Chapter 17 – The Monster Within

This kaleidoscope provided by Mother Nature is not lost on Adam. The image is so dreamlike that he feels like he is watching it from a distant. He is consumed by the rolling in of marine layer.

This reduces visibly. However, this does not stop Jensen. Going on strictly instincts, he navigates the boat through the water. Adam cannot see which direction they are heading. He looks over at Jensen who has a crazed look on his face as if his soul is guided by a an Omnipotent Being which has consumed his inner self.

Adam jumps back when he sees a ripple in the water as the beast swims right by the boat.

"Ha, ha!" Jensen said. "What did I tell you?"

When Adam looks up, he sees a blank stare on Jensen face. Veins popping out. He shakes his head. "This won't do, I tell ya." He seems frustrated. "We need a plan. The next time she makes a pass, we must catch her off guard."

"And do what?" Adam is afraid of what the answer is going to be.

"Tag her of course."

Ashley about fell backwards. "Are you crazy?"

Jensen shakes his head in frustration. "Normally, when I go out fishing," he tells them, "It's important to know your bait. However, in this case, the bait is us."

Adam's eyes seem confused. "I don't follow?"

"Yes, put a tracking device on her so we know her every move. Right now she has the advantage because she can see us, but we only know where she is when she pops up through the surface."

Adam responds. "What's your game plan pray tell? 'Here fishy, fishy, fishy… come and get your tracking device'? I think you have lost it Karl."

Jensen jumps inside of cabin with such vim, you would have no idea that he is a dying man. Adam and Ashely look at each other. Then he pops out. He has the dart gun. "It's not like we have to get real close. On her next pass, we shoot this at her right under the squids fins."

Adam looks dazed. "What do you mean, 'we'?"

"Well, I need to steer the boat," says Jensen.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

After an awkward pause, Ashley says, "Don't look at me."

"Karl, this is your dumb idea," Adam replies.

"Fine, but you have to steer the Shrimp Dancer."

"Fine, I'll steer the boat."

Jensen grabs the dart gun. Adam walks past Ashley.

Ashley says, "You don't know how to steer a boat."

"It's better to do that than try to tagged that… thing."

At first, Adam has trouble with the gears, but gets the hang of it. Jensen has the dart gun ready. He leans over the side of the boat, waiting as if it was Christmas morning.

After riding around for about an hour, Jensen flashes the UV light into the ocean. It seemed to work before. However, unlike Pavlov's dog, the squid does not respond right away. Jensen keeps this up flashing it all around.

Frustrated, he puts the light down on the deck. Turning back around, he is face to face with the creature. He just about jumps out of his skin. Quickly, he picks up the dart gun. He seems to have trouble keeping the gun steady.

"Are you certain you can get a good shot at her Karl?"

"You worrying about steering and I'll worry about the shooting."

When Adam looks over at Jensen, he realizes that the dart gun is not for tagging. He plans on killing the beast, right then and there. Realizing that Jensen is playing with fate, Adam paces back and forth. The tension is like cranking up one of those old fashion Jack in Boxes, waiting for the clown to jump out. The difference in this version is that there is no music and Jack pops out to eat you.

Adam takes another round about the boat when Ashely stops him. She grabs his arms and gives him a freighting look. Then she pulls him in to her. She hugs him very tight. She puts her head on his shoulder. Scared, she does not let go.

Adam embraces her. He hears her heart beat really fast. He hopes that she does not hear his because it's racing just as fast as hers. He tilts his head to the side and sees Jensen standing off to the side of the boat with the dart gun in his hand. His face has a purposeful intensity to it.

A sheen of sweat develops on Jensen's cheeks. Then it builds to his chin. Perspiration pours down his forehead into his eyes. He takes off the bandana that he is wearing and wipes his brow.

Still holding the dart gun, Jensen moves about the boat strewing around anything that gets in his way. He tips over a deck chair. This startles Adam and Ashley. Jensen looks up at them, but avoids eye contact.

Worried, Adam says, "Are you alright Karl?"

"It's nothing," snaps Jensen. "The damn chair got in my way." The sound coming from his lips is very scratchy. It is apparent that the damn cancer is taking its toll on him. He can only emit a pitiful, "Sorry" as saliva builds up his throat.

His expression is remorseful. Reaching down to pick up the chair that he threw, Jensen freezes. He drops the chair and grabs his right arm. His face grimaces. He cannot even utter an "Ow".

Placing both hands on the railing, Jensen leans into the water. With a wavering voice, he cries out, "I will avenge the wrath you have placed upon me." He coughs a couple of times. "I shall never—" He coughs again. "—ever—" the coughing gets worse. He says a few more, but the coughing fits prevents the comprehension of his words.

