Kitz's Sincerity

"I have a hypothesis..." Said Levi: "I think pain is the best education, what this cadet needs is not verbal education but punishment and that position is more comfortable to educate him." 

After saying that, no sound could be heard from the people in the courtroom, only the sounds produced by the beatings. 

Some people were already sweating on their foreheads and were terrified, they thought the beating would make that monster angry. 

Nile Dok, the head of the military police regiment, swallowed saliva and said, "Wait... one moment Levi." 

"What do you want?" Levi asked as he paused. 

"It's dangerous, tell me, what will you do if it gets angry and transforms?" Nile Dok asked. 


"But what are you saying... Besides, you guys want to dissect his body, don't you?" Levi grabbed Eren's hair and lifted his head. 

Everyone could see Eren's bruised nose and bloody face. Takashi took a deep breath, he felt that beating was very hard. 

Levi said coldly, "When this damn brat transformed he managed to kill twenty damn titans until he fell limp. Considering his intelligence, if he were to become our enemy it would be a problem, but all the same he is no match for me." 

"So tell me, what are you going to do? Those of you who want him to disappear think twice, are you really capable of killing him?"  Levi asked seriously. 

After Levi finished his words, Commander Erwin Smith of the Survey Corps raised his hand and said, "Supreme Commander, I have a proposal." 

Darius Zackly asked calmly, "So, what is it?" 

"Eren's power is uncertain, that makes him a constant threat. We can take advantage of that, for example: let's investigate outside the walls of Eren's power under Levi's supervision."   

"Take Eren outside the walls?" Asked Darius Zackly thoughtfully. 

"Yes, I would like Eren to control his titan power and use it for the benefit of humanity." Commander Erwin Smith said, "Cadet Eren Jaeger could be judged depending on the results." 

Darius Zackly said, "Private Eren would have to be watched, tell me Captain Levi, can you do that?" 

Levi standing in front of Eren, looked at Supreme Commander Darius Zackly and said: 

"I'm sure I could try, but if I get to kill him, I won't take any responsibility." 

Darris nodded and made a decision, "Well, I've made a decision, as of now Eren Jaeger will be turned over to the Survey Corps under Levi's inspection. I'm calling this meeting to a close!" 

Shortly after the conclusion of the trial, the commander of the three military divisions Darius stood up and left immediately. 

Nile's expression was unbelievable, and then he realized that he had suddenly been pushed out of Eren's reach. 

Nile Dok, who missed the chance to have Eren in his hands, gave Takashi and Levi a mischievous look, he would always remember this bold recruit who declined to go against him.   

Although very reluctant, everything had been decided, now he can only leave with the people of the military police regiment and as for the others, they also left.   

On the surface, this matter seems to have a result, but behind the scenes there are dark moves and intentions were not good, all these opinions and thoughts will explode with a single spark. 

The commander of the three divisions Darius arrived ready to solve this problem as soon as he could. He also discovered that the reaction of the nobles towards Eren was wrong! 

He better than anyone else understands what it means to be being lectured by the nobles in exchange for the power he currently has. Now that he is old, he doesn't know how many more years he can live. Therefore, he wants to do something great before he retires! 

He was very interested in the objectives of the Survey Corps. And when he met Erwin, he was impressed by Erwin, not only his story but his values and how far he is willing to go to accomplish his goals.

He who protected his life even before humanity, wanted to at least give his best for those who want to fight to do so with all the strength that can be bestowed upon him.  

Darius Zackly hates the regime, maybe sometime he will take action against them, but for the moment, his only responsibility is to maintain a beneficial balance for the future within the army.

As commander of the three divisions, he understands that there is no one better than the Survey Corps people to do the job. 

No matter what they look like, even if they are just recruits with such arrogant and brave aspirations, all those in the Survey Corps are worthy of his respect. Darius Zackly is calm and if he can do anything to support the investigation outside the wall, he will do everything in his power. And those noble ones, they just have to wait.  

Not to mention Darius' hidden plans, which it was only a matter of time before they would shine, a kind person who changed a lot due to pressure from his family was ready to make a move. An independent division called Central Military Police was about to start operating. Kenny on the other hand expects nothing when joining this secret commando, his intentions are completely different.   

Across the ocean, Marley's top brass finally could not stand still. Five years later, the four warriors sent at that time had not sent any news after starting the mission. Now, the patience of this operation had run out and they began to organize to send another more experienced Warrior, the beast titan.

History begins to move and everyone's intentions are shown to be bolder than before, soon there will be a change in everyone's life. 

The Survey Corps took Eren and sent him to an old castle that was the headquarters of the Survey Corps inside the Rose wall, a suitable place to take care of Eren. 

With that, this matter came to an end, and tomorrow, the remaining soldiers will have to choose a regiment, there are nine who can choose the military police regiment, another only has two choices like many of the others, being considered the strongest graduate cadet. 

