Riding a horse

Just today the Garrison Corps sent about 280 horses to a green field outside the Training Corps base.

Instructor Keith stood in front of all the soldiers who were getting more and more anxious to try riding a horse.

"Go pick out a horse you like. These are all good horses, and there are plenty of them. Remember, don't fight foolishly for a horse and have a good day."

The 104th Training Corps South currently has 257 soldiers and about 280 horses were sent to them. Most of the remaining horses are to be returned and only leave a minimal amount in case they get lost, sick or injured.

Takashi was excited as he walked among the numerous horses. The horses had already been tamed initially. They were not wild horses that were afraid of people and did not run. Of course, it's not like they are too obedient either. They just stand there, walking around and exploring the place with curiosity.

I used to watch movies about horses, so I had some respect for the back kick they used to shoot at unfortunate times.

In this world, horses are used to travel long distances without making use of three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, using gas in trivial situations is not beneficial because of the limited contents of the tank.

Therefore, horses are very necessary in this world. Most needed for the Exploration Corps, who are the ones who travel outside the Walls the most.

And these horses sent for training and practice, are faster and smarter than the others.  But in any case, riding horses is still very tempting for the children.

Even Takashi was excited to choose a suitable horse.

However, Takashi knew that horses could become man's best friend and one of these in the crowd could save his life in the future.

Takashi, being dazzled as he walked among so many horses, walked without thinking much about choosing one to ride. Many people did not know what to do like him. Instructor Keith said that people could choose any horse and look at the temperament to have a better judgment in riding it.

Takashi felt that the bald instructor was talking nonsense, all the horses were tamed before sending them here. Suddenly, Takashi found a horse with black and white hair. The horse, like all the others, possessed a strong and elegant look, but that was not the point. Takashi knew it was not an illusion, he vaguely felt that the horse's eyes were a bit cold and the horse's face showed a mocking expression.

With a decision in his heart, Takashi approached that arrogant horse and touched a handful of fodder, he walked towards the horse and stretched out his hand to hand it to it.

The horse snorted, looked at Takashi and then lowered its head to eat the offered grass.

Takashi: "Did he just look down on me?"

The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, Takashi felt ignored by the horse and the horse didn't seem to be as tame as others. However, this was not his problem.

Takashi reached out and stroked the mane of the horse's neck, but the horse was not happy and turned its head straight to look at him with its butt.

Takashi: "Sir, I have to ride him today."

Takashi took the reins, led the horse into his hands and handed him more fodder. The horse raised its head and looked at Takashi without moving, as if it was not going to eat the new food that came to it.

Takashi, who was very observant, seemed to notice something, stroked the horse's head and passed the fodder down to the ground and sure enough, the horse ate the fodder some time later.

"This horse is the one." Takashi nodded with relief.

Without hesitation, he took this horse, just because it was the only one who looked down on him out of the whole group.... When their eyes met, Takashi's heart twitched and he knew he was the one.

Takashi looked around and found that most people were still hesitating, not knowing which one to choose. However, some people had already chosen a horse, in the distance he looked at Sasha who was feeding her horse.

Takashi had understood that this horse should accompany him during all his adventures, so he named his horse "Babas", the first name that came to his mind as revenge and then started to feed the horse.

Feeding the horses was a necessary task that had to be done every day. People must feed their horses once a day, so developing a bond between human and animal was necessary.

Over time, the more special soldiers choose their horses, though many ended up choosing one at random.

Takshi looked at Eren pulling a tall, strong horse with bright golden hair, unruly eyes, completely ignoring Eren's feed.

"Tks, with such a fierce horse, Eren might have to suffer a bit." Takashi thought to himself.  

At that moment, Thomas also approached with his horse.

"Takashi, look, how is my 'Dorito'?" Thomas said proudly, his horse sure was handsome, with shiny hair and a well-proportioned physique.

Before Takashi could answer, his Babas became annoyed because Takashi, who was about to say something to Thomas, unconsciously stopped paying attention to him.

Babas walked up to Thomas and headbutted him.

"Damn it, Takashi, what's wrong with your horse?" Thomas bent down and looked at Babas with a bit of surprise. This horse is too wild

"Hey, isn't my horse, Babas, too good-natured?" Takashi asked with a proud look.

Babas snorted, neighed, raised his head and looked at Takashi, motioning for him to continue stroking his back.

Takashi was very pleased with Babas's performance, so the skilled horse was able to unleash his wise ancestral martial arts.

Thomas was a bit jealous, and when he looked at Dorito, who only knew how to bow his head and eat grass, he suddenly became depressed.

The mornings of the next month were all riding sessions, rock climbing, and a month later he alternated between riding and weight training.

The next day, after Instructor Keith explained some riding knowledge and tips, the riding training began, as long as you ride faster than Instructor Keith, you are qualified.

It soon became clear that riding a horse was not a pleasant thing, at least at first it was quite uncomfortable.

Riding a horse and running off doesn't mean you can ride a horse, because fools can.

Beginners usually don't have a good posture and make the horse's behavior flail. Once you learn the correct riding position, there will be no problems in the future. It is a preliminary learning to ride a horse.

Then comes the speed control and communication with the horse, usually you don't have a proper pointer planned at the beginning.  

When there was a connection between humans and animals, everything was easier. It was essential to understand the behavior of the horse and the horse to understand the intentions of the rider.

In the last few days after riding, many people almost vomited, their hips ached and their buttocks ached, so they did not dare to sit down.

An interesting scene appeared in the dining room. These days, many people are eating standing up.

The worst was poor Eren. The beautiful golden horse he chose was really unruly. He had already been knocked down three times and suffered several blows. Mikasa was very distressed for Eren's safety.

After a while the noble protagonist couldn't take it anymore, he threatened to eat the horse if it didn't cooperate in practice.

Takashi secretly said that it was a pity that he had not eaten meat for a long time. Due to the fall of the Mary Wall, humans lost a third of their territory and the price of meat skyrocketed to unattainable prices.

However, it was a pity that Eren's golden horse became friendlier in the days that followed.

In this way, little by little the next month arrived. After two months of riding training, everyone at least learned to ride a horse. There is also more and more tacit understanding between Takashi and Babas. Basically, her horse can respond quickly to Takashi's signals. Takashi can now call himself an experienced old rider.


In the empty wasteland, a group of Training Corps soldiers ran wildly on their horses, and Instructor Keith drove his own horse to chase after them. Anyone caught making mistakes would always get a "surprise" at the end of the day!

Takashi took the lead, adjusted his stance, sat with a good posture, and Babas rode into the dust. No matter how fast the others rode, they would be more than two horses behind him.

The relationship between riding and fitness had nothing to do with it, because the fitness of the remaining training soldiers was not bad, but after all it was about a horse's own strength.

In short, Babas was really a fast horse.

During the riding test, whether overcoming obstacles or comparing speed, he almost never lost. In terms of horsemanship, he was No. 1 among the soldiers training.