Luna's P.O.V

It's been 2 days since Jay didn't come to school, I was just in the school's greenhouse looking at the plants when my vision went black then I heard a voice "guess who?", I giggled and took his hands off smiling "Jay! you're back!" I hugged him as he chuckled "of course I am, sorry it took too long the fever was quite high when it was the first night" he says scratching the back of his neck "but at least you came back! Tomorrow is the Parents visiting day!" Jay widens his eyes and nods, but I noticed something "is there something wrong? And your awfully quiet about your parents you know that Jay?" He smiles

"It's nothing really Luna, but I gotta run since I have to pass some homework so see you later at Lunch Luna" he ran off as I waved at him as he waved back going through some students as I giggled, as I went out I saw Eliza and Michelle talking with the new student Selene, but I didn't paid much attention and kept walking down the halls that was until I bumped into a hard chest making me fall off the ground

"Oof!" I rubbed my bum since I fell really hard "sorry! I wasn't looking" I looked up seeing Michael as he put forward his hand as I gladly accepted it, as he helped me stand up "Thanks Mike" Michael smiled as he pats my head "Since the co-captain is back we get 2 days of break after the annual Parents visit, and don't tell anyone about this but us as their members are shipping the co-captain and Captain from time to time" Michael whispers as I giggled

"I get you, I sometimes see Ethan being a lost puppy or sometimes a strict version of him whenever Jay is not around, but if he is around the mood changes" Michael laughs and continues "Captain just changes his mood whenever Co-captain is around" Michael says "I'm glad that Ethan has that side whenever Jay is around" He smiles and sat beside me

"I noticed that you and Jay are close like sibling close" I nod "He is like a brother to me, since I once had a brother but he disappeared never to be seen again for some time, but it's been years and I miss him" Michael places a hand over hand "Soon, you will meet him Luna I know that for sure" I smile at him and stood up "I have to go, I have an errand with Samuel today since he wants to go to an ice cream parlor or going shopping" Michael chuckles as I walked off.


Samuel's P.O.V

I was waiting for Luna at the square when I saw Tyler and Nathan walking around the square, so I decided to go say 'hi'

"Hey Tyler and Nathan!"

They looked at me and smiled "Sam! What are you doing here? Errand to the ice cream shop or shopping?" Nathan said as I chuckle "Not an errand really, I was planning on hanging out with Luna today so what are you two doing here?"

Tyler smiles "Nathan promised me to go to a Toy store today and pick out a new plushie!" Nathan smiles and pats his head "he won a bet with me and Kyle so yeah, he gets to decided a prize and he chose that kind" Tyler pouts "I have to add something new to my Wolf collection, or do you want I can add you there" Tyler as Nathan rolls his eyes

"We have to go Sam, this guy won't go home until he gets a new stuff toy come now Tyler" Tyler squealed in joy as he ran dragging Nathan along with him, as I chuckled when I got a call from Luna.

I quickly answered


"Hey Sam are you at the square now?" Luna asks on the other line

"Yeah I'm waiting here at the meet up place, why did something happen?" I asked worried for what's happening to Luna

"Nope oh I see you!" Luna cheered as I giggled ending the call

I looked around and saw Luna running towards me

"Hey chill, why are you panting so hard?" I asked her as she smiled

"You don't wanna know" Luna said as we walked around and entered the mall and went from one store to another one.

"You really like shopping don't you Sam?" I nod as I was in awe of a lamp as it reminded me of Benjamin as I smiled

"Sam? You have been staring at that Penguin lamp for a whole 10 minutes you ok?" She asked as I nod

I bought it and smiled internally

"Why are you smiling like an idiot?" She asks as I laughed

"Oh nothing Luna, it's just a phase when you like a guy that has been together with you for all our lives" I said as she nods clueless on the guy I'm mentioning to her, we went ahead as she stopped and looked at a store.

I smirked as I pulled her inside

"Sam, why did you pull me here?" Luna said and left her alone "text me if you're done, I'll be in a bookstore!"

I smirked and went inside a bookstore when a certain book caught my attention, I quickly approached it and took it before anyone could and smiled Johnny has been wanting one of these for ages! I went to the counter and paid for it and saw Luna coming and smiled at her

"You left me alone in that store and luckily I got two" Luna grumbled as I laughed at her

"Oh really? Well say 'thank you Sammy!'" she hit my arm as I groaned in pain

"Luna! My arms are still sore from practice yesterday!" I shouted at her as we walked out of the mall

"See? You know how it feels when you always hit me" Luna said as I sighed in defeat, when suddenly I felt a presence of another one behind me.

I looked at Luna, looking around when I looked back seeing it walking slowly not noticing I'm staring at them.

"Luna run" She hummed when I felt the presence coming closer

"I said run!" She ran as I faced the vampire and blocked it just in time "Sam!" She shouted

"Get the others! Hurry!" She nods as I groaned at the pain shooting up my arm as I kept fighting the Vampire, luckily we were in a quiet area then suddenly I got caught off guard and it was about to stab me when someone blocked my view

"B-Ben?" I stuttered