
The battle was about to break out, a titan suddenly rushed forward and with the force of the wind, Takashi braced himself.   


Several titans had already rushed in front of him. Among them, the eleven meter tall abnormal titan leaped forward, one hand stretched towards Takashi's direction and tried to grab him. 

"Be careful!" 

A little further away, Sasha saw the six titans surrounding Takashi and one of them had already attacked him. 

Takashi could no longer hear Sasha's reminder, at this moment, he was more focused than ever to such an extent that time seemed to suddenly slow down.    

The Strong wind whipped by the titan rushing towards his direction near his face and he witnessed a huge hand enlarge in front of him, his Sharingan activated and his sight sharpened.   

The left hand holding the knife in the opposite direction was held in front of his chest, the right hand held the other knife.  

Takashi could feel it, that unique sensation that he can only experience on the battlefield.   


The moment the abnormal titan was about to catch him, Takashi jumped. 

Takashi, who at that moment was in the air, leaned forward and pressed the trigger on the handle.


The anchor of the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment shot out, slammed into the forehead of the abnormal titan and the gas impelled Takashi's body at high speed. 

With the enormous pulling force of the gas pulling the retractable rope forward and the burst of Chakra covering his body, Takashi severed the titan's hand in a quick spin.

As if it was a great whirlwind, he cut off the titan's entire arm at high speed.


Takashi's Chakra-covered blades slashed the titan's entire arm from the back strangely. Blood just splashed out all of a sudden. 

Takashi ran the titan's entire arm all the way to the back shoulder without stopping!   

Takashi, who stopped spinning, jumped up and, driven by the great inertia, slashed the back of the abnormal tent neck with a clean cut. 

Blood splattered him everywhere, Takashi managed to close his eyes in time, preparing to move to the next target.   

The abnormal titan that was cut by Takashi fell forward, his body was held up by the seven meter high wooden pole that Takashi previously stood on, steam started pouring out all over his body which proved that he had died. 

Takashi hung onto the titan's back knowing he had no time to rest. The anchor of his three-dimensional maneuvering equipment on the right flew out and slammed into the side face of an eight meter tall titan, hurtling towards the next target. 


Takashi lowered his head and avoided the other titan's grip, controlled the gas to fly around the target in a circle and in an instant was positioned behind the target.   


Without waiting for the titan to realize what was happening, Takashi retracted the anchor from the titan's face, pressed the trigger of his mage again, and it slammed into the back of the titan's neck. 

"I must be faster!"   


Takashi's body was pulled in, the light from his knife glowed a bluish hue and he swiftly slashed the titan's neck. 

Because it was slashed upwards, the blood on its clothes that hadn't evaporated was stained again with more blood, but Takashi didn't have time to notice such small things.  

As the second titan fell to the ground, Takashi replaced the blades he had overused.  

A titan wasted no time and reached out him hand to grab it. Takashi turned around, threw the knives hard towards the titan's eyes!

The moment the Chakra still remained on the blades of the swords, Takashi pressed the button to release the blades.

"Shh! Shh!" 

The two blades flew like arrows, piercing the titan's eyes almost simultaneously! 

"I'd be a master at using Shuriken!" 

These moves are usually done by some soldiers, but Takashi had practiced it before and felt it was a good time to put it into action. However, no soldier could match the speed at which Takashi released the blades. 

The titan whose eyes were pierced immediately covered his eyes with his hands and howled in pain. Although titans have a high healing factor, there are certain parts of their body that do not repair quickly.  

One place where healing slows down is the wounds above his neck. 


After throwing away the blades, Takashi immediately replaced the blades, nailed the anchor to the blind titan, flew swiftly and the swirling cut finished off the third titan. 

Without giving Takashi a break for a moment, a titan ran towards him, Takashi thrust the injector into the titan's crotch. 

Dodging the grip of another titan coming from behind, Takashi went through the titan's legs and as if he was on a swing he avoided the grips. 

