Luna's P.O.V

I was about to lay down on my bed after a long day when I noticed Serenity is still not on her cat bed, weird she always lays there or on my bed while I do some reading I looked around when I found my door opened making me panic, but that faded when I heard a knock. As I opened the door I saw Ethan holding Serenity

"Hey Luna" I greeted as she smiled then she looked at Serenity as I hummed

"Oh yeah serenity went to our dorm and I came here as soon as possible to not worsen jay's allergies" I explained as she nods "thanks Ethan, I panicked when I didn't see her around my dorm" I giggled and nod

"How is Jay?" I asks as Ethan scratched the back of my head "Hopefully the others are back so they could take care of him, while I return serenity since I left him sneezing there" "you should go back Ethan, the others might be looking for you"

"Nah they can handle their selves" I giggled as I gave the cat back to her "I better get going Luna see you tomorrow" I nod "Good night Ethan" "Good night Luna"

I went inside as I placed Serenity down and glared at her "I almost had a heart attack when you left" She looked at me with those boring eyes as I rolled my eyes at her "you little-" I cut myself off before I say something stupid to a cat so I went back to my desk and finished everything off first


Ethan's P.O.V

As I walk down the hallway back to my shared dorm with the others, I saw Eliza talking to someone I heard behind the pillar and saw her talking to the new kid named Selene

"Eliza The Annual family day is coming, I thought your plan will start from there" Selene said as she looked around "it is, I have to get rid of Luna first since she always ruins everything" I heard Eliza said "Don't forget his friends Eliza, they are the real problem I saw everything they can do" Selene said as I fumed

"Don't worry Richard, Michelle and Michael have the plan going already" Eliza said and pats her shoulder "I hope what you're doing is right Eliza" "don't worry everything will go according to plan" Eliza walks away as I immediately went back inside the dorm seeing them all worriedly looking at the door

"Ethan!" Jay jumped out of the couch and ran to me for a hug making me confused "Jay? What happened? Is something wrong?" I asked as I looked at the others "you told me you were gonna be back in a few but you were gone for 2 hours! The food is cold now!" Jay said as I smiled

"Sorry I had a little chat with Luna since apparently Serenity snuck out since she found an opening at the door so as ours so she snuck inside the dorm" I explained as Jay sighed in relief

"I'll reheat the food, you guys go chat for a few minutes" Jay said breaking our hug "you will also be listening Jay, you have super hearing" Benjamin said "every vampire do have super hearing Ben" Jay said as we laughed. The rest of us went to the living room as Jay went to the kitchen to reheat the food as I sat on the couch

"What happened Than?" Samuel asks "I heard Eliza and that new student Selene talking about getting rid of me at the annual Family day" I said as they all looked at each other "all of us don't have parents except you and Jay" Riki said as I smiled patting his head "they aren't my parents anymore, you guys are my family" I said as Riki smiled sitting beside me hugging me

"You have us now Ethan, and we won't leave you alone again" Jake said as I smiled "Guys! Let's eat!" Jay shouted as we all giggle and went to the dining room

"Ethan the annual Family day, we won't leave your side" Jay said "but Jay your parents will be there too" Johnny said as Jay nod "yeah, they always greet me at the end of the event but they will just text me if ever they want to talk to me" Jay said as we all nod at him.

After dinner, Benjamin and Riki were the ones to wash the dishes as I lay inside my shared bedroom with jay as I played with my phone while waiting for Jay to finish taking a shower

"Hey Ethan" I looked up from my phone seeing Jay wet haired and I just stared at him for like a few minutes, not until he snapped his fingers making me trance out "Ethan? You ok?" He asked worriedly as I just nod "yeah i-i'm fine" I stood up getting my towel heading straight to the bathroom

As soon as I entered the bathroom, I went to the sink and looked at my face "now your blushing Ethan" I said to myself as I sighed going to do my business inside. After finishing my routine I went out to see Jay laying there asleep already as I smiled, I went out and saw the guys still watching movie in the living room "why are you guys still awake?" I asked them as they all looked at me in unison "we will go to bed soon, don't worry" "Go to bed? It's 3:00am go to bed especially you Riki" Riki pouted and stood up going to his shared room with Samuel and Benjamin

"Now all of you" As soon as I said that they immediately dashed to their rooms as I giggled cleaning up their mess as I entered mine and Jay's shared room going straight to my bed as I drift off to Dreamland

But woke up due to some rustling sounds from the other side of the room