The Battle Cry

At that moment, Eren charged the big rock towards the open space in front of the broken gate of the Trost district, only a hundred meters away, but these hundred meters will be the most difficult for everyone. 

The buildings in the surroundings greatly decreased in height, Eren in his titan form was exposed to the eyes of other titans and the observation of many soldiers throughout the city. 

Jean Kirstein saw Eren in his titan form with the big rock on his shoulders, "Eren, you bastard, you must block the door!" 

Sasha next door said, "He really can turn into a titan, I must help Takashi." 

Although she had seen Eren emerge from the back of a titan's neck, it was still a bit hard for him to imagine how people can turn into titans, even more incomprehensible, how can so much flesh emerge from nothing? 

His companions also thought it was something unbelievable, why did a titan's body appear out of nowhere?    

Making a decision, Sasha headed to see if Takashi was okay, she couldn't leave him alone. 

Ymir's face was serious, she had heard Takashi's words but she still found it hard to believe that someone with the ability to change a titan was helping humanity.   

She couldn't remember how got the ability to become human again, still finds it hard to understand how she could have survived.    

In fact, Ymir hadn't discovered much of her own ability, but she always took care to keep it a secret. Unaware that she snatched that power from one of the four warriors who would be tasked with finding the founding titan. 

"Sasha, don't be silly, how can you help Takashi if you're afraid of titans?" Ymir shook her head and followed that stupid girl. 

Christa was also by Ymir's side as she followed Sasha, she felt that Takashi might be in danger due to being in the vanguard squad and she was honestly worried about her teammates, "Nelson, Daz and Thomas, will they be alright?" 

Ymir frowned. Daz was in a very bad state due to this war and Nelson was very suspicious of his true capabilities. Many of the squadrons were fighting and dying right now. None were forced to fight, as long as the titans stayed away from Eren, no one would have to die.

Feeling a headache, Ymir sighed softly, "We'll just see if Takashi is alright, we won't fight if it's dangerous." 


On the way, they found many soldiers scattered and in different squads, it was not only squad seven that was separated, but Marco was also separated from his squad members and when he looked at Reiner and Bertholdt on a rooftop not far away, he approached to fight together. 

On a rooftop, Bertholdt frowned, "The door will be sealed at this rate, shouldn't we interfere and kill Takashi? At this rate Eren will be eaten by the titans and if he dies, we can't find out anything." 

Reiner was in a normal period at this point, "Yes, at worst I will have to interfere and do something with my titan. I also told you that eliminating Takashi was secondary, now we should focus on Eren." 

Berthold bowed his head slightly, his face grim, "If that plan succeeds, they will finish closing the opening we made in the wall." 

In fact, Bertholdt was interested in killing Takashi out of a paranoia that he would discover them sooner or later. Now he could feel guilt at seeing many comrades dead because of him, but they were warriors. 

Reiner and Berthold were communicating openly, Marco on his side had approached them from behind.... 

Marco is really a very intelligent, kind and good person. Just now, Marco had taken it upon himself to distract two titans and ended up separating from his companions. When he saw Reiner and Bertholdt, he went over to perform next to them. 


On either side of the door, Ian and Mikasa were taking out the titan that had just entered from outside the door. 


A titan was killed and fell to the ground. 

Mikasa sliced the back of a seven meter tall titan's neck with a spinning slash. 

With only a few wooden poles in the open space on both sides of the gate, she killed three titans with ease.

However, due to the limited terrain, her gas consumption is very important to take into account. 

Ian was exhausted, his squad had worked together to kill two titans and distract others, several members of his squad didn't return after that so he didn't know if they were alive or dead, now only Ian and a few others were left beside him. 


A titan tried to hit Ian with a heavy blow on the ground, but it only raised a curtain of dust.

Ian reacted quickly, the injector flew towards an 8 meter high wooden pole and successfully nailed it, then flew forward to avoid being grabbed. 

Ian is hanging from a wooden pole with the help of his team's hooks. "Fortunately, there are wooden poles in the vicinity, otherwise, we all would have died. Eren is almost at the entrance, get ready to give it your all!" 

A soldier from Ian's squad said, "I was one of those responsible for digging a hole here last time, it took me a lot of effort to do it and now I saved my life." 

"At the time, I thought it was unnecessary for the commander to order these wooden posts to be put up, but I didn't expect them to be useful at this time." 

A soldier quickly approached and announced, "Enemies, there are three, no, four titans entered through the open gate." 

