Climbing traning

Early the next day, the soldiers of the training corps gathered under a hundred-meter-high cliff.  

According to the words of the instructors, climbing training will be conducted at this place. Therefore, the climbing days will suspend physical training and although it may seem easy, climbing cliffs is a physical and necessary activity for soldiers.

Being afraid of heights is not an option, nor is not knowing how to climb.

The familiar instructor's bald head appeared in time. Instructor Keith walked with a dozen instructors in front of the crowd. He looked at the loose positions of some and other apathetic trained soldiers. Instructor Keith flashed a smile and said, "At ease!"

All the soldiers froze when they heard that, Takashi on his side felt a little numbness in his back. Every time Keith Shadis showed such a "fatherly" smile, he had no good intentions on his hands.   

Instructor Keith sneered, "Hey, look at your own pitiful appearance, you've only had a few days off, but look at the look on your face and your own confidence."

"Fear not, as a special thing to increase your strength and safety there will be surprises during practice, all this guarantees that your strength will increase."


"What is this, a sudden increase in power?" Takashi looked at Keith with a grim expression.

Under the instructions, everyone immediately lined up under the cliff. If instructor Keith says there will be surprises during the test, they definitely shouldn't be in the last places!

"This feels really bad..."

"Should we kill ourselves to forget this feeling?"

"Damn it, yes there are surprises, there should be surprises for everyone!"

Many people whispered, but no one dared to speak out loud.

Instructor Keith didn't say much and started directly, "Everyone get ready to start with the climb, the rope next to you is the support you will have along the way, but I recommend that you don't rely too much on the rope if you don't want to fail this test."

This test was a simulation of what could happen if on a mission the soldier ran out of compressed gas in his equipment, being in a high place was not at all easy to create a chance of survival.

So this training at least offers to increase the skills of each of the soldiers to react in that kind of situation.

"Precautions have been put in place, start now!"

After Instructor Keith said that, all the soldiers in the training corps tied the rope around their waists and began to climb the cliff.

Many people were nervous. Takashi looked up at the cliff at least one hundred meters high, which had a sixty-five to seventy-degree incline and became nervous.

Will he die in this training or will he reveal his Susanoo to survive? What an embarrassing moment it would be, he can't make mistakes.

The soldiers of the training corps began to climb the cliff with the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, but the gas cylinder of all the equipment had very little and it was impossible to use it. The mere presence of the equipment was to appear more realistic simulation of soldiers, as for the rope that only a form of support that could be had if the equipment was made use of.

Physical strength and endurance are the important issues in this test, the instructors use the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment to supervise the soldiers, they usually stay close to the soldiers and from one moment to another, they move the rope so that the soldier loses his balance.

If the people hanging on the rope don't react in time and don't stabilize themselves, once they slip and fall, even if they don't die, they will suffer serious injuries and most likely can't climb anymore.  

Although they complained internally, the soldiers began to climb the cliff. After climbing twenty meters high,the instructors took action and flew above the soldiers, with a smooth movement of his hand a knife gleamed in the sunlight.

"Get ready, I'm going to cut the rope."


Without hesitation, an instructor cut Nelson's rope and the rope snapped, causing his body to tense up and react quickly, grabbing the lump of rocks on the cliff with both hands.

"Shit, wasn't the rope supposed to be cut after a while of training?"


Nelson's body slid down the stones, but finally steadied itself.

Seeing this, Nelson let out a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his elbow and secretly said that it was dangerous if he slipped now.

In fact, Nelson was lucky, not all instructors were as straightforward as this one, and cut when they said they would.

Some instructors are very treacherous, like Instructor Keith, the bald instructor Keith....

Instructor Keith was using the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment and was hanging not far above Eren's head. He held a knife with a cold light and was gently brushing Eren's rope.

Eren raised his head and looked at Instructor Keith, climbing slowly, always paying attention to Instructor Keith's movements and the fixed grip point to rocks to be prepared.

Instructor Keith's knife swung on Eren's thick rope for a long time, but did not cut it! Eren was so nervous that he was sweating profusely. Finally, Instructor Keith suddenly raised his knife and cut the rope!

Eren reacted instantly, leaned against the cliff, grabbed the stones with his hand and adjusted his body to hold himself steady.

