Chapter 16 - The Phantom of the Deep

The ocean seems so lonely moving about for many centuries going back and forth, without a thought or understanding of its existence. Ebbing and flowing and ebbing and flowing, void of sunlight whose life forms have no care in the world if it is day or night. One of those lonely creatures is the infamous beast of Fukushima.

With the boost of the squid'scephalopod fins, it acts like wings into the night sky.The mantel of the squid cuts through the water like a knife as it maneuvers through the Pacific without a sound.

Normally she likes to feed at about a thousand feet. At night she follows her next prey, a bioluminescent latternfish migrating to the surface after dusk. The deep-sea giant creeps upwards towards the surface knowing that the best feasting is up above.

She looks at a large structure of some kind that she has seen throughout these waters. She can sense right away that it is not a living being, so she leaves it alone.

However, as she turns away, she notices a small pair of eyes glancing in her direction. Ah, the object of her search. She uses her siphon to move the water so she can advance closer as her curiosity gets the best of her.

She is obsessed now. Even though her belly is full, she cannot help herself to sample this interesting looking morsel. As she gets closer, the problem is how to grab this fresh meat. It is not like she can just grab it with her arms. Her tentacles are only useful when she is on a level playing field.

Frustrated, she swims round and round. She lets out a low growl as her brain cannot figure out a way around this problem. Now the circling around gets shorter and shorter. The giant eyes of hers squint really tight.

Just as she was about to take action, the object of her desire disappears. Frustrated, she swims away.


After what seems like forever, Jensen walks up to the pilot's wheel. It's Adams turn to get some sleep. He is so looking forward for a little shuteye. As he puts the covers over his face, he hears a loud crack breaking the silence. He sits up suddenly. Jensen sees this and says, "Relax… that's just the boat shifting an inch to port."

Ashley grumbles, "Go back to sleep."

It took Adam quite a bit to doze off. He drifts for about a half an hour when awaken by a thump sound. He shouts, "Now what?"

Jensen yells back. "Nothing to worry about. That's just the boat shudder."

It took a long time for the old fishing boat to right itself with its many creaks and groans. With the orchestra of noises amplified by the pitch darkness, Adam and Ashly tried as they might, could not get any sort of rest.


Leisurely striding across the feeding ground of the Kraken, the Scrimp Dancer makes its path to the left of the eastern rising sun towards the middle of nowhere. Right smack dead center of the Pacific. The flags on its mast waving away to no one in particular.

Jensen is wide-awake and has pulled anchor. He seems ready to get to the high seas. The old fisherman steers the boat while Adam and Ashley catches a few winks. As Adam snores away, Jensen cannot help but think to himself what the fuss was all about with the boat making a few creaks. The noises coming from Adam, he can wake the dead.

The whipping of the boat flags wakes them up. They yawn as they move about the deck of the boat. They stop to take in the smell of the ocean to fill their lungs. Landlubbers! They make such a fuss over the smallest things. To Jensen's jaded mind, he is used to it.

As a bachelor, Jensen is not used to a nicely cooked meal. He is so looking forward to Ashely cooking up breakfast. He is so glad that she volunteered. He did not want to be accused of being a sexist for asking.

Leaning over the edge of his fishing boat, he surveys the ocean like a night's watchman. Any ripple in the waters does not go unnoticed by his watchful eyes. Adam and Ashley joins him to stand over the view the waters below.

Layout before them is a gorgeous image of a glowing, electric blue waves crashing onto the Mighty Pacific.

"What is that Karl?"

"Some kind of microscopic organism playing tricks on our eyes."

"What sort of tricks?" asks Adam.

"It's Mother Nature's way of protecting the organisms from predators."

"Well, I'll be," said Adam. "How does it –"

"—did you feel that?" asks Ashley. There is a disturbance in the water.

Adam notices Jensen's stillness. "What is it?"

"Shhh!" He rushes to the other side. "I'm not sure."

Adam nervously looks around from side to side. Could it be? No wave goes unnoticed. "There… I see something." Jensen and Ashley dashes to his side.

"Where?" asks Ashley.

"There, there, there," responds Adam. "Don't you see it?"

Jensen and Ashley strain their eyes. Ashley yells out, "I see something too." She points out to the sea. "Is that sharks?"

