A Conversation with Captain Levi

At midnight, Takashi walked with the famous Captain Levi along the dark ramparts. With a torch in hand, they went to a secluded place where no one could hear them. 

Takashi didn't know what to think, he knew that the previous Takashi was not a character in the main story, just as he doesn't know his relationship with the famous Captain Levi. However, all those doubts were about to be cleared. 

"I think it's a sufficient distance, it's not possible for someone to be in the vicinity." Takashi said suddenly. 

"If this is an adequate distance." Levi paused and pointed out, "So your father somehow managed to create that power he longed for so much, his days filled with obsession with something he until recently considered a dream became a reality." 

"I don't think I quite understand the rhythm of this conversation, what are you talking about?" Takashi expressed his doubts. 

"Your father was the one who created that power you used openly when I came to the city and your mother, your mother is my sister." Levi said in a low tone of voice. "Looking at your face it seems you don't know about the origin of your power, where is your father?" 

"My father died years ago..." Takashi mito to Levi with a confused expression. 

Upon discovering this, Levi was silent for a moment. "Things were complicated, sorry." 

Levi didn't know that Takashi's father had died, he didn't quite know how to interact with the young man in front of him, truth be told he was now an incredible soldier at such a young age. 

"Life is full of problems and circumstances, it was a real tragedy that your mother died when you were born. In this day and age, maybe the love of a family would take away the negative feelings." Lavi sighed quietly. 

"What was my mother like?" Takashi, though not of this world, at least wanted to find out how he ended up involved in this development. 

He could sense it superficially, perhaps her arrival in this world was long before the main story began. Apparently, not only did his arrival change the events of the future, but somehow also those of the past. 

Takashi would never have believed he was related to Levi, he never thought that his mother was his sister. How is it possible that all those unfolded without him knowing? 

"Was the Sharingan tried to be invented in this world?" Takashi thought to himself. 

By Levi's words, his father had experimented with the previous Takashi in order to mimic the power of the titans. There were weird people all over the world, it's nothing special that someone would want to do something like that, but the coincidence is too great. 

Somehow, the world created a backstory for him not only for his existence, but also for his unknown power. 

Now, Takashi knew that the Susanoo was not something abnormal in this world, at least for Levi who closely followed his father's supposed investigations. 

Levi looked towards the silent city and said, "Your mother was a very cheerful woman, she taught me the love of a family and it was because of her that I became a soldier." 

After saying that, Levi pointed out, "When your father took you away from home, I searched for you for a long time, but there was no trace of your whereabouts." 

Takashi touched his hair and said, "We went to a forest to live, I still can't believe that my special ability was created by my father." 

"I don't remember the details, but there should be some kind of cost for releasing that power that is not of this world, what was it that happened after you transformed?" Levi asked suddenly. 

Levi remembered that there was a cost for releasing that power and although he didn't pay attention to it at first, he did take an interest in what his sister's husband was doing. 

At the time he didn't spend much time with Perla, after all Levi didn't feel comfortable in such a different environment. 

"I lost twelve years of life..." Takashi decided to reveal the truth, he didn't want to lie on such a sensitive subject. " 

"Twelve years?" Levi seemed not ready to receive that answer. 

After revealing the truth, Takashi said quietly, "Yes, among dad's things there was that information. My power is very strange, but it depends on how I make use of that power. The consequences will be greater." 

"Then why did you do it?" Levi's face distorted and he pointed out, "If you know the consequences are so serious, why did you expose yourself to danger like that?" 

"For the future..." Takashi smiled bitterly. "I want to change the fate of mankind, I have no one and quite possibly we will all die if we don't do something, if I have this power I wouldn't mind using it to win the eternal fight against the titans." 

"Until recently I thought I was a monster, I thought I would be treated the same as Eren. Now I can be more at ease, unlike Eren my power was created to eliminate the titans." Takashi showed a determined look. 

"I can't change your mind, but now you don't need to make use of that power again." Levi said, "Our relationship may be awkward, but I'll make sure you don't need to lose any more life to win over the titans again." 

"Then can I call you uncle?" Takashi asked with a wry smile. 

"Don't even think about it, a lot of people would tease you for that." Levi said without clearly showing his answer. 

Takashi didn't say anything this time, it was actually very awkward in this situation. What he was glad now was to have someone to trust, and more importantly, a logical way to explain his power. 

In fact, there was now a way to explain the mysterious power of his eyes that even he himself did not know. 

His Susanoo might be something monstrous to see but it would not be common at all, the last time he made use of his Susanoo for a simple anomaly. He couldn't be surprised like that once again, definitely not. 

Now he had lost twelve years of useful life, a real pain in Takashi's heart, the years lost outweighed the years lived in this world, it made no sense. 

However, he couldn't keep his worries on that matter, he had to focus on getting better so he wouldn't have to make use of his Susanoo. 

After talking some more, Levi and Takashi said their goodbyes. There wasn't much to talk about, Takashi just hoped that their next conversations wouldn't be so awkward. 


In one room, Commander Erwin looked at Levi silently. 

"So his power was created by his father?" Erwin asked with a serious expression. 

"Yes, there was nothing there when I arrived at my sister's house that time, everything had been destroyed." Levi frowned and said, "I can't let it be exposed to the public, its power is something that can't be made use of or it will die." 

"Indeed, we must see to it that it is not discovered, it may be the life insurance of all mankind." Erwin agreed. 
