Ethan's P.O.V

We all soon entered the Headquarters as everyone immediately went to the computers and we all looked at the giant screen seeing each CCTV footage

"There he is!" Jake pointed at the footage as we looked at it closely

"His eyes... Are good as black" Riki said as we took a closer look

"Where were you at this time Jake?" Jake remained silent

We looked at the footage and saw the student taking off his jacket leaving it there and slowly went to the edge, immediately jumping off.

"This is the footage where it was quite seen" Jay pointed out and we saw when he jumped off, his eyes went back and he screamed then falling at the end

"So he was hypnotized by some sort of creature" I said

"Jake...." We all looked at the footage and the minute the guy jumped off, Jake came running to the rooftop panting

"What were you doing there Jake?" Benjamin asks

"I saw the student going to the rooftop and was about to stop him, when suddenly a strange force stopped me and then suddenly Vampires started appearing" Jake showed us the claw marks he got

"That's the reason for why my hair was a mess after I arrived while looking at the jacket" Jake said

Suddenly my phone starting buzzing and I immediately answered

"Hell-" I was immediately cut off by a scream

"Sorry about this sudden call Ethan" I heard Kyle on the other end

"Don't worry about it, what's wrong?" I asked

"Actually a student just died, and we are actually coming to RMA tonight to talk about this" Nathan said

"Wait what? We have the same one here, what time tonight?" I asked

"12 midnight" Elias answered as I hummed

"Sure meet you here, make sure no one sees you" Jay said and the others hummed in response as I ended the call.

"Everyone" I called as they looked at me

"We have to keep the other students safe, we have to assign people to watch over the Parents visit for the next 3 days" I said as they gathered around

"But, we should wait until tonight for now, Jay, Me will be near the venue, Jake, Benjamin and Riki near the field, Sam and John you know what to do" the two nod as I looked at them

"Everyone, go!" I clapped my hands and we went out as I faced the door locking it and making it invisible

"Than" I turned around seeing Jay waiting

"Let's go?" I nod and went with him as we walked side by side

"I'm worried for Luna, Than I can't lose her" I looked at Jay and nod

"I know, Jay we'll do everything we can to protect the rest of the students from Damian" I said assuring Jay as he nod

We walked to the quadrangles balcony and looked down seeing everyone there

"Everyone is there?" I heard Benjamin from the telepathy

"I guess so? Check each corner of the school" I said

Jay was looking down at one particular family as I looked at the said family and sighed rubbing his shoulder

"I know Jay, it's hard" I said comforting him as he leaned against me, making me blush at the sudden contact

"Seeing your family happy without you hurts right? Well I chose to hide from my sister after what happened in the past" Jay said as I looked at him

"You see the scar she has on her wrist?" He points at the scar as I hummed nodding

"She got attacked by a low level vampire when we were kids" I looked at Jay shocked

"What? You didn't tell us!" Jay looked down as I put a hand on his shoulder

"Jay... What happened that day" Jay smiles sadly

"Let's just say, Luna got really hurt that day and I have to get out of her life" Jay said as he sat down on the bench

"My parents tried to reason for me to stay and visit her, but I stopped visiting her to get her out of danger" I sat down beside him

"The day I finally saw her was the day, I felt happy and relieved that vampires didn't attack my family after I left" Jay said as he put his head on my shoulder

"You're a caring brother, Jay" He chuckles as I stood up making me confused and pout

"I was getting comfortable in your shoulder" He said as I giggled

"You can sleep on my shoulder once we are done with our duty" I said as I held out my hand towards him as he accepted

When suddenly, Benjamin talked to me through telepathy "Ethan there are two students that left!"

Me and Jay went to the balcony and saw Luna and Michael gone

"Check every inch of the school, Michael and Luna are gone" I said through telepathy as me and Jay immediately ran through the halls

"I see them! They're at the alley at the back of the school!" Johnny exclaimed as I held Jay's hand as I teleported to the side and ran inside the alley

"Luna! Michael!" The two of them looked at us shocked

"W-what-" Jay ran to Luna and engulfed her in a hug

"Are you ok? Did Michael do something to you?" Jay asks as Luna shakes her head making him sigh in relief

"What're you two doing here? Michael, you know the rules" Michael sighs as he nods

"I'm sorry, I just want to say something to Luna in private" Jay raised an eyebrow at him making him gulp

"Can't that wait until like next week?" He asks as I giggled but kept my mouth shut when Jay glared at him

"I-" Michael was about to say something when Jake ran towards us

"Oh good, you found them" Jake said panting

"Why what happened?" Jake looks at me scared

"Another student died" we widened our eyes and looked at the two

"Go straight to the Quad now!" They ran away as I looked at Jake

"Take us to the body" We all teleported and saw the rest, the Headmaster and the victims parents

"Another victim? It isn't even half of the day" I said as I took a look and was shocked at the person

"M-Miya" I stuttered as I looked at everyone

"This is getting worst" we all looked at each other and teleported to the Headquarters and decided to stay there until midnight.