Jensen squints, "I don't see nothing… ah… I see it too." Jensen laughs.

"What's so funny Karl?" Ashley asks.

"Yeah," Adam responds. "What gives?"

"You can relax. It's just a school of dolphins going by."

Ashely gets excited. "Dolphins. Ooh, you're right. Ah, how cute."

The three admire the many dolphins swimming by. Every so often one arch upwards and dips back down. Then a few feet away, another dives up. The amount of dolphins is amazing. Soon the ocean is filled with them.

And just as soon as they appeared, they were gone. That does not stop the trio from still searching for them. A screech interrupts them as a seagull flies by. Then a few more in a haphazard pattern. Then they are gone too.

The ocean's landscape is surreal. The glint of the dawn sky flickers on the moving waves. Then it turns glassy tranquil. The old fisherman freezes as he holds the boats steering wheel. There is an uncanny calm that fill the dusk sky.

The wind dies down as if someone shut it off. The atmosphere is very still. Dry and warm, the air is more stable. Now this was something that Jensen was not used to. It has happened a few times, but not like this. Not with an air of uncertainty.

Adam and Jensen look at each other. Adam breaks the silence, "What do you think—"

"—shush!" Jensen holds out his left hand. "I smell her."

Adam takes a deep breath. "All I smell is fish. How can you be cert—"

"—it was the same smell the last time I came across her."

A long silence permeates the ocean mist. None of them moves or even dare to let out a single breath. Jensen said, "I guess it was a false alarm."

"Thanks a lot Karl. My heart is in my throat," says Ashley.

"Sorry missy. But, one can never be too—"

Just then, they are jolted by a large bump against the boat that throws the three of them to the side. "It must be the Kraken," Jensen said. "And it's ready to attack!"

Adam picks himself off, dust himself off, and was not ready to start all over again. "Damn… and we did not get a chance to eat breakfast."

"How can you think of your stomach now?" Ashley yells back.

"Aye," says Jensen. "But it seems that the beast is hungry as well."

Adam shakes his head as his body shivers. "I don't want to be the main course."

Then the boat rocks again, but a bit harder. Jensen yells out, "It's showtime!"

Yeah, it is do or die for the trio.


Right on cue, out of the darkness of the deep blue ocean, just like an ethereal phantom of the sea, the beast now called the Kraken makes her appearance. The colossal dread Goliath herself. Battle worn, her slimy exterior dappled with scabs and scratches from wounds from past confrontations.

For a big, powerful animal, she is swift as a gazelle as she comes straight at them. It is just a matter of time until they are face-to-face with her. She avoids turbulence at the surface as she minimizes drag allowing her to briefly pop up. The Shrimp Dancer is far from the beast as it swims away.

Then the powerful beast plunges down her huge mantel like a knife as she cuts through the ocean and dips down into the water. Slowly she descends to the depth with the length of her massive body, wave-like which propels her forward. Finally, disappearing into the salty sea with all buy her eight tentacles kicking like a world-class swimmer.

She uses this technique like a cloak blocking her every movement. The very spot she descended from has a hole in the water as if it was some sort of chasm. But, did she go down below? Or is she still coming at them straight ahead? How close is she? Is she right under us and we don't know it?

From above the Shrimp Dancer, the trio glance towards the horizon of the Pacific. They shield their eyes from the rising sun. Just a vastness among the foaming sea. Adam looks over to Jensen, but he is motionless with time. His expression quivers so much so that the adrenalin inside of him builds all of the way up his body. He has a determined look on his face as he gazes frantically into the abyssal oceans deep. "Come on you bloody bastard," Jensen mumbles a low whisper. "Show yourself to me." It was as if he was wishing for her to materialize.


Nothing but seagulls flying about in circles squawking along the glassy surface of the ocean. Adam stares as well. He could have sworn he saw some sort of form in the water. They wait for something that they dread will appear. The anticipation causes the hair on the back of Adam's neck to stand at attention like a bunch of soldiers going to battle.

Peeking through the surface, the beast from Fukushima swishes her triangle tail. Jensen spots it and shouts, "The legend that is the Kraken!" The myth is no more.

