Chapter 6- Destroy the plot

Star Dou Forest-

Under the leadership of Zhao Wuji, the freshly recruited Shrek students walked in the order that Tang San instructed. Tang San peered at Xiao Wu from time to time because he noticed that she was different from before, but Xiao Wu kept her composure in front of him, as she had done before.

Old Gin was in piglet form as he was hugged by Zhuqing's soft breasts, and Da Mubai, who was jealous, grimaced by narrowing his brows. After the piglet jumped down from her arms, Zhuqing jumped to a branch because her senses heard someone approaching them.

"Tang San, a spirit beast was coming this way, It's a Phoenix Tail Crest Serpent, and it may be over 1000 years old," Zhuqing remarked, as Oscar was thrilled that it would be fit for his spirit ring. According to Tang San's orders, attack the spirit beast as Zhuqing was readily able to combat it. Zhao Wuji looked at her, surprised that Zhuqing had improved so much, and then he gave Da Mubai a teasing look because he knew about their story.

Even though they were skilled at assaulting the spirit beast, they lacked experience and thus lost to it. Then Zhao Wuji entered the chaotic one-sided struggle, catching it with a signal hand while laughing loudly, knocking out the spirit beast and giving Oscar a knife to murder the spirit beast in order to absorb the spirit ring.

'What are you hesitating for Zhuqing, even though you can overcome it since I trained your butt off, as you're losing your concentration in the middle of the battle, and you pinky...what are you doing? ...don't forget you're simply a supportive type of spirit, and if you can't do it well, you're a fucking waste, Bunny, don't your spirit creatures kill another one for food, that's why you're feeling horrible. You live for a fucking 100000 years and still act like a child, huh? Telling me I'm going to kill the person who killed your mother seems like a joke to me.' Gin yelled at them through telepathy.

Three girls bowed their heads in shame, unable to disagree with his comments because what he said was correct.

'Okay, now a girl will come for that spirit beast, You three have to make her an ally and for making mistakes I will punish you three at night so, be prepared for the worst,' Gin warned as the three shuddered, then suddenly a slender girl appears in front of them and attacks Oscar without warning.

"Be careful!" exclaimed Zhao Wuji, blocking her Serpent crane spirit with his arm.

"Who are you, and why are you attacking him?" asked Zhao Wuji while narrowing his eyes.

"Because this spirit beast was mine, it escaped from us, and there was even a wound from my attack," Meng Yiran explained as her grandma Chao Tianxiang stood by her, stunned by the Shrek students' talent.

"Oh! You must be Zhao Wuji, You made a big name, but that was our spirit beast, and we were hunting it, so leave it and go away "Chao Tianxiang spoke authoritatively, but Zhao Wuji urged them with a suggestion to fight Meng Yiran with one of the Shrek students. Meng Yiran chose Zhao Wuji's option because she was raised with pride and believed it would be simple to overcome one of the Shrek students.

"Tang San, control spirit with level 29," said Tang San as he released his blue silver grass.

"What a Blue sliver grass?" said a competent look and released her spirit Serpent cane and took a fighting stand without introducing herself. Tang San shook his head when he saw her proudness.

Tang San and Meng Yiran began their battle with fierce methods. Yiran first underestimated Tang San since she knew his spirit was a blue sliver grass, the weakest spirit. Despite Yiran's employment of the Snake body type skill to escape from the Blue-sliver grass, Tang San surprisingly won the upper hand. As both utilised their formidable attacks, a strong gust of wind blew over them, and Meng Yiran fell as she lost her struggle.

As the Gin stated, three girls approached Meng Yiran after her defeat, who initially felt uneasy, but eventually opened up to them as she spoke nice, and everyone dropped their jaws, which is how they became close in a short amount of time. Oscar absorbed the spirit ring and afterwards travelled deep into the jungle in search of spirit rings for Tang San who suddenly reached level 30, Xiao Wu also surprised everyone when she reached level 30 all of a sudden, and Meng Yiran, who had been requested to accompany them.

'System, identify Man-faced demon spider and Er Ming because he should appear at any time,' Gin stated as the system detected the spirit beast. He brought a Map and Locator function for the system, which was utilised for pinpointing at a set distance and cost him 10000 points.

He saw two red dots, one near him and the other far away, and that was Er Ming because Gin used his Barrier isolation skill on Xiao Wu and Er Ming couldn't sense her.

'You girls are ready Man-faced demon spider will come out soon and you all have to make sure that spirit ring is a win over by Meng Yiran,' Gin remarked via telepathy as they nodded. Suddenly, Meng Shu's grandfather emerged from the dense trees while battling the Man-faced demon spider; witnessing this, Chao Tianxiang assisted him in attacking it, and Gin's three daughters assisted them.

