1.8 Taming the Devil

Caspian murmured:

"Your majesty, I think it would be best not to change things."

Caspian's eyes moistened.

"His majesty believes the same as everyone else. You believe that this servant is worthless and that I'm only good to be played with. I'm sure his majesty is part of the betting pool, with all the guards."

When tears ran down his face Caspian looked down and said:

"If I'm not good enough for a man to marry me, of course, I'm not good enough for the emperor to add me to his harem. Let alone disperse it for me. I knew all of that, but his majesty still felt the need to laugh and point that out. Thank you, this servant won't forget his place anymore. I shouldn't have believed I could make it after they spread those lies about my father."

Caspian's head was down as he cried silently. He was using Silas to see Salvatore's reaction. He felt astounded to see how guilty he looked. This whole thing is crazy to him, Salvatore started to have feelings for him when he entered this universe.

But the odd thing is that he can tell Hades doubts his place in the universe, yet Salvatore is crushing on him, hard. It makes things easier, so he'll just go with it. What's the worst that could happen?

Salvatore lifted his head and wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry."

Caspian looked at Salvatore wide-eyed. Did he just say I'm sorry? What the fuck is going on right now?

Silas who was at the side watching, cursed inwardly. Salvatore caressed his cheek and confessed:

"I only said those words to hurt you. I didn't mean them."

Caspian woke up from his shock and asked:


He can tell that Salvatore is being honest right now and that he's trying to fix the situation.

"I didn't like what you said about how comfortable you were with Drea. I thought you only blushed for me because you weren't indifferent. But it turns out it was the opposite."

Caspian blinked. Salvatore was jealous. He feels like he is in the twilight zone right now. Caspian bit his lip and seemed to be struggling, with whether he should say something or not.

Salvatore pulled him closer and said:

"You can talk to me, I won't lash out anymore I promise."

Caspian let go of his lip and said with his head bowed:

"I was lying to his majesty."

Salvatore immediately lifted his head and asked:

"Are you saying you feel nothing for Drea?"

Caspian nodded. Salvatore smiled and then asked tentatively:

"Do you feel something for me?"

Caspian looked away.


Salvatore looked at Caspian's hands. He was playing with them nervously. He held them and Caspian looked at him surprised.

Salvatore said:

"You don't need to say anything."

Caspian pulled his hand away and looked down. Salvatore didn't seem hurt, on the contrary, his eyes flashed with determination.

Salvatore lifted his head and asked:

"Is there a way I can make this easier?"

Caspian murmured:

"I need time, your majesty."

Salvatore nodded. He kissed his forehead and said:

"Take as long as you need."

Caspian blinked, not only was his cheeks flushed, but his ears were too. He felt like hiding. What kind of person kisses someone else on the forehead?

They're not partners, and they'll never be, so he needs to keep his kisses for himself. He'll just steal until he finishes his mission. Salvatore's eyes softened. He thought that Caspian was trying to play him at first, but today he saw how much he hurt him.

He knew the only way to fix it, was to be honest. He's glad he did, or he would've never known that he isn't indifferent to him. The way he reacted when he kissed his forehead, is proof.

Salvatore believed he could use his power to make him his but it won't work. Salvatore asked:

"Do you want to freshen up before we go?"

Caspian nodded.

"His majesty should go first, Eben is waiting for you downstairs."

"Use my bathroom, I'll wait for you."

When Caspian looked at him stunned, he smiled. Salvatore pushed him inside and then closed the door.

Caspian washed his face. After wiping it he asked in his head, as he looked at himself in the mirror:

*How could you not see that Salvatore didn't feel just a physical attraction and that his feelings were for me, not the original?*

Silas answered:

*I thought it would be best if you didn't get too involved with Hades.*

Caspian tapped on his watch and Silas appeared.

He turned around and said angrily:

*Don't keep anything from me ever again. If you would rather not help me, just say so. I have enough enemies, I don't need you to sabotage me, Silas.*

Silas looked at Caspian. He can't help but treat him as he would a son, he just wants to protect him. But if he keeps information, he might fail his mission or lose chances.

Silas said:

*I won't do it again.*

After a few seconds, Caspian nodded.

*Since you don't want me to keep anything from you, I must tell you something that I witnessed 300 years ago.*

He'll tell him the truth and then let him deal with the situation, the way he sees fit. He's not a kid anymore.

Salvatore looked at the door of the bathroom impatiently. Caspian wouldn't change his mind and try to run away, would he? As soon as he saw Caspian cry he became nervous, he realized that he might lose him, it was as though he had before.

His feelings for Caspian are old and new at the same time, somehow. There's a lot he can't explain, all he knows is that he cares for him.

When the door opened, he immediately walked to him and asked:

"Are you okay?"

Caspian smiled gently and nodded. Salvatore smiled and said:

"Let's go."

Caspian walked behind Salvatore as usual, but he pulled him next to him. Salvatore smiled when Caspian glanced at him, then away shyly.

Once they were out, they saw Eben waiting for the emperor, in front of the car.

One of the guards opened the door and the emperor entered, and Caspian followed. Just before Eben was about to enter, Salvatore ordered:

"You'll ride in another car."

"Yes, your majesty."

Eben looked at Caspian's mocking grin and fought the urge to kill him. He closed the door and the car drove away. If he didn't know that the entire Ellis household was after him, he would lose it. As soon as Caspian dies, the emperor will only count on him again.

When Caspian turned around, he met Salvatore's amused eyes. Seems like he saw him taunting Eben. Caspian said pouting:

"Your majesty, he's always mean to me. For once I could tease him back."

