Luna's P.O.V

I was just heading straight to the library to return the books I borrowed as I was about to open the door when someone opened it for me, I saw it was Jay


He smiled as he took the books from my hand

"I can handle it Jay"

"Nope, I'm a man so you I insist on carrying these books Luna it's quite a lot"-Jay

I shrugged as we went to the librarian as she handed my library pass and I put everything at the side

"Thank you"

She smiled as me and Jay went off

"Is Eliza still bothering you?"-Jay

"Nope not anymore, more like annoying me sometimes when we have classes"

He sighed

"You are literally sitting beside me Luna"

I nodded


He looked at me as I hummed

"How come your age is like Riki but you are in the 10th grade?"-Jay

"Let's just say I was pretty smart taking the entrance exam here"

"Woah really?"-Jay

I nodded

"It was quite easy for me to pass so they decided to put me straight to 10th grade when the truth is I'm supposed to be in 8th grade"

He giggled

"I figured you were too advance in knowledge Luna"

He ruffled my hair as I groaned

"Hey! I took 30 minutes to tidy my hair today!"

He laughed as we walked towards the garden

"Did you see this flower?"

I gasped as I saw the Hydrangea


He smiled

"I saw you looking at it last time, so I decided to bring you here at the garden at day time"

I smiled at him as He pinched my cheeks, making me whine in pain

"It hurts!"

He laughed out loud as I rolled my eyes at him


He looked at me and smiled

"My sister say that a lot to me, whenever I make fun of her"

He sat on a bench as I sat beside him

"Really? She did? Well my brother always teases me so I sulked a lot but he gives me chocolates to make me feel better"

"We have similar things Luna"

I nodded as I fiddled with my blazer as I sighed

"What do you guys do on Holidays?"

He looked at me and just rubbed my hands together since it was getting cold since Winter is coming

"Nothing, it's either the students go home if the Headmaster allows us to but for most parts we just stay here"

"Really? Well at least we have phones to communicate with our families"

He nodded as he patted my shoulder

"Hey since you don't have a brother, why don't we treat each other as siblings?"

I looked at him eyes sparkling

"Really? You'd agree on that?"

He nodded again and got something from his pocket putting it on my hair

"Yeah, I don't have biological siblings here at Red Moon I only knew that my family here are the others even though we have friends at another school, I still long for a sister"

I smiled and nodded

"Ok then from now on we will be Siblings"

He smiled ruffling my hair as I groaned

"Hey! I did this hairstyle for over 30 minutes now you ruined it"

He laughed and fixed my hair

"You are too cute and naive for this world you are walking on Luna"

I nodded as I looked up at the moon

"The Night sky is beautiful when looking up from the garden"

Jay looked up humming in agreement as he fixed my hair into a braid


I was in awe

"How did you know how to do these kind of hairstyle?"

He shrugged and smiled standing up

"Come, let's get to class we still have Chemistry"

I groaned as he chuckled as we walked to class together


Luna's P.O.V

I finally sighed in relief as our Chemistry professor went out

"Finally! Chemistry is done! My head hurts so bad!"

I heard Jay, Jake and Benjamin chuckle

"I thought it's easy for you?"-Jake

"No it's not! It hurts my brain"

"Well the next subject is History"-Jake

"One of my fav subjects in school"

Jay just smiled as we just wait for the Professor to come inside, a few minutes came by but the professor still hasn't come in for class

"Weird Professor Jace never missed class like ever"-Sunghoon

"It's really weird"-Jay

"Wonder what happened to him"-Jake

I sighed as I just sat back down head on my desk to sleep the night away, when I heard the bell ring

"It's quite early for class dismissal"

I said as we all stood up going outside, I went straight to my locker as I put my books inside

"What are your plans for today Luna?"-Samuel

"Nothing much, hey are we still on to the square this weekend?"

He nods as I smiled

"Great, where should we meet?"

"At the fountain of course"-Samuel

"Ok then, I better get going since I have to get reading and answering my homework for tonight"

"Well ok then bye Luna!"-Samuel

I went straight back inside my dorm as I saw Serenity sleeping on the bed

"Serenity your still sleeping?"

I caressed her fur as she woke up yawning and layed on my lap. As I took out my homework doing it as the kitten on my lap just looked at the mountain of papers unfazed, I giggled at her face as I caressed her fur

"Your bored aren't you? Wanna go out?"

She jumped off my lap and tapped the door

"Wait up I'm finishing this for a moment"

I said while writing the essay, she kept on bugging me as I laughed

"Ok, ok hold on girl don't get too excited"

After I finished my homework I picked her up as we went out, suddenly she stopped on her tracks as I looked at her confused and picked her up looking up seeing Jay walking towards us with Jake and Ethan beside him.