A piercing scream

After that farewell evening, Takashi had a very long conversation with Sasha. Being from the same village, their relationship was very trusting. 

Sasha didn't know why, but she felt that Takashi understood her and somehow sought his help to keep her mind at ease and choose the right regiment to join. 

Hange Zoe's friends were visited tonight by two unknown people. 

It has been six days since the battle to recapture the Trost district. Early in the morning, the cadets remembered better than anyone else the glorious days gone by where they could be at ease. 

However, just as everyone was showing feelings of farewell and communicating with the people they will miss, something happened that shocked everyone. Sawney and Bean were killed. The two titans who served as research subjects that were captured by the Survey Corps were secretly killed at night.    

Everyone was about to pick a regiment and something incredible happened again. The famous 104th cycle of the training corps was connected with all the weird stuff.    

Although killing titans is not bad at all, the two titans captured alive are very valuable experimental subjects after all, and it is not easy for humans to capture titans alive

The bespectacled Survey Corps woman, an avid researcher on titans Hange Zoe, rode on horseback from the Survey Corps headquarters to the Trost district.   

Behind her were many Survey Corps people from Levi's squadron and Eren with a safety pin was also in the team.  

Last night, Eren had a long conversation after expressing a little curiosity about the titans and then talked to the enthusiastic Hange Zoe, she explained a lot about the titan experiments.    

From night to morning, without sleep, without even taking any, Eren had no chance to do anything.  

If he hadn't heard that his beloved experimental subjects had died, he probably would have continued. 

At least now Eren knew why the older soldiers retreated when Hange Zoe appeared. 

When Hange Zoe saw the two titans who had evaporated to the point that only a few smoldering bones remained, she cried so hard that everyone felt it was truly heartbreaking. Many felt confused and Takashi, who was in the distance, looked at everyone in the surroundings in search of the mole. 

They all feel that Hange Zoe is not someone they would want to relate to, her performances with the titans recently reinforced their thoughts. 

These two titans were killed in the middle of the night last night. The soldiers on watch discovered the abnormality only after the first titan was killed. After that, they could not look at anything because of the steam that was rising from the titan's death, they could only see two swords slashing the other titan's neck. 

A few soldiers from the military police regiment had already arrived and looked at all the soldiers with a piercing gaze. 

At first, the soldiers without a regiment were not thoroughly inspected, they only had to explain what they did last night to the few policemen who came to this place, all only to discover that no one was involved in this incident.

For the past few months, the newly graduated cadets have been living in the Trost district and the dorms have been reassigned. Takashi, Nelson, Thomas and Connie live in a room for four. Since they were all living, it took a while for the cops to inspect the whole place.  

Of course, no one knew this was done by Annie and the others, but the cops found nothing. After Hange Zoe's strong request, everyone was checked again now inspecting the three-dimensional maneuvering equipment but nothing was found.

Obviously, Reiner and the others are very well hidden. When clearing the battlefield, it is not difficult to hide a three-dimensional maneuvering team. Of course, the criminals would not be too exposed to these inspections. 

"Nelson, who do you think might be our enemy?" Takashi suddenly asked. 

Nelson, who had just recovered, looked at everyone with wide eyes and said, "Mmm, if the enemy is among us, it may be from the garrison corps or the recruits who have not yet chosen a regiment." 

"Yes, if there are no clues, they may all be suspects." Thomas kept a serious expression. After being wounded, he learned how important his participation in this battle was to defend his family's hometown. 

"I'm glad they recovered, I thought they would be scared to death by the titans." Takashi said jokingly. He had made a good relationship with these two people, at least he believed he could trust them. 

Takashi didn't know anything and couldn't find a clue, but Armin discovered that Annie had taught Marco's three-dimensional maneuvering equipment! 

Armin and Marco had a good relationship. They are both intelligent people and often discuss problems together. Armin is a bit skeptical, but instinctively did not want to believe that Annie is the enemy.   