Eben was a bully before the original was promoted. Since the original was nice, he didn't abuse his power as Eben did. Salvatore pulled Caspian closer to him and asked:

"What does he tease you about?"

Caspian gazed at him, then down.

"He keeps saying that his majesty only promoted me because he feels sorry for me. That's why you never go to court with me."

Salvatore frowned, he knows full well how competitive being a eunuch is, but he doesn't care. As long as he was taken care of well, it wasn't his problem what happened. But he cares for Caspian.

"Do you want to go to court?"

Caspian said:

"I do your majesty. I passed the third-rank imperial exam for that. It was my dream to become a minister, but it all came crashing down when my father was imprisoned. Being in court with his majesty, even as an observer, is the closest I'll ever be to making my dream come true."

There are nine different levels or ranks of civil service. People can move to a higher rank by passing the next level of examinations. Only a very few of the brightest scholars could rise all the way to rank nine.

Those men would become powerful and wealthy. The rank of an official could be determined by the type of pin they wore in their robe. Each rank had a picture of a unique bird on its pin.

Succeeding the third rank exam meant that the original would work in the local district. But who would trust him to do his job when his reputation was sullied? They would all think that he was up to the same trick as his father was.

So, the original worked as a eunuch and chose to destroy the people who took everything away from him. Salvatore asked:

"Why didn't you join the civil service?"

"Because your majesty, I didn't want someone to put the same accusation they put on my father."

Salvatore brushed the hair out of his face.

"I knew he was innocent, but I had to follow the law."

Caspian looked into his guilty eyes. He still feels stunned Hades has feelings for him. It explains Salvatore's behavior at least.

When he saw him cry, Salvatore became fearful and intense. He saw the panic when he rewatched the scene. He didn't believe Silas, but those kinds of emotions can only come from the main consciousness.

Caspian murmured:

"I don't blame his majesty, I never have. You're not the one who framed him."

"Do you know who did?"

Caspian nodded. Salvatore asked:


He just wants to make sure he knows who's truly responsible. He let everyone believe he abandoned the investigation, but his shadow guards tracked the individuals behind the theft of the fund.

Unfortunately, there was no proof to prove their culpability. The reason it was such a big deal, is that the fund was to rebuild a poor village that was attacked.

The people of the empire paid more taxes to help them, and it outraged them when they thought the chancellor had embezzled that money.

Caspian looked at him, biting his lip. He seemed scared to say a name that would offend the emperor. Salvatore promised:

"You can tell me. I told you I won't lash out again."

He doesn't like the fact that Caspian is so fearful, and that's why he changed his strategy. Caspian swallowed and said:

"The Ellis did it. So Gray could become the chancellor and help his son and daughter. That way they would be linked to the empire and his majesty."

Caspian looked at him worriedly, waiting for him to react. Salvatore said:

"You're right."

Caspian tilted his head, confused.

"Your majesty why aren't you protecting your in-law and wife?"

Salvatore said:

"You're the only person I want to and will protect."

Caspian looked into his silvery eyes, unable to say anything. His next word came out as a whisper.


Salvatore smiled.

"Because I care about you, Caspian. I'd like for you to stay at my side."

Caspian forced himself not to laugh. The fact that Hades has feelings for him will only make gaining power easier. And he's sure he won't expel him from the universes.

To think that, the devil has feelings for him makes him shiver. He knows how determined and cold he is, but he'll keep him under control.

All it took was shedding a few tears for Salvatore to drop his royal we and the son of heaven bullshit. No matter how evil and manipulating Hades is, he's the trickster.

He didn't understand why Silas was so worried about him. If anything, all of this is good. Hades won't throw him out, and he'll do whatever he asks of him.

Despite what he thinks, Hades' fake sweet attitude or feelings won't change anything. He's the trickster, he who only loves tricks. Caspian bit his lip and looked at Salvatore with a shy smile.

When Salvatore saw his red ears, he felt his heartbeat quicken. It makes him happy that Caspian isn't sad anymore, and that he is opening up.

He'll show him that he'll do everything he has to until he becomes his. He understands why he is scared, so he'll only show him, love and tenderness.

That way he'll see that if he accepts him, he'll never be the indifferent person he is to the rest of the world. Caspian is the only one who brings this affection out of him.

He'll deal with the Ellis for what they did to his father and him, then disperse the harem. He'll make him his empress and keep him at his side for the rest of his life.

Then if he doesn't come willingly, he'll do what he has to. But he'll start with the sweet approach. Salvatore pulled Caspian and hugged him.

Caspian froze at first, then he hugged him back. Caspian feels more comfortable naked than having this kind of display of affection. It's not him, and his previously shy partners didn't care for it either.

He didn't think Hades was the type to like it. But then again, he finally has the chance to be close to him. So, he's sure he's going to get all he can out of him.

That's why he said he needs time. Since Salvatore is scared to lose him, he knew he would take things slowly. That way, he won't need to do something he doesn't want to.

Caspian's eyes flashed in annoyance. Even hugging is irritating. He's not used to physical touch, much less with his enemy. When Salvatore tightened his hold, he rolled his eyes, while Salvatore's eyes flashed with obsession.

Silas looked at Salvatore with a frown and said:

*You know he is manipulating you, right? Hades isn't nice, and neither is Salvatore. He just believes if he shows his sweet side to you, you'll fall for him. That devil will do anything he has to make you his.*

*I know Silas. Unfortunately for him, you can't trick a trickster.*

He knows Salvatore is only acting but he doesn't mind. There is a reason why Salvatore is the emperor. But now at least he doesn't doubt him anymore.

He knows at first he thought he wanted to use him. But all those doubts faded when he cried and acted hurt. He's going to tame the devil.