Benjamin's P.O.V

I was walking around at night time, when I saw Luna and Sam walking around I was about to come after them to go back to the dorms, when I saw a Vampire walking behind them.

I immediately followed right after when I saw Sam look behind and I hid behind a wall and heard Sam shout at Luna. I immediately got out and saw Samuel fighting that thing as he dropped his stuff, as I immediately came to the rescue when he fell down and was about to be stabbed

I went Infront of him blocking him from stabbing Sam

"B-Ben?" He stuttered

"You're so lucky I'm just around the corner, Samuel" He chuckled and stood up

"It's been months since I fought one of these" Samuel said as I giggled

I looked at him as he looked back and nod, making me smirk as we both face it

"Ben! Sam!" We saw the others running towards us as I saw no one was around I shifted to my Wolf form and howled over the moon

"Everyone! We fight this one and leave luckily Luna isn't here with us" Ethan told us as we all nod

An hour has passed and we have defeated that Vampire

"That Vampire drained me" Johnny said panting

"He is not a low level Vampire, he is much higher than that" Ethan said and nod

"We should head back to the dorm guys, so we can rest and clear this all out now" Jay said and Ethan just agrees and we all walked towards the school

Upon entering we still saw students walking around the halls, even though it's the weekends lights off in this school is at 3am and it's still 7pm so we went inside our dorm and sighed

"Ok Johnny and Riki go shower while me and the others especially you Sam" Jay said pointing at Samuel "will stay and talk" he added seriously

Samuel gulped and fidgeted on his fingers, I noticed and held his hand making him look up

"Sam are you ok? What happened back there?" Jay asked worriedly

"I-I don't know, I felt its presence behind me and Luna as we walked out of the mall but I didn't think much of it but suddenly it attacked us both and I-I" Jay hugged him as he sighs

"I know sam, but after a few months of fighting the First Vampire I thought the attacks were done too and everything is peaceful again but I was wrong" Jay said and looked out the window making Ethan stand up

"There is something out there that's bringing back Vampires in each society" Ethan said as I looked down in fury

"After living a peaceful life for a few months, this welcomed us as we start at our new school and living over again from high school" I said and looked at them

"I don't know when or how they are alive, but one things for sure..." Ethan said as he faced us

"That someone either revived the First Vampire or there is someone who is the descendant of the First Vampire that is now awakening from its sleep" Johnny said appearing from the bedroom along with Riki


Jay's P.O.V

Eversince that day, I've been keeping a close eye on each and every student here is Red Moon Academy, our patrolling every night has come back with the permission of the Headmaster as we focused on patrolling every inch of the school every night and day feeling presence in each corner of the Academy.

Today was the annual parents visit day of course the 7 of us stayed back since we don't have parents well except for me and Ethan but we don't dare show our faces around them especially our sisters are in the Academy

"Guys I feel a presence near the woods" Samuel said as I looked at Riki as he nods blending in with the shadows going to his territory

"Johnny back him up, use your Nature powers to control him" Johnny nods and went off, leaving the 5 of us here looking down

"You know you can join them too" we looked behind us seeing the Headmaster as we bosed to pay respect

"No need Headmaster, we are fine up here" Ethan said

"I'm living over 2,000 years and I've seen many students graduate and now it's for you guys to go to Red Moon Academy's college system" The Headmaster said as we all nodded

"Ethan since you will in 12th grade next semester" Ethan nods as I smiled at him

"Are you still running for Valedictorian?" Ethan chuckles at the Headmaster

"I'm born with intelligence Headmaster, of course I'm running for Valedictorian" Ethan said as I placed my hand on his shoulder and pointed at his relatives looking at us

"Aren't you going to greet them?" I asked him

He just shakes his head and sighs

"I'll take my leave" the Headmaster left the 5 of us here as we sighed

"The rest of my relatives want me to join their mini celebration with my twin sister and parents, who literally hates me and wants me dead" Ethan blabbers making me giggle

"My parents are with Luna over there" I said pointing at the three of them laughing at whatever dad joked

"At least they visti you after this event, why don't you introduce yourself to Luna as his brother now?" I shaked my head smiling

"I'm happy being her 'fake' brother" Jake smiles and pats my shoulder

"They are all lucky to have parents by their sides, but us" Samuel started as Benjamin ruffled his hair making him pout

"Ben! I just fixed my hair! How dare you ruin it!" Samuel pouted and took out his curler, curling his curls again

"C'mon sam, it's cute to see you pout and sulk" Samuel looked at him in disbelief

"How dare you" I giggled

'why aren't they dating yet?' I asked myself seeing those two bicker as we watched the people down there on this event