Of course, all soldiers at least from the South have already seen the horror of the titans, those who dare to choose the Survey Corps are not just because they want to die, but because they want to keep fighting. 

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Takashi returned to the garrison corps station in Trost District. At this point, five days had passed since the recapture of the city.   

Both the soldiers of the garrison troops and the newly graduated soldiers had returned, and the people who had evacuated from the city also began to return one after another. Now the city is very hectic, cleaning up the streets and repairing the damaged houses.    

Many of the soldiers will soon move out of here. After selecting a corps, they will all go their separate ways. Even if they decide to join the garrison troops, they will not necessarily be in the same place. After all, garrison troops operate throughout the human territory within the walls. 

Of course, there may be some people who may stay in the Trost district. 

Eren's trial lasted all morning and it was now one o'clock in the afternoon. In a courtyard, Kitz Weilman and Takashi Ackerman sat on both sides of a table with bottles of fine wine. 

In the previous battle to clear all the titans, Captain Kitz promised Takashi, the strongest bodyguard, that he would buy him a drink regardless of the previous resentment.   

As for the tiny casualties, Kitz didn't take it into account after Takshi killed that titan in front of him. As a captain, he was busy a few days ago and barely had time to rest. Until today, the two of them had no alone time. 

Takashi was still a child, but knowing that death could come to him anytime, anywhere, Takashi tasted the wine without thinking about anything and said, "I'm about to choose a regiment, captain." 

"I hear you want to join the Survey Corps." 

Looking at the wine in his hand, Takashi was far from experienced to appreciate the true taste of a wine.  

Takashi nodded and didn't respond, to be honest, he didn't understand very well why Captain Kitz asked him to drink along with him, he thought it was all just words in the air. 

Picking up the bottle, Kitz poured himself a glass, and said, "A long time ago, when I was about to graduate from the training corps, I also thought of joining the Survey Corps to see the outside world." 

"Later, I gave up because of persuasion from my family and friends, but I can swear that at the time I was feeling brave and determined, but in the end I listened to my parents and joined the Survey Corps so that my family could live in peace of mind." 

"To be honest, what mother would want to receive just a pie

"After that, I joined the garrison troops for many years and had never seen a titan in my life. It wasn't until five years ago, a few days after the titans broke through the Maria wall, that I saw them for the first time, near the walls of the Trost district, and I can say I was horrified to see them."    

Bowing his head slightly, Kitz mocked himself, "My heart was frozen, my hands were shaking but I still shouted to my subordinates not to be afraid. I told them that as long as they had the heart ready to sacrifice it for humanity, human beings would never lose." 

"When the supply station was about to be occupied by titans 5 days ago, I, who was in charge of the command at the supply station, got scared and left a bunch of recruits and ran away! Although this is part of the battle plan, this plan is mine alone!" 

Takashi could look at the depression on Kitz's face, maybe all that guilt would end up consuming his mind little by little. 

Kitz said, "The commander didn't punish me severely for that, but two days ago, when I saw the broken and bloody faces of all those recruits I abandoned..."

"I finally realized that even if no one persuaded me back then, I wouldn't go to the Survey Corps because I'm really a coward! It's ridiculous, it took me more than twenty years to realize that I wasn't brave!" 

Kitz looked at Takashi and said sternly, "Takashi, do you know, five days ago you ignored two decisions that were the opposite of mine!" 

"The first time was when you could retreat, but instead you decided to command an operation and commanded the ride to the supply station with soldiers trapped in the city."

"And the second time when I wanted to kill Eren Jaeger, you decided to save him!" 

Kitz said, "What's my problem, is it about my cowardice?" 

Setting the glass of wine down on the table, Takashi looked at Captain Kitz and said, "Do you think I have the answer?" 

Many say to have respect for adults because of age, but that's not the whole meaning of that law. Respect is given to elders because of their experience, the things they have lived through and all they have learned, it doesn't just mean respect for being older and wiser. However, there are people who, regardless of their age, know, understand and see much more than any other adult.   

Kitz slowly recovered after hearing the words and managed to regain her composure, she didn't say anything, just drank quietly.

"Do you need me to comfort you, Captain Kitz? Maybe you need... A hug?" 

After drinking the wine in the glass, Takashi looked at Kitz who was silent. 

Captain Kitz scoffed, "Don't even say it, I don't need a child to comfort me yet!" 

"You were scaring me, I thought you had suddenly mistaken me for an old man." Takashi said with a slight smile. He couldn't forgive Kitz's actions, but he wasn't someone who could judge him either.    

After three rounds of drinking, Takashi got up and left, Kitz handed him a bottle of wine and then looked at Takashi's distant back and said, "If you die, I will take a bottle of wine to your grave to insult you without you noticing..." 

Without turning around, Takashi just waved his hand, "Don't worry, you won't get that chance. My grave will be a monument."