Chapter 10- Bloodline evolve [No smut]

Gin came to the forest and saw a cave where it was full of blue sliver grass instantly Ah Yin gave a call from his inner world but he declined it because he knew she wanted to say that this was actually for her son. He went inside, at first, a blue-haired little girl stopped him with a fuming expression as he smiled at her. (Note: Check this little girl in Manhua)

'System can I take this Blue sliver place into my inner world?' He asked the system.

[Yes host but only this one and don't try to destroy the world balance host by looting everything into your inner world even though it may give you points when you go to the divine realm this world will be useful for you so, left some to regrow its nature but this place you may take it]

'Ok I understand, I won't do anything that disturbs nature and I may be a pervert but I won't cross the line to harm an innocent so don't worry and I don't have any wish to rule the world' said Gin something that system didn't expect from him.


'What?' asked Gin when the System became silent.

[Never thought that my host has at least one good quality]

'Hey, that's so mean system, I am a good person except being a pervert' said Gin as he shook his head with a smile.

"Hey!....hey!!...hey!!! you, are you listening to me" shouted the little girl as Gin snapped out of his thoughts and glanced at the cute little girl.

"Outsiders are not allowed to this place Get out of here," said the little girl showing her pride while keeping her small hands on her waist. But he didn't talk to her as he moved the place where the blue sliver crown was placed and held it in his hands. Closed his eyes and let his spirit power flow into the crown which had pure spirit enhanced of blue sliver spirit emperor which shocked both Ah Yin and the little girl.

A bright blue domain appeared around him and its density increased tremendously after a long time the crown melted into him and his bloodline became a blue sliver Emperor bloodline.

Suddenly around the whole palace, a circle barrier formed and disappeared and it appeared in his inner world. Later he didn't stay there, went to the academy and came into the girl's room while he noticed everyone was painfully meditating. He transformed into a piglet and slept on the bed while watching them who were refining their pill.

'Oh! Seems like they are trying their hard...but I lied to them about the pill, It's okay to let them understand the pain so maybe in future helpful' thought Gin as he slowly closed his eyes but suddenly system notice rang inside his brain.

[Ding host there is a danger that Tang Hao was moving at a fast speed to the place where you put a barrier]

'Oh! That green hat found out very fast, System cancels the barrier and lets him face that his wife is gone, green head Tang Hao I can't wait to fuck your wife' said Gin and the system did it as he said.

There was an uneasy feeling inside the heart of Tang Hao as the connection where Ah Yin was planted was gone so, he raced to the waterfall place, his heart was thinking that Ah Yin should be there but his hopes were shattered when he found out that Ah Yin was not there. He held his spirit hammer in his hands and blasted the whole cave as it became ruined in broken stones. His eyes became red with fury as his hands tightly clenched the spirit hammer and he thought of a blue sliver place and immediately went to that place.

"Ho....How....What happened....Who the bastard did this?.... I am not going to let you live" he shouted full of anger. Then he took a few breaths and calmed down.

"Seems like this was very planned but I should have sensed if Ah Yin was in this person carefully did everything, No! I left my son alone" said Tang Hao and began to his journey to Shrek Academy.

Back to Gin, all the girls fall on the ground with tiredness and have pained expressions but there was bright crimson phoenix fire surrounding them as their bodies and souls experienced Nirvana and turned into tremendous changes. They have been like for hours and now the process has come to an end by burning their clothes and leaving them naked. Zhuqing opened her eyes first by covering her breasts where volume and shape increased, She felt her skin become smooth and tender, especially in some areas where there was a big growth, more importantly her level reached 30 as there was joy on her face but quickly became an aloof expression.

'Never thought old hag would give me this evolution pill, I can feel some changes in my spirit and....' thought Zhuqing after experiencing the nirvana red pill and began thinking something.

The remaining members also woke up and checked their changes, Ning Rong smiled joyfully because her breasts increased as her level raised by one. Then quickly wore dresses and came to Gin(Piglet) who was looking at them with lust.

'Well take a rest, for now, then tomorrow onwards things will get interesting because Tang Hao find out about his wife's disappearance and he will come here at any time, Sleep and act well for me, got it' said Gin to them via telepathy.

