Jake's P.O.V

Midnight came and just in time the four of them entered the Headquarters as we all sat at the round table in the middle of the room

"2 deaths in just one day Kyle, we don't know who is causing this attacks" Ethan said distressed as Jay calms him down

"Almost 2 at ours, Tyler managed to save the 2nd student and we ensured protection upon them" Kyle said as he taps the table anxiously

"Damian came back to life and this is getting scary again" Jay said

"So Damian showed up here?" Elias asked making us all nod

"He showed up at the field warning us about his return" Jay explained as I bit my nails anxiously

"Someone must've brought him back to life, we already defeated Damian before and it was sure that it was the final battle" Kyle said tapping the table anxiously

"Guys, can you both stop tapping the table and biting your nails? You are both making me more anxious" I said making them stop as I glared at them

"3 deaths has occured and this won't be the last, this week will be difficult for us here at Red Moon because of the parents visit week" Jay said as I nod

"Jay's right and it's already difficult since it's a one week event" I said and sat down on the couch

"So we need more watchers for 3 more days?" I asked the others as they nod

"Yes we need more watchers and patrol during the night" Ethan finally spoke

"Gosh! My skin care products can't survive another night without sleep like c'mon!" Sam whined

Riki and Johnny sat down next to me as they silently looked at the others

"What about the others? Why aren't they here?" Johnny asked making me flinch

"The other five are on a mission elsewhere and we don't know when will they be back" Kyle said and Ethan nods

"I'll call Louis and Luka then" Riki said and stood up

"Since when were you close with the twins?" Elias asked shocked and confused at the same time

"Why are you acting like it's a first time that those two are like that? I mean eversince you introduced us to them, me, Luka, Louis instantly clicked because of our interests" Riki said confused

"Why does it feel like a shock to you though? I mean they are easy-going and easily to get along with" Johnny said

"Oh you thought wrong, we almost died getting along with them before and it wasn't a pleasant memory to remember" Kyle said shivering at the thought

'Well Kyle wasn't wrong about that Riki' we heard a voice said and we saw Riki holding his phone

"Oh really? Well rate 1-100 about it" Riki said as we heard a low chuckle at the other end

"I'll say 70 on tha-" Luka was cut off when Kyle shouted

"Hey! Says the one trying to murder Elias and Tyler before!" Kyle shouted as Elias tried to call him down

Keyword 'tried' they had to bring out the weakness and it's not Tyler, it was Haniel from their school which apparently is his boyfriend

"Kyle, take a deep breathe and let it all out slowly" He instructed as he looked at Riki, whom still has the phone on hand

"Louis, Luka stop angering him your lucky I was just out on patrol around the woods" Haniel said softly but very scary tone

"Y-yes Hannie! Bye Riki see you and Johnny next time" They both said in unison but before hanging up

"Bye Sam!" Samuel smiles as he looked at us smiling proudly

"Well, atleast they didn't forget to say goodbye to y-" "Bye Jay! Hoping to taste those tasty brownies again! Oh and add cupcakes to those" Luka shouted then we heard the call ended

"Well they bid goodbye to you, but ummm" Tyler looked at Haniel and Kyle sleeping on the couch

"How on Moon Goddess's name are we gonna carry that giant? I'm ok with carrying Haniel but Kyle nu uh! Big no!" Tyler said exaggerating the whole sentence

"Well I can carry him, Elias you carry Haniel we have to go back to the school before they catches us not there" Nathan said as Elias nodded shifting into his wolf form and carrying a sleeping Kyle on his back

"Bye! See you again at the next meeting hehe!" Tyler said energetically as Ethan stood up accompanying them to the gate.


Samuel's P.O.V

I looked outside seeing everything dark as I laid back down on my bed still not wanting to move

"Sam? We have to go to the quad" I heard Johnny say outside the door

"I'll come in a minute, you guys can leave without me...." I said as he hums

"Is he like that again?" I heard Benjamin's voice outside the door

"Yeah, can you stay with him? I'll just accompany the others" I head Johnny's voice next making me sigh

"Why are they so persuasive?" I asked myself and looked at the window, I stood up and went near it seeing the view of the forest and Noa petting a deer and a fox as he looked around for any danger

"Wish everything will be ok." I said and went to the closet getting my jacket and went out seeing Benjamin waiting for me outside

He looks at me and smiles and stretch forward his hand at me making me look at his hand confused

"Let's go?" I smiled and took his hand in mine as we walked outside going to the quad holding hands

"Sam, Johnny is getting worried about you I know you are still upset and shocked about finding out about your family but always remember me and the others are here if you ever need a shoulder to cry on or comfort you ok?" I nod and smiled

"Everything is useless without you and the others, I'm lucky that you guys are the ones who became my second family" I said still smiling as he nods

We arrived at the quad and saw the families still happy seeing each other of course while Noa and Johnny were outside and Jay and Ethan roaming around the school me, Jake and Ben were left watching over the families that remained in the quad.