Benjamin's P.O.V

It's the second day of the Parents Visit Week and I'm already getting anxious just by looking at Sam staring at Michael's parents.

"Hey sam." He looks at me making me gulp

"Oh Ben, I need you to check on the new Varsity jackets at the Headmaster's office." Nice Save Ethan!

I looked st Sam as he stared at me blankly

"Can you accompany me to check on the Varsity Jackets? I don't wanna be alone" I said as he nods.

We left the rest and walked through the halls of RMA to the Headmasters office silently.

"Sam you good?" I put my hand on his shoulder as he flinched

"Sam?" He looks at me, eyes losing their radiant color.

We both stopped in the middle of the hallway looking at each other silently through the comfortable silence surrounding us both, when he decided to break our eye contact.

"Ethan's using his telepathy on me, we should go" I just nod at him as we walked off to the Headmasters office, seeing the door slightly open.

"Weird, why is it open?" Sam asks, I just shrugged confused as he is.

"Let's go?" I held out my hand as he nods taking it

As we entered the Headmasters office, we saw the new Varsity jackets in the box

"Can you ask Ethan, what to do with these?" I told Sam as he nods and focuses

"He says to take it back to the dorm" I heard the door close as I went to open it for Sam to get the first batch, when it wouldn't open

"Sam, we have a problem" I said when he looks at me as I have a hard time to open the door

"Use your ice powers!" He shouts as I tried to use my ice, it backfired

"Ah!" I hissed and backed away

"I forgot we can't use our powers inside this room, it can backfire and hurt us!" I looked at Sam who was panicking

"Do you have your phone? Try calling Ethan or the others while I try to figure out how to get the two of us out of here" I said as he took out his phone from his back pocket and started dialing Ethan's number

"No service?!" Samuel exclaims as he tried to get more signal

"Mindlink!" Samuel immediately focuses as I looked at the small window on the door seeing no one around.

"Help!" I furiously tapped the window but no one was coming

"The others are on their way, Jay and Ethan went to go get the Headmaster for the key" Samuel sat down on the couch as I sat down beside him

Silence fell over us as I looked over at him, making sure he was ok

"You ok? You've been quiet since yesterday, I know it's still quite a shock sam-" I stopped talking when he looked at me, more like glaring

"I don't wanna talk about what happened yesterday, I just wanna focus on what's happening today and we have to get out of here" he ranted as I scooted over to him, as he put his head on my shoulder

"You can tell me what's wrong sam, you know I'll always be here for you" he sighs as I rubbed his knee to soothe him

"I keep think about what Damian said, yes I knew I had a connection with Michael eversince he came here but I'm still in disbelief about him and I are actually related....." Samuel said as I nod understanding

"I know, you and Jay have the same situation except Jay's parents know him and Luna doesn't while your parents may not know I don't know" I said as he slightly laughed

"Of course they won't know Ben, they gave up on me when I was still a baby" I nod understanding him when suddenly we heard someone opening the door

The both of us immediately stood up looking at the door as it opened revealing....


Jay's P.O.V

As soon as we opened the door to the Headmaster's office, I immediately spotted Sam and Ben standing as I ran to them for a hug

"We were worried when the two of you didn't come back, but then the mindlinks helped and we found the Headmaster and asked for the keys" I said as Ben smiles

"Such a worrywart Jay, oh hey Ethan" Ethan waves as he smiles

"So let's get these jackets so I can close the door, we wouldn't want to get stuck in here don't ya think?" Ethan said making us laugh

We picked up the boxes containing the Varsity Jackets as we headed out while Ethan closed the door

"Did the Headmaster tell you about why the door just locked itself on the outside?" Benjamin asks as we walked down the halls to the dormitories

"He told me that the reason he keeps his door open is because the doorknob simply just locks itself that's why he kept the door open, did you perhaps closed it when you entered?" I asked the two as Ethan took half of the jackets I was holding

"No, we didn't actually we just left it open so that we can go in and out if ever something happens" Sam said

When suddenly we heard something fall at the bush beside us making us turn our heads in confusion

"Ethan! Jay!" We turned around and saw the Headmaster running towards us

"Headmaster? What happened? Why are you running?" Ethan asked as I just nod along

"A student has gone missing, the boy's parents said he went missing just now and was never seen" We looked at each other then we looked at the dark part near the lockers and appeared Riki and Johnny

"We couldn't find any where abouts of the student, Headmaster" we suddenly heard a gasp making us look at Samuel being hugged by Benjamin at the back

"What happened?" We ran to them, then Sam shakily points at the bush and Ethan immediately looks at him stumbling backwards

"What? What is it?" I asked

"Headmaster..... I think we just found the missing student" we widened our eyes and looked at the bush seeing the student

"Wait isn't he one of our members?" I asked Ethan as he nod biting his lower lip

"Call Jake, where is he?" I looked at them

"We told Jake to keep an eye on the event" Johnny said

"Mind link now." We looked at the Headmaster

Suddenly Jake appeared as he looks at the jacket he was holding

"His Varsity jacket was at the rooftop, I was suspicious why he was in the rooftop when it didn't allow students during events like this" Jake explained as we looked at each other

We looked at the Headmaster as he looked at us, full serious mode

"We have to make sure this doesn't happen again in another day, Headmaster" I said as he just nods

"Everyone meeting now." Ethan said as we all teleported out of the scene

Into the Headquarters.