Due to the titan's body blocking the other's grip, the titan from Takashi's back was a bit overwhelmed.    

Retracting the retractable rope, Takashi forcefully adjusted his body and turned around while they were still in the air. 


The anchor was thrust into the back of the titan's neck, he pulled the trigger to release gas and the enormous force generated by the rapid recovery of the rope caused Takashi to move toward the back of the titan's neck like a long sharp arrow. 


Only the sound of the blades piercing flesh could be heard, the clean cuts that sliced through the flesh caused a burst of blood. 


As soon as Takashi recovered, his eyes surveyed the entire battlefield and he almost instinctively jumped forward and moved his body to dodge the attack of the titan that had attacked him a moment ago from behind. 

The rope tightened, gas sprayed out and because he delayed his hands quickly the edge of a blade cut his forehead on the left side and blood flowed from the cut into his left eye.  


However, there was no time to clean himself, Takashi closed his left eye and ran to the side of another titan.   


Squeezing the trigger handle, the anchor came out of the shooter and plunged into the titan's thigh and its body flew up behind the titan in the shape of a ring. 

Retracting the rope, the anchor again attached itself to the back of the titan's head.


Takashi's speed was increasing more and more and the slashes with his swords were becoming more and more effective, in an instant he killed another titan.

At that moment, Takashi had time to wipe the blood from his left eye and face. 

He opened his left eye again and the scarlet pupils gave him a demonic appearance, now he could feel the hot blood in his body slowly evaporating. 

The sky glowed with an orange light, as if sensing the gloomy feeling of the surroundings.   

"The last four-meter titan ran up to the height where Takashi was standing and reached out his hand towards his body. 

Takashi's face showed a sense of contempt and he intensely injected Chakra into the blade without stopping. Due to the change in air density, the light on the surface of Takashi's double blades shone with a bluish light. 


"The knife in his hands moved rapidly, and the four-meter-tall titan's right hand disappeared in an instant! 

The titan's movements were stagnant, and its expression was a bit painful. Obviously, the titan had just felt pain. 

Before it could react, it saw a strong flash of light from another slash heading towards its body! 


This time, the four-meter-tall titan's left hand was carefully severed! 

With no hands, the titan was in pain, so it tried to open its mouth to bite Takashi, but Takashi jumped and the Chakra-infused blades slashed the titan's neck.


With a flash of blood, the titan's body trembled and fell to the ground with a thud, but his head fell even further from his body rolling on the ground. 

Takashi could only feel relieved at this moment and couldn't help the slight dizziness, it wasn't due to excessive physical exertion, it was due to a series of memories he had. 

He dryly scoffed, "Four blades and six kills, I think I'm in good shape."   

Standing over an excessive amount of titan corpses, Takashi smiled as he tested his solo capabilities. He felt that he was getting better and better adjusted and much stronger, as if something inside his body had been trained.  

Takashi was proud enough to feel he had done something for his teammates. From the beginning to the end, he only fought in a small space and was able to deal with six titans, including an abnormal titan, honestly no one could do better than him. 

Sasha and the others in the distance stopped, they didn't help Takashi.

"He sure is one hell of a madman." Ymir smiled nervously at the sight of Takashi's body covered in blood. 

"He is very strong..." Sasha was happy that her friend was so strong. At least he isn't afraid of the titans. 


Next to the door. 


Rico cut off the nerve of a titan that was chasing Mikasa, the titan fell to the ground. 

On the other side, the two remaining soldiers from Mitabi's squad joined Ian's squad and the five of them joined forces to kill another titan. At this point, there were no more titans in front of the door.    

Eren roared, moved the huge boulder, took a few more steps forward and roared wildly. 


Almost five seconds after Takashi knocked down the last titan, a loud noise was heard that shook the earth. 

Turning around, Eren in his titan form had smashed the rock into the door that was broken.    

The rock completely blocked the broken door, even the stone was placed with too much force, but the walls still held firm. Obviously, these walls are not wooden works!