Luna's P.O.V

I was just chilling in my dorm as I looked at cat just sleeping as I got an idea

"Hey kitty"

I said picking her up as she looked at me with those cute kitten eyes

"Let's go to the Square yeah? I'm sure you want to get some sunlight and especially play in the sand"

I caressed her fur as she purred making me smiled

"I guess that's a yes then"

I put her down for me to get ready, after getting everything ready I picked Serenity up and walking out of the door making me bump into a wall wait what? I looked up seeing Michael standing there

"M-Michael? How long have you been there?"

I asked stuttering as he smiled

"Not that long actually I wanted to take you to the Square today, if you don't have other plans"

He said scratching the back of his head as I giggled

"No not at all actually me and Serenity were going to the Square too"

"Really? Well if you are going to the Square might as well come along with you, I heard there will be a carnival tonight do you wanna come with?"

I nodded

"It's been like 5 years since I went to a carnival so I would love to!"

He smiled ruffling my hair then pinching my cheeks making me whine because of the pain

"That hurts!"

He laughed as we went out of the school

"Your cute while angry Luna"

I rolled my eyes at his remarks as we walked towards the gate

"My brother and Jay always say that to me"

He looked at me confused

"Jay? Why does he have to do with you?"

"Well I missed my brother and he is the one closest to me as a brother, so he suggested I treat him like a brother so I agreed"

"So you're telling me that Jay is like a brother to you? No like other feelings?"

I nodded as I giggled at his jealous face

"Don't get jealous over him Michael" I said as we arrived at the square to the beach "it's calming after long weekdays at the academy am I right?" I nodded as I sighed

"It's calming" I said as I caressed Serenity's fur as we both sat at a bench enjoying the warm afternoon "oh yeah Luna have you told your parents about the upcoming Event this Friday?" Michael asks as I looked at him "what event?" I asked cluelessly

"They will have a day to be with us, like a Family day" I was shocked at what I heard "wait really?!" Michael nodded as I took out my phone was about to text mom when I saw her text seeing she already knew

"Oh my mom already knew about it" I said as he looked at my phone then I looked at him, his face near me making my heart beat fast "wanna take a picture?" I asked as he nods

I took a picture of the both of us as I smiled, suddenly Serenity jumped off my lap making me panic "Serenity!" I shouted running after her

Michael and I were running after her when she jumped up to the persons head "Serenity!" I said as I took her from the persons head "Omg I'm so sorry" I said apologizing

"Captain? I didn't know you were here" Michael said as I looked at the person seeing Ethan as he stood up petting the cat "you are so lucky that wasn't Jay or else he would have been sneezing so many times now" I giggled nodding as Serenity let out a purr as Ethan caressed her head

"Hey girl I see your out today hm got bored?" Serenity jumped towards his embrace and he giggled and said "I guess I'm going cat sitting today" I laughed at him "who are you with?" I asked seeing he was alone

"Nope I'm with the others actually they went to get food" He explained as I nodded as I saw Samuel talking with four guys more like gossiping "Sam's sharing some gossip with the four of them, you know Samuel a gossip magnet" I smiled

"Don't say that behind his back he might kill you when no one is looking" I said, he scoffed playfully"let him try, he knows he can't beat me" Ethan said as I giggled, I looked at the sunset and at Michael "I have to go Ethan, see you at school" I said as I dragged Michael away walking around the square for some time, enjoying each other's presence


Ethan's P.O.V

I was just chilling at the bleachers as I waited for the others to finish taking a shower at the shower room when Jay went out making me smiled


He smiled back and sat down beside me "I kinda notice Michael at how he looks at my sister" I giggled at him as I played with his fingers

"Really huh?" I said as he nodded and looked at the night sky "it's different since I have a crush but hid it from him" I nod at him

"But than........... Your always somewhere special here" He pointed at his heart as I smiled hugging him "your always so tiny beside me" he smacked my chest as I laughed at him

"Let's go back to the dorm?" He nods as we walked together to the dorm as we left the rest at the field

As soon as we entered the dorm, Jay went to make dinner for all of us as I watched some TV at the living room. When I was watching some good show I felt something jump on me seeing a black cat making me shock and frozen on my spot

"Where did you come from?" I lifted it up and saw the collar 'Serenity'? Luna's cat? How did she get here? I was cut off my trance when I heard Jay sneezed

"Jay?! You alright?!" I shouted from the living room as I held the kitten in my arms "yeah! Just sneezed ACHOO!!"

I looked at the kitten as I sighed "I'm going out for a bit, I'll be right back in a few" I said as he hummed as I went outside going to Luna's dorm seeing there was a little bit of opening making me look at the kitten as it looked back at me again

"So this is the way you got out? I thought Luna always locks here door not to let you out" I muttered as I knocked on the door, when the door opened making me face-to-face with Luna.