eye bags under her eyes and the house was in a mess too.
Her eyes darkened, then reddened as she searched for the cat.
The feeling that someone was in there with her got so strong as a result of King Wrights anger.
King Wright was so pissed that he didn't notice she was walking towards him, by the time he saw her eyes staring into his, it was too late to enhance his invisibility.
She saw the cat.
She was staring right into his eyes and he was glaring back.
Maybe, he should attack and kill her at that spot.
Honey? Joe called walking towards her.
Thats not a good Idea Your Majesty,you cant let her know Its you, The Seer who ran in when he smashed his glass table warned.
Honey? Joe called again hugging her from behind.
Groaning inwardly, Kathy let herself calm down, her eye colour went back to normal but she didn't stop glaring at the cat.
Why are you out here? Joe asked making her face him.
She tried to keep her eyes on the cat but Joe already lifted her face to face him.
Its the cat, I heard a sound and came to check what it is and I saw this cat here..... she turned to show Joe but the cat was gone.
There is no cat Kathy, I think you need to sleep, look you have eye bags already, come with me.
Kathy hesitated because she could still sense the cat, but she couldn't see it.
You haven't slept properly, tell me, are you missing Blue? Joe asked.
He hasn't seen his wife so worked up before, maybe she got used to always having Blue around and now she misses her.
I guess that is it, I miss her so much, Kathy replied,if that would serve as a cover up then she would use it.
They walked back to their room and the car which already was invisible again followed them.
Kathy could not stop looking back.
If it would make you feel better,we should ask her to come home, I know she misses you too,Joe suggested as he made her sit on the bed.
No! she half yelled and Joe looked at her, surprised.
I mean.... she should remain there..
But you have always wanted her close to you?
Yes but.... she should stay there for a while.... you know she just got a boyfriend.. yes... her boyfriend needs to spend time with her too right? she faked a smile hoping she convinces him.
Are you sure? Joe asked watching her.
Boyfriend? King Wright muttered.
What does that even mean? he asked but Evenius shook his head, he also didn't know.
Of course, she is finally in a relationship with someone, I think they need all the time they need you know... who knows they could start making babies, she added with a blush.
Babies? My mate is having a relationship?
How dare she! She dares cheat on me?!
How can you say that? You should allow them get married first, just like us, remember? Joe said smiling..
Remember what? Kathy asked.
You remember how we started,when we met, remember how our parents were so against the marriage, back then when.....
He stopped when he noticed Kathy was looking lost.
Are you alright? he asked
Of course, those memories you know, the first day I met you was the best day of my life, I was so happy, I was totally inlove with you, then I approached you on that full moon night, i spoke to you and....
Full moon?
How is it the best day of your life when you clearly hated me back then? Joe asked giving her suspicious looks.
Kathy who was totally lost reminiscing her own love life was pulled back to reality.
I did? Well you know, we girls don't like to let our feelings show, we tend to...
Joe shook his head looking disappointed.
This wasn't the first time she was totally lost on their love story.
Or lost on things they both know.
At some point he wondered if his own memory was rusty.
Uhm... i should call Blue, I will be back, she said then rushed off.
What is she up to? Evenuis muttered as the cat followed her.
They watched as she looked around feeling uneasy.
She could sense the cat but couldn't see it.
Rushing to the table, she grabbed her phone and began dialing Blue's number.
🔉 Mom! You finally called! Blues voice rang into the phone.
Mom? Mia muttered Watching Blue who was smiling happily.
🔉 Whats that noise? Kathy asked.
🔉 Oh, its moving vehicles mom,I'm out with Mia and....
🔉 What about your fiance? Is he there with you? she asked in excitement.
🔉 He's here mom but... he's not my fiance yet mom.
🔉 He's there? I should call you on video, I need to see the face of my son in law.
🔉 Mom! He's...
🔉 I'm calling you now, she replied and hung up..
Mom is calling me on video call, my hair Mia, Blue cried.
Dont worry, i gat you, Mia said rushing to August's car to grab her wig.
The video call came in immediately and Blue started shaking like a leaf.
Its just a call,you should calm down okay, I'm sure your mom doesn't bite, Ricardo mocked with a smile on his face.
She bites! Mia yelled from where she was as she ran to Blue who was already looking sick from fear.
She quickly fixed the wig on her hair while the phone kept ringing.
She's going to yell at me, Blue complained seeing she already called three times.
Calm down Sis, she won't yell if she sees Ricardo, Mia assured her but she still wasn't calm.
Its done now, come, Mia said pulling her to Ricardo.
She pulled his hands and placed it on her shoulder, you should talk to mom like this, Mia said with a smile.
Take a deep breathe Blue, you will be alright, Ricardo said to Blue who was so uneasy.
August only stared at them wondering why she was so scared of her mom.
He had heard so much about her and still couldn't come to terms with how over protective she was with one twin and allowed the other twin to be herself.
💻 What is wrong with you Blue?! I have been..... Is that My son in-laws hand? Kathy asked the moment she saw the masculine hand on Blues shoulder.
💻 Mom he's...
💻 Let me talk to him, Kathy cut her off with smiles all over her face.
Blue handed her phone to Ricardo who was happy to speak with her.
💻 Aww, He's as cute as I was told, how are your parents? she asked.
Moms so old fashioned, all she could ask him is about parents? Mia said with a scoff.
Parents will always ask of parents, its nothing, August said hugging her.
He had her in his arms but his eyes were fixed on Blue.
He couldn't take his eyes off her as she faked smiles for her mom.
He watched them talk without really paying attention,his eyes were solely on her.
Meanwhile,the cat seeing Kathy was talking to someone she could see on the phone went behind her to see who.
Its the same girl in the picture, Evenius pointed out on seeing Blue.
But King Wrights eyes was on Ricardo, on his hand.
He wished he could strangle him.
What if that's the wrong house and she isn't our Luna? Evenius asking seeing her black hair.
Her eyes and blue, her name is blue and I can feel her, strongly, King Wright replied still not taking his eyes off the camera.
💻 Uhm Blue? Kathy called.
💻 Yes mom, Blue answered taking the phone from Ricardo
💻 You can stay with him as long as you want okay, Kathy said
💻 But mom....
💻 Don't you think she should stay, I'm sure you would miss her when she leaves, Kathy said to Ricardo.
💻 Ofcourse, I would love her to stay, thanks mom, Ricardo replied, joy in his eyes.
Kathy could see he loves her very much and she was glad but one thing she didn't check was if Blue felt the same way.
She already tagged them as drunk in love, she had no worries at all.
💻 She stays then, don't forget to make babies too, I can't wait to meet my grand children, she said and hung up...
Seriously🙄 Is mom for real? Mia asked with a smile as she went to pull off the wig from Blues head.
It was like August was seeing Blue for the first time, he stared at her, not taking his eyes off or caring if it pisses Mia off or not.
Can I talk to you? In private I mean, he asked Blue.
Mia turned to look at him.
What's this about? she asked.
Not for you to know, he said then pulled Blue with him, away from them, and always from their sight.