"Dear!" Chao Tianxiang yelled as her husband looked at her.

"Haha Tianxiang, this beast is very suitable for our granddaughter," Meng Shu laughed as he enticed the spirit beast while marvelling at the Sherk academy's girl's talent.

Meng Yiran immediately killed the spirit beast and crossed-legged to absorb the spirit ring, knocking it out.

Tang San felt confused after watching this because he had a feeling that Meng Yiran had taken his lucky chance, but he didn't express it because he knew this spirit beast was highly suitable for Meng Yiran, and questioning them would be futile.

It took a long time for Meng Yiran to absorb the spirit ring as both grandparents began to feel stressed, and Gin was watching her with some doubt because he changed the original plan, which may be why it's taking so long for Meng Yiran to absorb it. Finally, she absorbed it completely as she suddenly cried as six spider legs emerged from her back, leaving everyone stunned, Chao Tianxiang noticed her granddaughter's dress torn slightly as she used her skill to cover the males' eyes and look at them angrily as they sweat-dropped and turned their heads to avoid looking at her.

Yiran took some time to manage the External spirit bone and she was wearing new clothing and the girls were in their world talking to one another without care.

'As I suspected from the start, this spirit beast was not ordinary tsk, I should have inquired them for a spirit ring...any way leave it,' Tang San thought, jealously looking at Yiran.

With the help of the Unrivaled Dragon Serpent who was also Yiran's grandparents, Tang San later located a light-purple spirit ring spirit beast, which he absorbed with disappointment as he felt it was very ordinary in comparison to Yiran's Spirit ring.

It's time for them to split ways, but Meng Yiran finds it difficult to leave them. Her Grandparents saw this and nodded to one other with a smile like they wanted to say suddenly a Huge ape came while roaring at them. Xiao Wu looked at Gin, knowing that his barrier isolation ability had vanished.

"What the hell was a Titan Great ape doing here, everyone gets away," Zhao Wuji yelled at the kids.

"Titan Great Ape, we didn't do anything to bother you, so please let us go," Zhao Wuji urged as Yiran's Grandparents came to the front to protect their granddaughter, ready to attack if things went wrong. But, to their amazement, Er Ming (Titan Great Ape) shot his punch at Zhao Wuji, grabbed Xiao Wu, and walked away. They were all silent since they couldn't figure out why the spirit beast came and just took Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu!!" Tang San's yell broke the silence as he hurried in the direction of the Er Ming to rescue Xiao Wu, and Oscar gave him his swift mushroom flight sausage.

When everyone gathered in a circle waiting for Tang San and Xiao Wu, Zhao Wuji arrived an hour later with those two safely, and everyone was glad and relieved that many things had happened that day. Xiao Wu mostly spent her time with Er Ming to condense her third spirit ring.

"Well, Zhao Wuji, it may seem crazy, but can my Granddaughter join your Academy because she seems to like your students and today is the first time seeing her smiling pleasantly?" Meng Shu asked, looking at her Granddaughter, who was happily talking with other girls.

"Well, I'll take her to Shrek Academy and ask the principal to join her, or do you want to come with us?" Zhao Wuji offered, but Meng Shu shook his head and went away with his wife, saddened to leave their daughter. Meng Yiran also felt sad when she had to leave her grandparents.

Shrek Academy-

Meng Yiran was disturbed by the old buildings in the academy and wanted to protest, but she stopped herself because she was the one who came to join. Zhao Wuji has arrived at the office.

"You came with a girl to apply as a student, but according to our academy standards, she was rejected," remarked a middle-aged man who appeared intelligent and calm while looking at the strong muscular man in front of him.

"I know, but Flender, she has External spirit bone and her both Grandparents were Spirit Douluo," Zhao Wuji stated as Flender's eyes shone with greed at the prospect of participating with the students in Great Spirit Arena and also he would have a talented student in his Academy.

Returning to Gin, who was nestled in Meng Yiran's arms he felt her bouncy breasts and checked the system for his rewards. When he gazed attentively at the Screen in front of him.

[Ding congrats host, you succeeded in cutting heaven lucky change of Tang San, which earned you 200000 points, and changing the fate of a side character, which earned you 30,000 points.]

[Ding, for the first time changing Tang San's little fate, the host received a reward Innate ability-Inner world to your original Pig monster spirit.]

[Ding congrats, host, your currency has surpassed a limit, and the Mall has advanced even further with new items and features.]

'Wow, these are some wonderful prizes, and System, can I start absorbing my first spirit ring to Pig monster?' Gin remarked as he waited for his second spirit to receive a spirit ring.

[Sure, host, but you can absorb with any spirit ring from any Spirit year.]

'Wait then...Hehe Tang Hao, you bastard can't wait to see you with a green hat haha' laughed Gin in his heart.