Adam can see Jensen's ears turning red with furry. He feels helpless because he does not know how to stop him. And does Adam even want to at this point? His pain permeates throughout. What words do you say to someone on the brink of death?

Just as it seems that Jensen is finished, he stands up loses his grip on the rail and almost slips. He raises his dead arm in the air. Growling now like a wounded wolf, he says, "For what you have taken from me, I shall take from you. With hades soul I will hunt you down until every breath in my body is consumed."

Jensen will not have to wait long for his revenge. Rising above the mist, is the beast of Fukushima gliding along the water. The Pacific is as grey as the heart of the Kraken. This is normal for sea life and does not slow her down as she swims steadily towards the vessel. Though steady in her gate, she is still too far away to attack.

This does not stop the creature from trying. Her rhythm is steady with the current. She dips down as her triangle tail flips in the air above the water's edge. Subsequently it causes her body to rise up. She repeats this pattern like a world champion swimmer as she ebbs and flows with the sea.

Jensen's brow furrows as his jaw clenches. He gazes frantically towards the ocean. "Come and get me, you miserable predator!"

Jensen puts on his wetsuit. Adam is worried about his friend. His zeal blocks his rational. "Help with this," he says to Adam.

"What are you doing?"

Jensen struggles to put it on. "Are you going to help me or not?"

Against his better judgment, Adam pulls up the suit. "You don't have to do this Karl. There are other options."

"And what are they?"

Adam is a loss for words. "Well… um… your idea of harpooning her as she swims by seems the better strategy."

"I'm tired of waiting for her." Jensen throws the dart gun into the underwater Propulsion Scooter. With his good arm, he uses a wench to lower it in the water. He reaches into a drawer into his cabin and pulls out a special knife. Then he puts into his side belt.

Adam asks him, "What do you plan on doing with that? Filet her?"

"Once I weaken her with the dart, I will take the knife and stab her in that sweet spot I told you about before. The underbelly. That 'atta do her."

Ashley walks over to Adam. "Stop him."

Adam grabs Jensen. "It's not too late."

"No confidence in me? You forget, I am an experience diver and have many more years under my belt." He looks at Adam. "No offense." Karl jumps into the scooter. He checks to see if he has everything. The dart gun. And the knife attached to his side belt.

"But Karl," Ashley says, "It's suicide!"

He looks straight at her with a look of sympathy. "What do I have to lose?"

As Jensen disappears in the dark, black waters, Adam and Ashley exchange a long look between them.

With the scooter now in the water, Jensen struggles operating the blasted thing. His right arm is useless. How is he going to hold on to this thing and shoot the bloody beast with the other? He looks ahead to the charging cephalopod. She creates a wave of foam around her as he is on a collision course with.

Jensen grits his teeth and full steam ahead. He now becomes the predator.

Amongst the backdrop of the mighty Pacific, these two warriors have a date with destiny. The melodrama cast is set. Villain vs avenger. Fight to the death. Advantage goes to the much larger appointment. But, the humanoid has a no-lose game plan. He is willing to die. Is the beast ready to do the same?

The craft that Jensen rides moves at a few yards dead straight ahead. He looks back to see his beloved Shrimp Dancer for the last time. He cannot see much with only the full moon as illumination.

Nevertheless, he is well aware that Ashley and Adam are watching the spectacle. It is for their future he is also fighting for. His own solitary life and its loneness has cursed him. The once caring person that is Karl Jensen buried deep inside of his heart, now resurfaces. If only he took the time to have a soulmate to share with. Damn it, he is not going to deny that of Adam.

Pushing the throttle forward, he speeds forward. Closer and closer he approaches her. He grabs his dart gun and sets it. Jensen ole' boy. You will only get one shot at this. Make it a good one.

From the cavernous murkiness of the sea, she lunges up and down ever so gradually towards it prey. Without effort… comes the Kraken. Graceful compared to the craft that Jensen drives. The stand-off begins. It is a game of chicken. Who will flinch first? The beast is just upon the old fisherman now.

Just as the two are about to crash into each other, the creature's horrific girth drifts up on him. With a burst of air like Old Faithful, her siphon squirts out a jet of water propelling herself backwards. First Jensen sees that ugly head peeking at him with those large saucer like eyes. Then the massive fin makes its dreadful appearance. And right there, exposed to him… is the object of his desire. The mantle. This reddish-pink sheath made of muscle and skin, covers the vital internal organs. Jensen grabs his knife, hoping to get one good stab at her.

However, when he reaches out, but will not be able to make any sort of damage to the mantle. His only hope now is the dart gun. It only has one bullet in the chamber, so he must give it a good shot and then hope that she is injured enough for him to go in for the kill.

