Chapter 13 - Meet the Poison Douluo

A man in the sky dressed in a black robe, his back two skeleton wings flapping in the air as he moved quickly. Gin left the Sherk academy after having a fun night with the girls and travelled to the sunset forest, leaving his clone Pigmo with the girls. After all, it would be days before he saw them again.

He landed in the dense forest as a map appeared on the screen and there was a red dot indicating his destination. He walked while watching the big trees that would be in the times of the Jurassic period on the earth. Which made him experience the fresh breath of nature.

'Well not bad to spend sometimes like this' thought Gin as he saw a densely poisonous fog in front of him. Then he understood why he had not faced any spirit beast while he was walking in the Sunset forest.

'Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, Your poison skills were impressive and it was wonderful that you have a beautiful granddaughter as a gift for me, hmm? he was here at such a time' thought Gin as he saw an old man who had green hair showing an arrogant attitude.

"Who are you, old man? get out of this place I am warning you" said Dugu Bo calmly.

"Poison in your body rotten to your bone marrow but you are still alive facing that terrible pain is amazing," said Gin when he glanced at Dugu Bo.

A violent soul power pressed on Gin but he didn't feel a thing as he stood there with a calm face. Dugu Bo frowned his eyes as behind him 9 spirit rings appeared with the configuration of two yellow, three purple, and four black.

"Are you a Titled Douluo old man?" asked Dugu Bo but to his answer, Gin showed his 8 black spirit rings which widened the eyes of Dugu Bo as he thought he was seeing an illusion.

"What! How is that even possible? but who cares you are going to die because you are only at Spirit Douluo" asked Dugu Bo with a surprised face.

"Haha then let's see whether your words are true or not" With a grin Gin said.

Both went far away place from the poisonous fog and stood in the opposite direction as they launched their spirit ability.

"7th spirit ability-Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor"

He transformed into a big Jade Serpent as his big green slit eyes looked at him, he felt that it won't be an easy battle so he directly used his 7TH spirit ability.

"4TH spirit ability- Poison fog"

A thick green fog spread around him as it destroyed the surrounding area with its extreme erosion ability. Escaping the deadly poison, he flew up into the sky looking at the big Jade serpent as he looked like an ant in size comparison. His Nether Destroyer Scythe appeared in his right hand which was emitting a powerful black-purple evil brilliance shining on its surface.

"Face my attack, 3rd spirit ability-Dreadful Strick" shouted Gin as he swung the Scythe and Nether soul power attacked the big Jade Serpent. He roared in pain showing the slice wound mark on the serpent's body and looked at him with a tense expression.

'Damn I looked down on him but what is that I couldn't even move that ability was so quick' thought Dugu Bo.

"Hiss~ 8TH spirit ability- Time freeze"

Gin was frozen in the air as time around him was stopped, and Dugu Bo's green eyes emitted a dangerous green light and condensed the soul power with full power he released the light wave toward Gin who was frozen in time.

"9TH spirit ability-Jade Phosphor Divine light"



A blast was spread the surrounding forest was destroyed by forming a cloud of dense dust. Dugu Bo transformed to normal with a half-kneeing figure as his back there was a wound mark where blood was oozing, looked at the destroyed place waiting to clear the dust.

'Damn, old hag made me miserable and I was wounded by a spirit Douluo made me ashamed' thought Dugu Bo as he stood straightly and whole body stunned that many bones instantly imprison him as his body went down into the purple colour swamp and felt a terrific pain to his martial spirit Jade serpent and roared out in pain.

"Haaa!! damn old hag, stop it or else I will kill you" screamed Dugu Bo, while his body was becoming grey which was caused by Nether soul poison. In the pit, Gin was protected by his 7th spirit ability-Devil bone armour and without wasting time he used his abilities Light Nova, Hell bone cage, and Nether soul corrosion one after another to not give any time and imprison the Dugu Bo.

'I could have injured deadly if my defence spirit ability was not activated and have to give my thanks for Haki Moreover I never really tested my spirit abilities only focused on having sex...Well, I should improve my strength and combat abilities to face strong enemies in the future' thought Old Gin while stroking his chin.

'Tsk this is my reality if it's Tang Hao then I am already dead and there is a limit Doulou(level 99) in Tang clan now I have to speed up to increase my strength' Gin cursed himself.

He realised his mistake and walked to the imprisoned Poison Douluo while stopping his 6th spirit ability after Dugu Bo felt like he went to heaven and looked angrily at Old Gin.

"Now let us discuss Poison Douluo, and if you patiently listen to my words, I will assist you in curing the poison in your body," said Gin.

Dugu Bo was stunned and hesitated that Old Gin might lie and his anger was not subsided by these words but he still wanted to listen because his life was in Old Gin's hands. He nodded his head as Gin released him from the bone cage.

