Ethan's P.O.V

I sat up and looked around the room to see Jay switching left and right on his bed, making me stand up and go to him straight away "Jay?" I shook him awake as I worriedly put my hand on his forehead but felt it hot as fire

"You don't get sick easily though" I mumbled as he squirmed away from my hand "hand too cold" Jay muttered as I sighed "wait a minute I'll be right back" Jay hid himself under his duvet as I sighed going out of the bedroom as I muttered under my breath

"Vampires don't get sick easily though" I went to the kitchen seeing Johnny as I was confused seeing him awake in the middle of the night "Johnny? Why are you still awake?" He looked at me shocked and confused at the same time "The same question goes to you why are YOU awake?" I opened the medicine cabinet "Jay is sick so I have to take care of him tonight, tell coach me and him won't be practicing later since he needs to catch up on some sleep" Johnny was confused "but Vampires don't get sick easily when was the last time he got sick?" He asks as I giggled

"100 years ago when we are still kids of course, for now Jay will be resting and won't go to nightball practice and if I get him to sleep early I'll go and practice" Johnny nods as he yawned walking towards his shared room with Jake, I went back inside my room seeing Jay still under the blanket as I slowly unveiled it revealing him asleep "Jay, wake up it's time to drink your medicine" I said as he squirmed

"No, I don wanna!" Jay pulled the blanket and stayed there as I smiled "Jay please you can feel better and you can cuddle with me for tonight" Jay slowly peaked out "really?" I nod as I helped him sat up and gave him the pills as I took the water as he was about to grab it when I took it away from him

"Ethan~" Jay whined as I smiled "Your hands are shaking dear" Jay blushed as I held the glass to his lips, as I felt his gaze towards me "Now don't glare at me Jay, you got sick because you ran 10 laps because you were late" I said to him as I put the glass on his bedside table "for now, you will rest 'till tomorrow" Jay whined as I smiled "don't whine Jay, but you have to rest good night or good morning" He pouted but still layed there as I turned off the lights making him sleep in a flesh, as I went out getting some coffee ready and freshening up.


Jake's P.O.V

I was just writing some notes inside the classroom when I saw Jay slowly sit down beside me making me widen my eyes "Jay?!" Benjamin looked up and jaw dropped as Jay looks at us "What? You look like you've seen a ghost" Jay said and coughed right after "But Jay you are still sick, why are you out here?" I asked as Luna looked at us from the front, yes the front since she was transferred seats with some student I don't even know

"C'mon don't be like that guys, I'm fine Ethan is just Over Protective over me and it even spread out to each and everyone of you" Jay chuckles but sneezed right after making the Professor look at him "Mr Jay? I thought Ethan called you absent for today?" The Professor asks as Jay smiled lightly "No Professor he didn't, he just umm made a mistake" I rolled my eyes at his excuse. I looked after Jay for most of the classes as he didn't want to go back to the dorms to rest, but when Ethan went inside the classroom to get some papers he was shocked seeing Jay beside me.

"Um Professor, Jay is excused for any classes today I already spoke to the Headmaster about this" Ethan said as Jay groaned as I sighed in relief "Oh really? Then Jay you may be excused I'll hand over your assignments to be dued next week ok?" Jay nods as he picked up his stuff going outside as Ethan sighs then left the room

Jay's P.O.V

As I left the classroom, I glared at Ethan as he looked at me blankly "don't you dare glare at me Jay, I am just trying to watch over your health you are still sick" he walked towards me and out a hand on my shoulder "Jay I'm worried for you ok? I know you may not like someone looking out for you as you like looking out for someone rather than yourself, but just so you know Jay some people are worried for you too" I looked at Ethan with teary eyes as he smiled "teary? Come now we have to get you to bed" we went back to the dorm as he helped me lay down on the bed

"Now rest Jay, your body needs rest and your mind too" Ethan says as he put a wet towel on my forehead "Your lucky, I excused myself for multiple of periods but just went on an errand for some papers because I'm the President of the Student council remember?" Ethan explains "and then when I came back to check on you, you have gone missing then I found you inside your classroom almost dozing off at class" I pouted as he gave me Johnny's stuffed animal "get some more rest Jay, I'll be in the living room watching some TV then come back here with some food" He was about to stand up when I held his wrist making me look at me "Stay please?"

He smiles as he just sat beside me making me move closer then as I hugged his waist going to sleep right away. "Rest well Jay, you deserve your rest" I heard Ethan said as I snuggled closely to him.