The giant squid dips down one last time. Jensen can tell that the beast is moving away from him. He knows very well that she is not fleeing, but gaining ground to make one last charge like a bull in a bullfight. He braces for the impact, dart gun in hand.

Silence fills the air. Jensen knows that she will attack, but when. "When will you show your ugly face?" he shouts out.

Without warning, the beast blindsides him from the rear, knocking him off of the scooter. Dropping the dart gun from his hands in the process. When Jensen turns around, he is face to face with beast from Fukushima.

Jensen pulls out the knife from his side belt. "Okay, are you ready for the rematch you sonna bitch?" Angry and hungry, the giant squid lunges towards the old fisherman. With her guard exposed, Jensen has an opening that any boxer dreams of. Her soft underbelly mantel is right for the taken. She will be dead soon. It's all matter of sealing the deal.

However, being that Jensen is forced to use his non-dominant left hand, his thrust was weak and did no damage to the hungry predator. Jensen missed his only opportunity to take down the beast.

Still, Jensen will not go down without a fight. He pulls himself back on the scooter. Infuriated at this decisive defiant of what he considers his domain, Jensen regrips the knife. "Come and get me. I'm ready for 'ya!" He rams straight towards her brandishing his trusty blade.

One more time he trusts the knife forward, but the beast scarcely noticed. Now eye to eye, she raises those powerful arms and knocks the knife out of Jensen's hand. It sinks down the ocean along with the dart gun.

Jensen pulls the throttle on the scooter and dives down under water to retrieve the knife. However, he didn't get far. With her tentacles the Kraken grabs Jensen. She opens up her giant beak as she has done countless times. This prey is no different. She pulls him towards her viscous mouth and into her waiting jaws.

Jensen promises himself he will not scream, but only being human, he gives in to the slow throbbing pain. He feels his blood ooze down her gullet as he is allowed to live just long enough to know the sensation of being eaten alive.

As he nears his demise, he realizes the irony of the entire scene. He, the fisherman becomes the catch. Now he knows the pain all of his poor captives went through during their last moments of life.


The predator is now well practiced in removing the fresh meat from the wetsuit and strips it open. Once free of this outer shell, the beast pops him into her slavering orifice. The victim lets out a few screams, then she swallows it. The prey still struggles frantically to get free, but is quickly eaten.

This was the nasty meal she was anticipating. However, this was just the appetizer. She is hungry for more. She gazes up from whence the first tidbit came from. If there is one, there has to be more. Sure enough, she sees two more. This should be easy pickings.


Just a ripple remains after Jensen made his decent into the Pacific. And yet both Adam and Ashley watch the opening left behind by their friend. In what seems like an eternity, they gaze into this dark crevice waiting for something to happen.

Both Adam and Ashley agree that it was a mistake for their friend to go after the Kraken. And yet they were defenseless in stopping Karl. After he disappeared into the mysterious depths of the deep-sea, neither of them spoke. The magnitude of the moment did not require any sort of useless words. Both hoped for the best, but most certainly expecting the worse.

As if watching a magician about to produce something from his top hat, so goes the activity upon the Shrimp Dancer. A sign… any sign of the fate of Karl Jensen. Adam does not expect much debris from this eating machine. Turning his head, he glances over at Ashley. He lets out a long, hard sigh. He shakes his head from side to side. She, in turn returns the gesture. Her head goes limp to her chest.

Then, gurgling a sound catches their attention. Bubbling forth the surface of the sea is the DPV. Expecting the mangled body of Jensen, they are shocked to see no rider on the craft, just the moving up and down of the motorized scooter.

The haunting sound of a foghorn echoes through the night. Splashing in the water is a buoy rocking from side to side while squawking of seagulls is heard as it circles around it. The still in the air is freighting.

Breaking through the silence is the triangle fin of the beast bursting through the surface momentarily. Then it dips back down. The surrounding water turns red. All that remains is Jensen's headless torso floating on top.

Adam gasps, and Ashley screams. They are shocked, just shocked at the sight of the carnage left behind by the carnivorous beast. Adam stares, just dazed and confused. Ashley grips Adams arm. Her nails dig deep into his flesh. He can feel her fear.

Within moments, the squid returns and devours the rest of what was the old fisherman.

Ashley turns her head in horror and rests it on Adam's shoulder. His skin tingles as he processes what he just saw. He embraces her as her cries is muffled into his comforting arms. His heartbeat races knowing that he and Ashley are the next victims.

Adam is traumatized. With the death of Jensen, so too was their best hopes of killing the Kraken, gone in a flash. However, it is not just the loss of the avenger of the beast that bothers them. No… they have lost more than that. They lost a good friend. Adam doubts if the stone cold killer has any sort of sympathy in her hard-hearted heart.