Finding Her Root

Beiber? Blue called when she saw Beiber wiggling his tail inside the library.

She went to meet him then lifted him as they checked out books together..

August walked behind them, checking for the book racks keenly like he was looking for something.

August look, Blue called taking out a novel to show him.

"Have this one on me" August read out.

That's one of James Hardley Chase's novels, he pointed out.

You know him too? Blue asked in excitement.

I'm a huge fan of his novels, August replied.

Me too, I love everything about his novels, I think I will be going for this, its old but I'll take it, she said holding onto the novel.

Do you have a favourite? August asked.

Uhm, I would say as long as it has Mark Girland and Malik in it, I love to read it, Blue replied happily.

I have read over twenty of his books, I must say there is something about Malik and Mark Girland, Maliks animosity towards Mark Girland, and Girlands nonchalant attitude to his hatred, August said rummaging through the shelf.

Yeah, Mark Girland is my favour character, he is way too smart even for Malik to out smart or nail him, Blue said with a bright smile on her face.

Its her first time meeting someone who doesn't think its weird that James Hardly Chase only writes about crimes and not romance.

Mark Girland is my favourite character, dude only wants to work and get paid, he makes no commitment at all, Blue said looking too excited.

And you like that for a man you love? August asked staring at her like she's weird.

Well, Girland is.... okay, not for myself though.

I don't want to fall inlove with a man like Girland who loves women and money but never invests or commits to one woman, but it doesn't change the fact that I find him hot and smart, she replied with a blush.

Beiber glared at her, she wasn't even looking at him, she was lost in her fantasy.

King Wright in his room growled angrily.

How can she talking about a man right before me, he grunted.

But you aren't before her, mini you is, Evenius taunted him with a wink.

King Wright eyed him and concentrate back in watching her as he thought of thousand of ways to punish her.

Don't tell me you have a crush on a mere character in a book? He doesn't even exist, August teased looking at Beiber but he earned a glare which he quickly understood..

He started walking ahead of Blue knowing she will join him..

It doesn't matter, I already created a picture of him in my head, I sleep with that image every night in my head, Blue said still not seeing anything wrong with falling inlove with a novel character.

Beiber let out a frustrated sound, King Wright wished he could talkto her at that point but he could only meow which infuriated him.

I think i have a better idea for you, I'm sure you would fall head over heels with this one, August said pulling her with him to the other section..

I don't think any one can beat Mark Girland in my head, she replied proudly.

Beiber wiggled his tail and made another meowing sound, to King Wright,he was groaning but it sounded sweet to Blue who smiled and kissed his fur.

You see, Beiber agrees with me, she said.

What? August asked turning to look at her all flushed up face.

Beiber thinks Mark Girland is hot too, right Beiber? Blue asked grinning.

August started coughing when he saw Beiber glare at him then changed to a mild look when Blue looked at him.

Poor King Wright 😂

Are you alright? Blue asked concerned.

Yeah... *Coughs again..

I'm good,you should come over here, he said she joined him.

What are you searching for? Blue asked so she could search too.

I have a book for you... or books... maybe this new character will replace that player in your head, He teased.

He better be worth it, Blue replied.

He is, August replied the moment his eyes landed on the books.

The three editions were place together in the same lane.

And here it is,he said pulling them one after the other.

What? They are huge! Blue exclaimed.

You can't read them? August asked looking disappointed.

Beiber meowed amd Blue patted his head with a smile as she read the caption.

The Ancient Story Of The White Horse Kingdom?! She muttered with wide eyes.

You dont like it? August asked again .

What? I have always wanted read this,thanks! she half yelled hugging him without thinking.

August's body tensed up when both Blues body and that of Beiber touched him.

Uh... I'm sorry... I was just... too excited, Blue apologized immediately she pulled away.

No, it's fine... I just wasn't expecting to... you know...

Yeah, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have.. I tensed you up

I'm cool Blue, I was just... worried... yes worried about.. Beiber! Yes, Beiber...

Yeah, he was caught up in the middle, Blue teased highlights Beiber who was now glaring at August.

I think you should go sign In for the books, August suggested.

Okay, Blue replied then picked up the three heavy books to go meet the liberian.

The moment she left someone barged into the library.

What are you doing here with my sister? Where is she? Mia asked August who had a surprised look on his face.

What are you talking about? Who? he asked.

Blue! I saw you talking to her just now, I thought you were scared oftje evil cat! she barked.

You need to calm down, I'm here alone, I just came to pick up a book to read,he lied showing jertje first book Blue picked.

Thankfully he had the book on his hand when she came in.

That's a lie, she replied pushing him aside to look around for Blue herself.

She was so sure she saw him talking to her, she even saw the cat which was enough proof that it was Blue, but where's Blue?

She searched everywhere she xould but saw no trace of her the cat.

Reluctantly she walked back to August who tried to hide his nervousness.

What's the meaning of all these? he asked seeing the look on her face...

It gave him the assurance that she saw nothing.

I'm sorry, I guess was just thinking too much, I thought I saw her with you, she apologized.

You need to calm down Mia... I was just here on my own,he lied again.

Mia? Mia repeated.

I mean....

What's going on? she asked.

What is... how do you mean?

You have avoided me for two days,you aren't even in your house,and now you call me Mai?

What happened to sweetheart and.... her words hung in her throat as she broke down on tears.

Come on, you know this is a library, we shouldn't loud be in here, August replied pulling her out.

Look at me, he said lifting her head.

Trust me, I'm not avoiding you, I just have some issues to clear up, I promise it won't take time and I will back to giving you all the time you need okay, he said staring deep into her eyes.

But I miss you, can't find Blue, and now you? she asked as tears poured out of here eyes.

I'm sure Blue fine wherever she is... look o know this os mu fault and o feel really guilty that I caused you to have issues with your sister, I promise I will fix this okay, i wish i coyodsee her and talk to her,August replied looking the most sincere.

Its not your fault, I probably overreacted, I'm sorry for accusing you, she apologized.

Its fine, I should drop you off, Mia volunteered.

No, you should go ahead,I haven't signed in for the book yet, I will come see you okay.

Mia nodded and he kisses her forehead before she walked away.

He stared at hers she walked, every two seconds she would turn to look at him then smile..

She got into her car, waved then zoomed off.

Heaving a sigh of relief, August walked back into the library only to meet with Blues mean face.

He almost ran back outside.

You denied ever seeing me, can you explain to me why you did that? she asked with the same mean face..

Beiber was glaring at him too.

Staring at Blue, he didn't know what to say...

How was he going to admit to be spying on her?