After finishing this, he realized that something was wrong, because the rope was not broken, and when he looked up, the knife in Instructor Keith's hand suddenly stopped on his rope, and then cut Thomas' rope in an instant with a long blade in a lightning-fast manner!

Eren: "huh?"

Thomas: "How?"


Thomas, who was still looking at Eren's face with a smile at this moment, almost scoffed out loud, not expecting Instructor Keith to suddenly stop cutting Eren's rope and instead cut his rope.


In a hurry, Thomas quickly clung to the cliff, and his body slid down half a position before he almost fell. After Thomas steadied his body, his forehead was covered in a cold sweat!


Thomas wanted to curse, but seeing the instructor's bald head looking down at him over his head, he swallowed the bad words to himself, he couldn't be bothered!

Next, Instructor Keith used his three-dimensional maneuvering equipment to fly to the top of Armin, a lovely boy and good friend of Eren's. Instructor Keith looked at Armin's nervous face below him, smiled and raised his knife swinging the blade along the rope.

In fact, he admires Armin very much. Armin's theoretical notes have always been at the top of the list. Many combat plans and analytical ideas for problems in dangerous situations are striking. He has a rare kind of brain and ingenious talent, but his shortcomings are also obvious. Physical ability What a pity! All sports subjects are barely passing, this is not enough, more focus should be put on "Getting stronger!"

Not far away, Takashi, who was climbing, also observed Armin, who was being "looked after" by Instructor Keith. He discovered that the clothes on Armin's back were soaked, how much sweat he had to sweat for his clothes to be like this!

In fact, Armin was about to cry, his face was flushed, he was nervous for a moment and then relaxed. Every time he relaxed, Instructor Keith raised his knife with a blank expression and moved very fast. So Armin did not dare to be careless, as any mistake would be disastrous.

Instructor Keith simply hung on Armin's head all the time, until Armin almost ate Keith's movements with his eyes, then flew to the top of other people's heads to train them.

Armin finally breathed a sigh of relief, lying on the cliff and gasping, as if a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

Instructor Keith flew to the top of Takashi's head, paused for a moment and looked at Takashi, who was calmly climbing up.

Takashi looked at Instructor Keith, a bit watchful, but not too nervous, he was now making use of his Chakra to move more easily, he also had an omnipotent Susanoo that could save his life in dangerous situations. However, with his Chakra was enough, if the going got tough he would do his best to stay static with the help of his power.

Instructor Keith just looked at Takashi and left, not intending to waste his energy. He has observed the boy below named Takashi, although there are some bumps in the evaluation test, he usually trains very hard, and his talent is amazing, almost always whenever he can he tries to improve his physical condition, his strength, speed, reflexes, balance and even brute force, endurance fighting ability is different from ordinary people, it is like a monster. The only one who can compare with him in this regard is the girl with the same surname Ackerman.

What is it with the Ackermans of this world? They are all monsters.

What surprised him was that Takashi's theoretical courses were not bad, and there were no obvious deficiencies.

Knowing that this can't be hard for Takashi, Instructor Keith wasted no time with him and rushed to throw the others to continue to excel.

Anyone who has been served by Instructor Keith has a ghostly expression. Compared to other instructors who cut the ropes when you're not paying attention, Instructor Keith's acting skills are hands down better than movie actors, a real treat to train under his care.

After more than an hour, there was a group of people lying on the grass above the cliff. Training to climb the cliff was not only exhausting but also very worrying!

Eren took a water bag and gave Armin a sip of water, Armin had collapsed at that moment, and only noticed that there were many Eren in front of him!

Thomas wiped the dirt off his pants, he looked around and found that Instructor Keith was not there, "Damn, his bald head is so hateful, doesn't he have any feelings?"

Takashi didn't know how to answer Thomas' protests, Eren and Thomas were a bit far away from him, he didn't know what happened, but thinking about Armin's situation, he estimated that Thomas' situation was very miserable.

"That's right, I almost died today!" complained Connie. He also enjoyed a full "surprise" package from Instructor Keith. When he thought this training would continue tomorrow and last for half a year, he suddenly felt there was no quiet future ahead

Instructor Keith lived up to his words and squeezed everyone's bones. Actually, he didn't cut the ropes of some people, but still, many people almost fell down because of him.

"Only then will they be stronger in the future." Keith Shadis looked at everyone in silence.