"Now tell me, do you have a solution to my poison," asked Dugu Bo who looked like a mess with many wounds and a torn dress.

"But first let's change this place," said Gin where the place wasn't the right place to discuss.

After a few minutes at the side of Ice and Fire Yin Yang well at a small house, Gin and Dugu Bo sat in the chair opposite to each other and both sipped the tea that was prepared by Old Gin.

"Your poison entered your bone morrow and it will take a long time to cure; however, if you have children or grandchildren, I will be able to cure this poison quickly," said Gin as Dugu Bo's eyes lit up with excitement.

'Of course, I will take care of your granddaughter with utmost care' thought Gin sincerely as he couldn't wait to meet Dugu Yan.

"I have a granddaughter who is also affected by this curse, and I am helpless. I do not want to lose my only relative, so I beg you to remove this poison from my granddaughter" said Dugu Bo in a sad tone.

"It's simple, send the poison to the spirit bone and have it stored in it but the spirit bone should also be at least 10000 years," said Gin as Dugu Bo stood up happily and laughed out loud with tears that why he didn't think that silly solution.


"Thank you so much but you didn't come here for this tell me what you want old man" said Dugu Bo after being happy for a while.

"I will ask but remember that was only slowing down the poison in your body for permanent cure it will take some time," said Gin. He sipped the tea as Dugu Bo fell into silence after hearing his words.

"Hehe that's right I want your medicinal garden, Of course, there are medicines in here that will play a role to cure you and your granddaughter," said Old Gin as there was some lie in his words. Dugu Bo thought for a while as he was sensing a conspiracy in his words but in the end, he nodded his head.

Then it went on for three days at first he brought in the system mall all about the information of all immortal herbs, poisons and medicine with a cost of 50,000 points.

He collected the seeds of every immortal herb and planted them in his inner world, carefully collecting immortal herbs without hurting the roots so that they would grow fully again after 10,000 years. Also, the system gave him nice rewards.

[Ding! host changed the plot line of the story, that Dugu Bo won't meet Tang San in the future as he will lose an important side character gained 300000 points]

[Ding host has looted the immortal herbs and changed the main heaven lucky chance of Tang San gained 700000 points]

'The hell! That's a huge number of points, if I destroyed every single story I would surely get a lot of points' thought Gin with joy in his heart.

Then he found a suitable place in the Yang yin well for Ah Yin to form her physical form completely and with the help of the system the process increased and she was able to gain her physical form.

"Damn! Your body is sexy Ah Yin" said Gin when he saw the naked body of Ah Yin. Especially her big buxom bouncing and her body was like a perfect hourglass figure as his eyes glued to her.

"Shut up!" Ah Yin said with a cold voice and went into his inner world with disgust and beet red face, seeing this he just smiled and couldn't wait to fuck her mercilessly but he knew that it wasn't time now because he had many things to do now.

Even though he considered taking immortal herbs for himself, he refused because they might be useful to others, as many characters in the Soul Land were suitable for these immortal herbs.

"How do you feel Dugu Bo?" asked Old Gin, in these three days he was preparing the medicines to cure the poison in Dugu Bo's body.

"Feeling much better as at least 60% of the poison is cured and your idea to store the poison in the Soul bone helped me a lot," said Dugu Bo as he was grinning happily.

"Then let us meet at Heaven Dou Academy I have to check your granddaughter and there will be a nice surprise at that time," said Gin with a smug face that Dugu Bo wanted to punch that face.

"Say it, why hiding though old man?" said Dugu Bo as Gin smiled and Skeleton wings formed at his back and flew at a high speed into the air.

"Tsk pretending to be mysterious whatever let's remove the remaining poison in my body," said Dugu Bo as he went into the house.

Heaven Dou City, Gin came to an inn and sat in a chair while drinking tea for money there was no problem for him because 1 point was equal to 100 gold coins so he never cared about money because he was already one of the richest people.

'Now time to act' thought Gin.

He went to the Blue Tyrant Academy, At the gate he introduced himself and he emitted his soul power pressure as the guards were scared and immediately ran to tell the news to the founder of the Bule Tyrant Academy Liu Erlong.

On a small lush mountain, there was a small simple house with many colourful flower pots planted in front. A voluptuous woman in her thirties emerged frowning.

"Who the hell disturbed me?" said Liu Erlong angrily. As the guard was scared to death because this place was forbidden for anyone to enter but now he couldn't do anything because it was an emergency. As she heard his explanation and her killing intent was released that sophisticated the Guard.

'Damn, why my luck is soo bad today' as he cursed himself.

"I will see who that person is, tell him to wait at my office, I will come there," said Liu Erlong as she went inside and the guard immediately let Old Gin stay in the office.