Adam and Ashley stare at the overwhelming immense size of the beast. Adam gazes at the sight of the creature swimming far from the distance, away in the ocean's endless panorama. A lump appears in his throat. "Who were you expecting?" Adam voice raises a pitch, "The resurrection of Elvis Presley?" There is excitement and fear in the tenor of its guttural sound. He is frozen in terror.

This is Ashley's first sight of the beast. She is too dumbstruck to even make any sort of quip. Her quietness is uncharacteristic. Her mouth drops wide open. Gaping at the sight of the slimy… thing… her chest rises and falls. So much so that she has trouble catching her breath.

All three stare at each other in stunned silence. Adam and Ashley grab the railing of the boat for dare life. Adam watches in horror. Then he slowly glances over at Jensen. He too is immobile in infamy. Building slowly on his face is a look of determination.

Without any warning, the trio is startled by an eruption never felt by any human. Out of the clear blue, emitting from the burst of air is a rusty figure as it ascends with jolting abruptness. Then she shoots jets of water at high pressure and propels itself out of the sea. The mollusk breaks the ocean's exterior at terrific velocity as she slithers through the atmosphere with her remarkably sizeable pectoral fins.

Rising like the Phoenix from the ashes of anguish, the predator travels upward at one hundred feet in the air being airborne for three seconds, towering well above the Shrimp Dancer. While still in flight, the beast extends her massive fins open as she flares her tentacles in what seems like arms in a radial circle pattern as if she was flying. She maintains this posture as long as she can.

"There she is alright," Jensen said, "And waiting as if she knew we were here."

When she came down, the beast folds her fins back into place to reduce the impact. When she comes crashing down into the ocean, she creates a splash bigger than any cannon ball dive can ever make.

This causes the tiny fishing boat to be thrown about like it just hit a title wave.

The passengers aboard the boat are tossed about. Jensen pulls himself up and grabs on to the rails. He yells, "That was the end of round one. Get ready, it only gets bumpy from here."

Dazed and confused, Adam lifts himself up and grabs on to anything he can. He helps Ashley who does not seem too proud to take the assistance. He sees Jensen stand on the guardrails looking down. Adam stands beside him to see where the beast is now. Nothing but white foam.

"Is she gone?" Adam asks.

"No," Jensen said, "She has only just begun."

Ashley joins them in looking at the ocean. Not having their sea legs, they both grab the side railing for dear life.

On the other hand, Jensen has no problem. He has a jolt of energy. He bolts past Ashley, then heads to the right side of the boat. "I dare you to come this way," Jensen egging on the creature. The sight of the killer squid changes Jensen's mood. He went from the kind soul that they all know, to a man possessed. He flings his injured arm in the sky. He is full of vigorous vitality.

With the strength and determination of a lion, Jensen rushes over to the cleat and grabs the line. He pulls on the rope, but it slips out of his injured hand. The force of it knocks him down. He shouts with rage.

Adam rushes over to help. However, Jensen pushes him away. "Do you think I'm a cripple," Jensen said, "I can still take you on with just the one good arm." Adam backs away.

As dawn creeps into midday, the Pacific waters ripples which is a sure sign that the beast is swimming by. She glides along at a yard per second. Close enough to notice its massive girth, but still far enough away that she can't do any damage. Jensen curses her. He is crazed with vengeance. Providence has marooned his psyche.

Just as sudden that the beast made her entrance, she disappears into the murky troubled waters. Adam piers at the spot where he saw her. Pointing his index finger at the empty space, Jensen yells out, "She is gone!" He pounds his fist on top of the cabin. Frustrated, he paces about in short spans. Though the air is cold from the morning mist, sweat pours from his brow.

Determined, Jensen rushes to the steering wheel. He pulls back the levers thrusting the Shrimp Dancer forward. Ashely and Adam is tossed backward. Adam regains his composure and looks about the ocean to see when the next attack will occur.

Dipping up briefly is the loathsome beast. Adam tries to respond but nothing comes out but a whispery raspy noise trapped in his throat. Finally, bursting forth he hollers, "There's that sonabitch. Over there on the left side."

"Jensen snaps back, "My left or your left?" Adam stops to think. Jensen interjects, "Is it port or starboard?"

Adam lifts up both arms and moves them about like a mime. "Starboard…no—port."

"Which is it," Jensen asks, "Port or starboard?"

Confused, Adam lifts up his left arm, "Port… definitely port."