Mikasa, who was catching her breath, also discovered that four titans had entered and couldn't help but frown. The terrain in this place is very difficult, she has now expanded a lot of compressed gas and quite possibly Ian and the others as well. Therefore, they are very reluctant to try to take out those titans that were approaching from the front.   

Takashi was standing on Eren's shoulders in his titan form at the moment and found that Rico, Mitabi and the others could no longer defend Eren.   

"Ah, don't eat me, help!" 


An abnormal titan jumped up and grabbed a woman, ripped her into two pieces and blood flew into the air. 

"Squad Leader, we can't resist this pace anymore. The three of us can't take any more titans." One soldier looked desperate. 

Rico was sweating profusely, she looked at Eren, who was carrying the stone, and shouted, "You must defend Eren! Even with our lives!" 

On the other hand, Mitabi's squadron was worse than any other. Their squad leader, Mitabi, had already died in battle. The only two soldiers in their squad were facing two ten meter tall titans. Even if they are the elite class of the garrison, with their combat effectiveness it is impossible to be able to take out those two titans. 

Although they are elite squadrons, they were not familiar with eliminating titans unlike an elite squadron of the Exploration corps, even so they gave their all to accomplish their mission. 

Observing the dangerous situation around him, Takashi used his three-dimensional maneuvering equipment to descend from Eren's shoulder onto a nearby wooden pole. 

"Rico, Ian and Mikasa! Back up towards me and take the titans in this direction, then keep running and protect Eren more closely and take out the four-meter titans. 

The three people in Rico's squad who were about to die were stunned. Rico felt that Takashi had gone crazy. There were four titans on her side and two more on Ian's side, making a total of six titans. 

Ian shouted, "You're crazy, how can you against six titans at the same time, there's also an abnormal titan!" 

The two remaining soldiers of Mitabi's squad also thought of Takashi as mad. 

Takashi shouted, "Now, this is an order!" 

The longer the delay, the worse the situation becomes for everyone. If Eren is attacked, no one will be able to push that rock. 

If Eren's walk is stopped, the mission would have failed. Rico gritted her teeth and ordered, "Let's move towards Eren, don't stop and guide the titans towards Takashi." 

The soldiers surrounding Rico ran towards Takashi with the titans following close behind, it was also the same on the side of where Mitaba had died, immediately six titans ran towards Takashi.

So far Takashi had saved more gas than any other soldier, this was because he needed to have an insurance that Eren and the others could escape without being tied to the Exploration squad as in the original story. 

If Commander Pixis was delayed, quite possibly the Survey corps would not arrive on time as had happened in the original story. 

Takashi stood on the wooden pole closest to the main street leading to the gate, so the titans who wanted to attack Eren would pass this way. Of course, he could only stop them all if they arrived at different times. 

Rico and the other soldiers flew all over the road and quickly ran towards Takashi's direction without stopping and followed Eren. 

Rico turned back and looked at Takashi, who was standing on the wooden pole ready to sacrifice himself, "Lunatic, if I can survive, I'll pick up your corpse!"   

On both sides of the Trost district gate, Miaksa and Ian's squad had already Ian killed two titans; many of the soldiers had died now. 

At that moment, Eren hesitated to continue carrying the rock, he wanted to help kill the remaining titans so that no one would continue to die. 

Ian roared, "Keep moving, don't pay attention to us!" 

Glaring at the titan coldly, Ian like everyone else knew that blocking the door was more important, even if he had no gas, Ian had planned to use his life to drag as long as possible! 


Moving at high speed, Ian cut the tendons of a titan's foot.


The titan that was about to attack Eren knelt down on one knee and turned its huge head to look at Ian. 

Ian raised the worn and blood stained sword in his hand, his eyes widened and he shouted at the titan, "Hey! Are you blind, aren't there two more meals here?" 

Ian looked at the titan with no intention of backing down. 

Eren looked deeply at Ian on the right side of the door and Mikasa, who was running out of gas as she ran across the floor to push the other titan away. 


Eren's feet exerted force and he kept moving forward.

At the wooden pole, Takashi looked at the six titans rushing in his direction and felt a sense of great pressure. His body began to enter a restless state, but he smiled and prepared for battle. 

Takashi noticed that the titans had not seen him and seemed only to be attacking Eren. 

Moving Chakra all over his body, Takashi spread the energy through his blades and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Come fight you bastards, I'll cut you into a thousand pieces!" 

The roar echoed in the sky and more than a dozen soldiers, including Sasha, Christa and Ymir on the roof not far away, looked at Takashi in shock. 

In an instant, the movements of the six titans stopped, they looked at the small figure on the wooden pole and although she was very small, his voice echoed loudly.