1.7 The Heavens and I Want You

When Salvatore walked to Caspian, he stood correctly and asked:

"Your majesty, are you ready to go?"

Salvatore faced Caspian.

Caspian looked at him, then down. Salvatore held his chin and lifted his head.

"How about we call the shop the lunar space?"

Caspian looked at Salvatore surprised.

With that name, the original's last name will be on the shop, and people won't associate it with his family directly. It seems like the original is okay with that. It's true that at first, it would be best to just take care of everything, behind the scenes.

Then when the shop blows up, he'll show his face. They'll all see that the things they can't live without anymore, came from his mind. Caspian murmured with a smile:

"I'd like that, your majesty."

Salvatore smiled, Caspian still felt stunned to see him smile again. Even if it happened before, it's still shocking to him. Salvatore could tell that he was stunned, he caressed his cheek with an amused smile.

Caspian blinked and his cheeks flushed. Salvatore tilted his head and asked:

"Do you only blush for us?"


Salvatore asked:

"Does Drea make you blush?"

Caspian felt surprised. Why does he even care? Salvatore just wants to have him for a night and then move on, so why would he bring up Drea?

He looked away in silence. Salvatore's eyes darkened, he held his chin tightly and ordered:

"Answer us."

Caspian furrowed his brows because of the pain, and murmured:


Salvatore asked:


When Caspian bit his lip like he was unsure if he should answer, Salvatore, said:

"We told you to always be honest with us."

Caspian spoke:

"This servant feels comfortable with Drea since he and I are the same. While I'm only the son of heaven's servant."

Salvatore looked at him attentively.

He asked:

"Do you wish you were more than our servant?"

"What does his majesty mean?"

"You know what we mean, part of our harem."

Caspian looked down and murmured:

"I don't."

Caspian was stunned when Salvatore's aura turned murderous.


Caspian met his eyes and said:

"Because I'm only a novelty for his majesty. Everyone knows that you don't like gers. Furthermore, If I were part of his majesty's harem, I would be the victim of all the concubine's wrath. The empress' fury is already more than this servant can take. And I…"

Caspian looked at the emperor and swallowed.

"Never mind."


"I'm selfish your majesty. I want my partner to only have eyes for me. I would never accept him touching someone else, let alone spend the night with them. He must only love me, as I love him."

That part is true, he'll never accept sharing his partner. Salvatore sneered:

"You would expect us to disperse the harem just to be with you?"

Caspian looked at him wide-eyed and his eyes moistened. He swallowed and whispered:

"I know I'm not good enough for his majesty. That's why I don't expect anything from you."

Caspian bit his lip and murmured:

"His majesty already believes the worst of my father, when all he did was be loyal to the emperor. I'm not delusional, I know what people think of me. I can see his majesty's disdain when he looks at me. I'm just a game to you. Just like I am to all the guards. The ones who bet on who will be the first one to bed me, now that my last name has been sullied. I'm well aware that everyone believes I'm worthless, including his majesty.

It truly happened to the original, the guards we're betting on who would be the first one to bed him. The only decent guard is Drea.

It was already hard enough to work for the emperor when everyone believed the worst of his father and family, but he had everyone on his back.

Salvatore clearly likes the original's face yet here he is acting like all his enemies. Is that how he filled his harem? By insulting all the women he was interested in? Then again, he just wants to sleep with him, and then discard him.

When someone knocked, Caspian took a step backward and wiped the tears that had fallen on his face. Salvatore asked, his eyes on Caspian:

"What is it?"

"Your majesty, the car is here."

"We'll be down soon."

Salvatore took a step toward Caspian, but he took a step back. Salvatore only saw hurt and pain in his eyes. It made him uncomfortable. He was already uneasy when he saw how sad he was, but now he only worsened the situation.

Caspian said that he doesn't want to be more than his servant, but he still mocked him. As though dispersing his harem for him was ridiculous. He has no issue with the idea of dispersing the harem for the person he'll love. But he couldn't help but want to hurt Caspian. He didn't like his remarks about Drea.

Or how he always smiles at him. Caspian angers him in so many ways, his anger for him is deep for some reason.

But the odd thing is that there isn't just anger, there's something that makes him feel like he wronged him somehow. But there's also this part of him who wants Caspian, that part is very intense and hard to contain.

Perhaps the fact that he knows his father was innocent is part of it. Before his innocence could be proven, he died. The imperial physician said that his heart just gave out. It isn't surprising, his name was dragged through the mud.

Caspian looked at him expressionlessly and asked:

"Should we go, your majesty?"

Salvatore felt as though he never hurt Caspian, like they never had such a big conversation.

He was looking him straight in the eyes, but there was nothing in them. No anger, pain, or resentment. Salvatore took a step forward and looked at Caspian.

Caspian didn't take a step backward like before, and his eyes were still expressionless. Salvatore felt that it would've been better if he was angry.

"We have time."

Caspian said:

"His majesty might be confused if we miss the beginning of the play."

"We are the emperor, they won't start without us."

"If his majesty says so."

The longer Salvatore looked into Caspian's eyes, the angrier he became. There's just something about him that infuriates him, he somehow feels responsible for something. Like he wronged him, but he hasn't. It's insane.

Salvatore pushed him against the wall and held his wrist. When Caspian looked at him angrily, he felt like he could breathe again. He doesn't want him to act as though he feels nothing. He likes seeing his emotions on his face.

Caspian looked into Salvatore's silver eyes and felt stunned, but mostly confused. The intensity in them was way more than he had ever seen. Salvatore never showed this type of emotion, not even to the original. When he is in this situation because he is attracted to him.

Caspian frowned and checked Silas. He crossed referenced every moment between the emperor and the original and played them. Five seconds later, he was astonished. Salvatore never cared about the original, he was right, he only liked how efficient he was at work.

How could Silas not see that? Despite his surprise, he looked at the emperor and asked:

"Your majesty, what do you want from this servant?"

"The heavens, and I want you."