"I see her," Jensen says. He accelerates to her. He pulls the boat alongside her within twenty feet. And is right in Jensen's face. "Where?"

"There!" Adam points, "That's was the spot I saw her."

Jensen jumps off the platform where the steering wheel is and stands next to Adam along the side railings. He stares into to where Adam is pointing. His eyes squint trying to see it. Then he raises one eyebrow and pouts out his lower lip.

"Are you sure," Jensen says, "The glare reflected on the water can play tricks on you."

Ashely joins Adam in searching the waters, but they can no longer see the beast because the glow of the noon sun shines on the smooth waters.

Jensen jumps back to his platform and grabs the steering wheel. He pulls the gears as he points the boat in that direction, but loses sight of her. He pulls off his sunglasses, blinks a rapidly, then puts them back on. "I have no clue," he said.

They all pace about taking different points of the boat to search for the creature. What is merely minutes, seems like hours. Not moving even to eat, the trio's nervous anticipation keeps them glued to one spot. Not knowing, not confident, not certain, on what is coming next.

Adam sits down, but gets right back up again. Every sound catches his ear. Every little splash in the water makes him jump. "Ah, did we bring Tylenol?"

"I have aspirin," Jensen said.

"No, that doesn't work for me, it must be Tylenol."

Jensen mocks him. "Picky, picky, picky!"

"I'll take the aspirin Karl," said Ashley as she runs to the side of the boat. Leans over the railing and heaves into the ocean.

"How can you get seasick with the waters being calm," Jensen said?

"How long has it been Karl?" Adam asks.

"I don't know, I didn't look at the clock when the beast left us," Jensen says as he rubs the back of his neck. "But using the sun as a measurement, I'd say we've been staring at the ocean for about four hours now."

The sun is really blazing now as it sits on the horizon, doing a very difficult balancing act. As the big ball of fire slowly dips into the sea, it looks like the waters is extinguishing the great star. The sky evolves from day to night as the evening twilight approaches.As far as the eye can see is an infinite panorama of water. And the Scrimp Dancer is just a dot among it.

Adam has a tingle inside of him and he feels the chills. Ashley looks at him. Now that they are getting closer, she seems nervous. He knows he must not show his fear to her. He must show confidence. He forces a smile. Then grabs her hand into his. "Ooh, you must be cold too. I feel the hair on your arm stand straight up."

In a joking tone, "It's just you baby… you still have it." his voice cracks.

She tilts her head to the side and rests on his shoulder. "How come I feel that we are waiting to be executed?"

"Relax. Karl and I have this." If he can only believe it.

Jensen walks by eating an apple. He tosses another up in the air and Adam just barely catches it. "Good catch. The Padres are looking for an outfielder."

"Next year is there year."

"If only I can—" a creaking sound interrupts them.

"Is your boat going to make that sound again all night? I would love to get some shut eye to—"

"—shhhh!" Jensen's raging eyes glare motionless of the far-off distance. "She is here."

Adam says, "Here we go again."

"I'm not waiting one more night to be squid bait. We will go after her."

"Think twice about this Karl. She does have home field advantage."

Jensen stops for a second as if he was considering what Adam was saying. Then out of the blue, the fisherman rummages through a bunch of his stuff. Finally, with a tremendous wail, he says, "Remove the inflatables!"

What the—Ashley and Adam looks at each other stunned. Adam responds, "Into the dark of night? Are you mad?"

"Yes," Jensen said, "Lower then down and prep the outboard, make sure they are filled with gas."

Ashley steps in, "You want us to go after the slimy thing without any lights?"

"Of course when it's dark," Jensen addresses his inexperience crew. "We'll pursue her by night so we can see her rustic color glowing in the dark." He erupts with energy as he springs forward grabbing this and that. "Adam, takes an end. Ashely, grab the rope and help lower the raft."

Ashely dawdles. Jensen lashes his impatience on to her. "You're the one that wanted to come along."

Adam senses her fear, steps up and grabs the pulley and lowers the inflatable boat with the dexterity of a skilled sailor. Of course, this being a much smaller craft that any maritime mate has manned.

Almost dusk now, a thick cumulous haze billows forth like an opaque eye. The glare of the sun tries to peak through. As each puff of clouds pass by, it beats down on the Shrimp Dancer casting a glow on the fog bank.