Samuel's P.O.V

I went out of Luna's dorm slowly I looked around and gulped feeling Riki's presence near, I smirked as I slowly do when he was about to tackle me to the ground I dodge making him fall down instead

"No fair!"

I sighed ruffling his hair

"You have been doing that since then Riki, so ofc me and the rest are used to it by now"

He rolled his eyes as we went to our class and sat down

"Is there a meeting today?"

I shrugged

"Maybe you know we have too right"

He nodded and looked down

"Meet me at my room tonight ok?"

He slowly nodded again as Johnny went inside as he smiled

"Hey! You guys are quite early"-Johnny

"Yeah, we just had to cause I heard we have a quiz today am I right Sam?"-Riki

I nodded

"We do have so we had time to review"

Silence took over then we all laughed

"Who cares about reviewing? We are the top 3 ranks in our class, so who cares"-Johnny

"Yeah who?"-Riki

Our Professor went inside as we sighed and he gave us the quiz papers

"Ok 1 hour to take the quiz and you will expect your papers to be handed out tomorrow at class got it? Importantly no cheating and no using telepathic communication"

We all nodded as we handed out the papers and once we got ours we immediately started answering, I looked at Johnny and Riki as Riki just smirked and answered.

After class our whole class groaned except for us since it was quite easy for us

"We three did pretty well today"-Johnny

I nodded

"Ofc we are the Highest ranks in our class, why wouldn't we?"-Riki

I ruffled his head

"You don't study but you still get everything right and some wrong"

"Yeah cause I'm smart"-Riki

"You even sometimes let Jay do you homework"-Johnny

"Cause I'm his favorite! Duh"-Riki

"No your not, I'm his favorite"-Johnny

"No I'm his favorite!"

We kept bickering until we reach the place where we always meet up

"Why are you three arguing about now?"-Benjamin

The three of us looked at them, as we landed our eyes on Jay

"Why are you looking at me like that?"-Jay

We looked at each other and nodded

"Who's your favorite between the three of us?"

The three of us asked in unison as he scratched the back of his neck

"Favorite? But I have no favorites between the three of you, I treat you three equally"-Jay

"You three are really dense huh? Jay's favorite is me"-Benjamin

We gasped as Benjamin put an arm around his shoulder as Jay smacked the back of his head making Benjamin whine

"Hey! It hurts!"-Benjamin

"You are not my favorite and Jake you too are not my favorite so don't try"-Jay

Jake sulked as he sat back down on his chair and played with his phone, we all looked at Ethan who was playing on his phone and he looked at us confused


"Jay! You said no favorites why is Ethan not on the list!"-Benjamin

"Cause he is older and yes he is my favorite the five of you are a head ache of course if Ethan tries to join the 6 of you"-Jay

We all sulked and sat down, he gave us plates filled with our favorite ice creams

"Thanks Jay!"

He smiled and sat down looking at Ethan

"What's the plan now tan?"-Jay

"First we are going back to Vampire Patrol, I have spoke with the Principal of course and he agreed and will continue to look after Eliza's behavior"-Ethan

"Don't forget you are the main target of her Ethan, keep your guard up"-Jake

Ethan nodded as Jay patted his back

"So what are we going to do now?"-Jake

"Since these three have finished arguing we can go rest"-Ethan

We nodded and went outside, going straight back to our dorm.


Jake's P.O.V

Once we got inside our dorm, I immediately ran straight to the bathroom as Riki groaned outside

"Unfair! I was supposed to be going inside there!"

He whined as I laughed as I hopped inside taking a nice warm shower, after I finished I went out and went straight to mine and Jay's room seeing him sitting on the bed



I sat down drying my hair in the process

"Aren't you going to take a shower?"

"After Benjamin, I already called dibs since we did rock, paper, scissors right after you hopped inside the shower awhile back"

I chuckled as I looked at him typing on his phone

"Who are you texting?"

"Michael, he is telling me how Eliza is planning something to get rid of Ethan"

I sighed

"Why would she want to get rid of Ethan? I mean she already has everything that she would want"

He shrugged and sighed putting his phone on his nightstand and got his towel

"We must do everything to protect Ethan at all cost"

I nodded as he went out of the door, I took my phone and saw a text from Kyle saying he wants to meet us behind the school I took my jacket and went out seeing them look at me confused

"Kyle wants to see all of us"

I said as they all went to take their jackets and we went straight to the back of the school we saw 4 figures and sighed

"Kyle, Tyler, Elias, Nathan"

They all looked at us and smiled


"Why did you text me? What's wrong?"

"You heard about the rogue vampires?"-Tyler

We nodded

"Yeah and about the soccer match it was changed to a month from now and there is a chance that Rogue Vampires might enter this school"-Nathan

"Since it's open for all"-Samuel

They nodded

"You must be careful and keep your guards up at all times"-Elias

"Woah slow down Eli, you are going to your Mom state now"-Nathan

As we giggled making Elias smack Nathan as he groaned

"We must go, we will go straight to the room where you guys always meet up alright?"-Tyler

"Ok, be safe alright"-Jay

They went off as we went back to our dorm getting ready to sleep.