The diary of Levi Ackerman

I am the son of Kuchel Ackerman, I lived with my mother in the Underground City, if you wonder what the real hell is, you only have to live in that city for a while to find out. 

My mother some time later contracted an illness that took her to her deathbed in a short time. At that time, I felt really lonely and all I did was wait for my death. 

Then I met a man who called himself Kenny, just Kenny. He taught me many things in order to survive in that disastrous Underground City. 

I can't say I'm proud of having learned all those things. Theft, fighting and how to handle a knife to hurt people is something I just want to leave in the past. 

After killing many people, Kenny disappeared from around me, leaving me alone again. It was then that I met a girl named Perla Ambris, a young woman who was at least five years older than me. 


"What are you doing walking alone?" Perla Ambris looked at a short boy who kept a cold expression. Sensing that this little brother was someone so similar to her she asked, "Have you eaten yet? I can fix you something, would you like to join me?" 

"No." Levi turned away from that annoying girl, he couldn't trust any people in this grotesque city. 

Perla noticed that this boy was someone very serious and distrustful, still not giving up, she approached him and asked, "Do you live alone? No, it would be impossible for a child of your age to survive in this poor city..." 

"Don't bother me." Levi quickly walked away from that annoying girl. 

Some time later, at night to be precise, a group of drunken men were making a racket. Just out of curiosity, Levi went over to see if he could get anything out of those unpleasant people. 

However, he discovered that the girl named Perla was being beaten up by that group of men. 

"You fucking bitch, how dare you try to escape when we have taken good care of you?" A burly man angrily kicked Perla. 

"Fucking bastards, not even dead will I become one of your whores!" shouted Perla angrily, still trying to defend herself from the attacks of those three men. 

"No, no, do you still resent the death of that bastard? He was a child, it wouldn't do us any good to feed him." Said another man with a cruel smile. 

"You people... I'm going to kill you all!" Pulling out a knife, Perla attacked the nearest man and plunged the dagger right into his leg. 


An exclamation of pain was heard inside the alley, the man who was stabbed in his leg was furious. Just as he was about to vent his anger, a sound was heard from the entrance of the alley. 


"Hey kid, this is no place to look for handouts, go and shoplift somewhere else." 

"You should aim for the chest, he'll die quickly that way." Levi said dryly. 

"Little brother... Don't get involved, I'll be fine." Said Perla with a weak smile. 

"Little brother? Bitch, were you helping people again?" 

"I'll kill them all." Levi pulled out a knife and ran at high speed towards the group of men. With deft movements, Levi cut vital areas of all the men who were beating Perla. 

"You demon!" The last man looked surprised as he was hit with a force not normal of a child. 

"No, I'll take care of him." Perla interrupted Levi's movements suddenly, taking the knife that was in the dream, she approached the man who had been knocked down. 

"You were always a nuisance..." Said the man before being killed by Perla. 

"Ahhhh!" cried Perla with tears in her eyes. 


As Perla let go of the knife, she felt a weakness come over her lower body. 

Levi wasted no time and pilfered from the three men, anything that could be found was valuable to keep surviving. 

"Do you have a family?" Perla asked some time later. 

"No." Levi said as he looked at Perla differently. 

"Then from now on you will be my younger brother, call me Perla." Perla said with a smile before walking out with the one she now proclaimed as her younger brother. 


That was a very unique way I got a familiar, my only familiar who taught me to experience the happiness of having someone you want to protect. 

After that night we left Suburban City, set out to flee that horrendous place and find a house to live in. 

Times were hard, but with Perla, who I gradually came to consider my sister, we were able to survive this cruel world.

With no goals in life, I tried to be someone good and live a quiet life together with Perla, but times started to become more restless because of the titans. It was then that a conversation with my sister Perla came up, she named me the strongest younger brother in the world. 

With the fear that the titans would ever tear down the wall, I decided to become a soldier and entered the training corps. The time was overwhelming but with a clear objective in my mind I was able to get ahead, I visited Perla and it was then that on one of those days that man appeared. 

His name was Cordell, his name was just Cordell. That guy appeared in the life of my sister Perla and me. He had a very special charisma, his smile and ideas were very dreamy. 

One day I heard that he was creating something that could defeat all the titans once and for all if he succeeded, at first I didn't believe it, but then his idea just started to move in my mind. 

His supposed research indicated that he could create a monster of a special energy, with a strange connection, contact could be made with unimaginable power. 

Summoning a mighty giant over 100 meters tall, power armor and swords that could cut through the earth was what his years of research was supposed to be about. 

My sister Perla helped that man a lot with those researches and one day, when I graduated from the training corpsenter, I decided to enter the exploration body.

This decision was very much opposed by my sister Perla, but with the idea of protecting her and many helpless families, that grievance was slowly cried out. 

The years passed and my sister and that man ended up in a quite close relationship. One day when he was at the front, exploring the titan grounds, she became pregnant. 

It was amazing, the family was getting bigger and bigger and although I didn't like Cordell, he started to gain my trust. 

I was happy if my sister was happy, so I ended up accepting that she was happy in this world that greatly limits the experience of that feeling. 

One day, the night where I lost everything I had, the delivery happened where my nephew was to be born healthy and strong. However, something that could happen, a life came into this world and also snatched another one. 

My sister Perla had died when she gave birth to my nephew, the blow was very strong but I stood my ground, I could not go back home and look at Cordell. However, then I started to visit my nephew. 

His name was Takashi, Takashi Ambris, as his father did not have a last name, he naturally received my sister's last name. 

The boy grew up healthy and strong, but Takashi's father, Cordell began to become increasingly obsessive about his research. One rainy day, when he intended to visit my nephew again, he disappeared completely. 

It had been many years since I searched for Cordell and Takashi's whereabouts, but no matter how hard I looked, it was as if the earth had swallowed them up. 

However, a few years ago I asked the commander of the Garrison troops if there was anyone with Takashi's name among the ranks of this year's recruits. 

That's how I found out that there was someone with the name Takashi, but his last name was Ackerman, something completely out of the question. 

However, one day when I was about to leave for a new expedition, I looked at a young man with the same eyes as my sister, his look and hair color reminded me of Perla. 

I was afraid of getting my hopes up, so I decided to look for him later. However, the changes outside the wall indicated that something had happened to the Trost district. 

With some fear, I traveled at full speed and I really didn't want to get the wrong idea, I didn't want Takashi to die, if he was my nephew, I had to take care of protecting him. 

Just when I arrived at the Trost district, the gate had been completely sealed, there were bodies and blood everywhere, a war had broken out in the Trost district. 

As I rushed into the city, there was a series of noises that caught my attention. As I approached I discovered a huge humanoid with bones and a very strange color. 

It was then that I looked at that boy inside that skeletal giant, it was then that I knew it was Takashi, son of Perla and now with an unexplainable power in his body.