He Should Prove His Innocence


The chief of the elders arranged a meeting and invited the King to attend in the conference hall.

But instead of going for the meeting, he sent Evenius while he watched Blue.

We can't say anything until he comes, the chief said to Evenius who wouldn't bulge.

His Majesty is too busy to attend such a short notice meeting, he pointed out for the umpteenth time.

Its important My Lord, he has to be here, Lancelot contributed with a smirk.

And you think whatever he is doing out there is not equally important? Evenius asles glaring at him.

No good person likes Lancelot.

He's known for always constituting nuisance in all the meetings he attends.

Everyone know this elder is an instigator with so much bad energy and he wasn't even discreet about it.

What would a king of a kingdom next doing away from an important council meeting! He raises his voice

Some elders began murmuring.

A council meeting organized by who? Evenius asked.

My Lord, I know the notice is short but we expect His Majesty to at least show up, we have pressing issues in the villages that were need to discuss before things gets out of hand.

And I am here as his representative,everything we discuss here will be related to him accordingly.

Its Okay My Lord, we.... the chief was saying when he was cut off.

Nothing is okay!

We have another dead girl!

We have been reporting this issue for years and nothing is being done about it, and now the King refuses to attend a meeting to discuss It? Lancelot barked and everyone stared at him.

The only reason I can see here is that's his Majesty must be covering up for whoever the killer is, if it is not him! he dropped the bombshell and that disrupted the peace in the hall.

People murmured amongst themselves, while some feared for him,some thought he was right.

You realize you are accusing the King,right here in his palace? Evenius asked softly.

Then he should prove his innocence,we can't keep shut and let the blood of the innocent spill every month and do nothing.

Our kids are dying.

The kingdom is in disarray!

And you talk about accusing the king? he blasted.

The murmuring from all the elders gave him the go ahead continue.

He knew every parents who has lost his or her child would want revenge.

.They would all want who you pin the deaths on.

He was making the King his scape goat without fear.

He would have a lot of people who hates the king now just by doing this that way,they would want to take the power away from him.

How can one man rule for thousands of years? he asked himself.

Who gave you the right to turn my palace into a market place, The kings angry voice thundered from the entrance.

They all grew cold on their seats including Lancelot.

.Your Majesty! They greeted at once.

With a straight look on his face,he walked down the stairs and entered but didn't go in.

Its been 40 minutes, what is your conclusion, he purposely asked chief.

Your Majesty, we.....

You turned the meeting you didn't seek my consent to fix into a market place,yet you have achieved nothing? he asked.

Lancelot glared at him because he was pissed.

The way he planned his speech at home, this was where he was supposed to come in,voice out his accusations right in the kings face.

But why was he not courageous enough?

He hated the King for being intimidating,the only person he could never talk down on.

I see you all have nothing to say...

Guards? he called and the two guests outside came in.

All the missing kids went missing at night right? he asked the chief and he nodded.

Then he faced the gurads, go into all the villages and announce a strict curfew.

Everyone is expected to be back in their family house once the Kingdom bell is rung,no excuses or they face the consequences,he said.

Yes, Your Majesty,they bowed and left.

Lancelot wanted to jump from where he sat and oppose the curfew but he had no courage to.

Without another word,the king walked away

The elders too got up and began leaving, most of them had a satisfying look on their faces.

The curfew was going to be a good idea till they find the culprit.

But for Lancelot,it was like a wreck in his ship.

Peyton who eavesdropped through out the conversation walked back to her room with an evil look on her face..


I think we should take a walk Beiber, what do you think? I asked Beiber as I tried stretching my back.

I have been on the phone with several agents trying to fix an accommodation for Beiber and I but none seems to have a good result for me just yet.

You look.... cute.. I think I have to make a dress for you, I said carrying him on my arms.

What do you think? Would you like that?

Aww, your eyes are so cute, come give mama a hug, I said pulling Beiber to myself and hugging him while kissing him all over.

Mama stinks, I should take a shower, we could get lucky on our house hunting outside right?

Yeah, I knew you were going to wiggle your tail, cute little cat, I said then placed him on the bed before going to take a shower.


Immediately she walked into the bathroom, the cat ran to the door, didn't need to open it.

He slipped right through it.







You know you smell so nice, I mean I didn't use my perfume on you did I? Blue asked sniffing Beiber.

Don't tell me you.... oh my God, did you spill my perfume? She asked laughing.

Beiber only stared at her with eyes so mild and sweet.

You have been giving me that look since we met Beiber, do you like me that much?

Aww.. I love you too, Blue said ruffling his fur.

Let's go, she announced in excitement then turned to leave when her eyes landed on her perfumes.

They looked like they were still intact.

He didn't spill it? she wondered.

How does their scent match then?

It can't be the scent she found him with because it would have weared off, right?

I can't believe I'm even thinking that when I have been carrying you all day, she spoke to him this time ruffling his fur again then she made her way outside.


Wow, it's you... someone said from behind.

What are you doing here,Blue asked when her eyes met with August who looked like he was going out too.

Oh me?

I have been here for a few days,I never knew you came here, August replied with smile.

Deceitful, Blue muttered to herself.

I see.. you are.. uhm... going out.....Where are you going?

We are just going to take a walk, you should take a step back so you won't be so close to Beiber.

No,its fine... I'm sorry about yesterday.

Its all good,not every one likes cats.

Yea,but I was a bit to obvious.. you see...

Its fine August, I understand,perfectly,I have to go.

Can I join you?


I mean you... I was about taking a walk too, we can just...

What about Beiber? Blue asked eyeing him,don't want any sort of drama.

There won't be any dramas , trust me, he started walking ahead of her till she had to turn and join him.

So where do you have in mind? He asked

Uhm... I don't know.. what about you?

I don't know too, he replied flashing her a cute smile.

Blue stared at him as they both stood at the gate,clueless.

How about you let... uhm.. uhm Beiber lead us? He suggested trying not to make eye contact with Beiber.

He was still shaken.

You think so? Do you have anywhere to take us Beiber? Blue whispered

He wiggled his tail like he was excited.

I see you are happy to lead us, I'm gonna let you down then, she said and let him down.

August took a step backwards.

Then Beiber began leading them as they followed him blindly.

They kept walking without questioning him while August tried to initiate conversations.

They got to a big old building and Beiber ran in.

A library? Blue pointed out when she read the sign.

She turned to August who gave her the "I don't know what is going on" look.

Alright,let join him,Blue said running in.

Sure,going to be an adventure, August replied with a wide grin