'Did you kill her for the spirit ring?' asked Xiao Wu with a serious face.

'You will find out in future for now just do what I say, did my words catch your brain Xiao Wu' said Gin while staring at her with red eyes. She nodded her head by biting her lip while trembling and went to her bed like everyone else.

[Ding host has destroyed the lucky chance for Tang San to get the blue sliver Emperor bloodline and 180000 pts is the reward to the host]

'Oh! That's many... because of this bloodline Tang San will become handsome and a protagonist without good looking is fucking waste.... whatever let's sleep' thought Old Gin and fell asleep.

It's morning, just as Gin thought Tang Hao didn't make any scene because Spirit Hall would find out about his son and Father. He just checked his son's situation and scanned the entire academy to see any unusual people mainly he checked Piglet and he felt a familiar feeling but he did not take it seriously. He left out the place as Gin looked at him while grinning at him.

He woke up first but the girls were sleeping peacefully and Gin began to try out the skill clone that he received from Ah Yin's spirit ring. With a blue glow, a pig monster came out from his body he could feel everything that the clone felt.

'Not bad, I can sense this clone's feelings and mainly my dick sensations damn what a good skill but I will die if I experience double pleasure' thought Gin. Even though it would be useful to satisfy women around him in the future but the pleasure also increased with the number of clones.

[Don't worry host, your second spirit will help you to reduce your mental strain]

'Whoa! That's helpful now I can leave this place and target others' said Gin as he cancelled his clone.

He went inside the inner world as he saw elegance Ah Yin showing an aura of motherly nature as she was solidified into physical form but still, it was not enough for her. Her chest was bountiful that was driving him to suck those milk tankers.

"Damn what a figure you have Ah Yin, especially those boobs are wonderful your husband learns about your disappearance, especially he is very angry and if he knows you became my spirit ring and I played with your body hehe...he will die with a heart attack," said Gin as he walked towards her and encircle his hand around her slim waist while fondling her big round ass.

"Why are you doing this to my family when we didn't do anything ill to you" asked Ah Yin but he was looking at her voluptuous body and met her eyes as she was looking at him angrily.

"Nice question then I will ask you one question too, I told you about something your son's soul is different than others So, what do you think" said Gin as he looked into her eyes.

"He has some strange techniques and his behaviour is very mature when it comes to other kids in a way he is really like an adult...Don't tell me..." said Ah Yin as her voice cracked with a sudden realization and she looked at him as if she did not want to happen what she was thinking.

"Your guess is correct; your son's real age is above 30 and your real son should have died or been devoured by him or maybe something happened accidentally," said Gin but Ah Yin only looked at him for proof while he grinned and pulled her into his embrace and kiss her lips as they both come out of the inner world in soul form. He took her to the mountain where Tang San practised his Purple demon eyes.

"This is..." Ah Yin looked at her son who was practising a weird eye technique.

"Yeah one of the techniques he has and now it's time, You have already become my spirit ring and also knew my innate abilities of Scythe spirit then watch my innate ability," said Gin as both of his eyes changed into Nether Eyes which was an innate ability of Nether destroyer Scythe called Eyes of Netherworld which he could able to see real ages of soul and it had the power to open Gate of Netherworld where he could even able to look out the past life of souls but only one past life.

"Eyes of Netherworld"

In front, a cracked space glowing in purple as a screen of pictures formed and purple string attached to the soul of Tang San as he couldn't even feel and slowly the life of Tang San's previous life to the present was shown. After seeing the screen, Ah Yin felt that what Gin told her was true, and immediately he took her back to his inner world because he knew if she stayed there for damn sure she would try to kill him.

"Why! Why is it always me? my son hic.." Like a mad woman, she cried and shouted that her baby son died and everything she sacrificed was not for her son made her depressed. He put her to sleep and slowly kept her in the soft blue-silver grass. He saw her swollen wetted eyes because of continuous crying as he caressed her smooth cheek.

"Damn, my soul power almost drained by using Nether eyes and Ah Yin will sure kill Tang San but I have to stop her because I have a feeling he was protected by this world which means...Asura.." thought Old Gin with an irritated look.