Armin is much more sociable than Eren and has many friends. Mikasa likes him, Annie likes him, Mina likes him, and even Christa told Takashi that Armin is cute and gentle. 

That made Takashi feel a little jealous, he wasn't ugly, but he wasn't considered cute among the boys. 

Armin on his side is reluctant to believe that his friend Annie is the enemy. If only he would share this information with Takashi, Takashi could not have kept quiet. 

Thus, the morning's time was wasted in a long and tedious investigation. 

In the afternoon, Takashi simply began to pack some luggage, because he had already decided to join the Survey Corps, and would soon go to the castle that was the headquarters of the Survey Corps. 

Takashi doesn't really have much equipment, mainly some relics left by his parents, with a small ring, a comb and a brooch. 

Other than that, there is nothing else. Originally there was a small sum of money, but all the arrows were bought with Takashi's money. Although he and Sasha have been saving and recycling them when hunting, the arrows will also be spent. Now Takashi is someone very cool, indifferent to fame and fortune, he has done nothing in this world. 

Takashi packed his luggage, and it was only a small package. Nelson and Thomas had made a decision, stowing their luggage next to Takashi. 

Of the original seventh squadron, Takashi now had doubts whether Ymir and Christa would join the Survey Corps. As for his friends, it was his original intention. 

And now his roommate Connie these past few months, although Takashi didn't mind, he didn't want to press him on that topic which is apparently sensitive for him.  

In the afternoon, Takashi was silent as time passed. 

Two hours later, Survey Corps people will come to recruit them, and those who stay where they are in the end will join Survey Corps. 

Among the three main corps, namely the Military Police Corps, the Garrison Corps and the Survey Corps, the Survey Corps is the only regiment that must take the initiative to recruit people. The other two corps need only wait in the office for recruits to arrive and apply for their official joining themselves. There was no need to come and make a speech. 

They are also not worried about people being snatched by other corps. 

Besides the training corps in the north, only about 60 soldiers from the training corps dare to join the Survey Corps in a year. 

It can only be said that the Survey Corps can still maintain a scale of about nine hundred people. 

On the other hand, in an ancient castle in Rose territory, Survey Corps soldiers prepared to leave for the Trost district. 

At this time, Levi and his squadron was about to leave for the Trost district again, Erd Gin asked Eren, "Hey, newcomer, will anyone in this cycle volunteer to join our Survey Corps?" 

Eren thought for a moment, "I'm sure Takashi Ackerman will come, the others? It's hard to say now." 

Levi was a little surprised, but it was all obvious after having that conversation with him days ago. 

Originally, some people said they wanted to join the Survey Corps, but now, after experiencing the reconquest of the Trost region, Eren could only be sure that Takashi wouldn't be a coward and would definitely join without telling his friends. 

Auruo Brossard grimaced, "That black-haired fellow who spoke arrogantly? I already knew he would come." 

Many had impressions of Takashi, Mike and his squad had even seen him in action  

Gunther Schultz looked at Eren and said, "That kid is a ruthless guy. I heard he stabbed you twice without hesitation." 

Petra Ral, who had remained silent said, "According to his background, he may even become as strong as a captain. Many mentioned that his level in combat was very rare, rarely seen in recruits." 

"Well, it's no big deal." Auruo Brossard said with a bitter expression. 

Petra Ral looked at Auruo Brossard and pointed out, "I heard that he has already killed over 25 titans independently, it is estimated that he will surpass you in no time." 

Auruo Brossard's face turned pale, "Alright, I admit that the kid is quite powerful. I heard Nanaba say a few days ago his whole squadron saw him in action imitating the moves Captain Levi does." 

Auruo Brossard is very depressed. He often likes to mention the titans he has killed because he hasn't really been in Levi's squadron for long, so after a while he liked to talk about the titans he had killed. 

Even in that meeting he told that recruit that he would teach him well once he will join Survey Corps, what a joke. Once Takashi enters the Survey Corps, he would have already killed more titans than him. 

Petra's eyes lit up, "Can he really cut down titans like Captain Levi?" 

Auruo Brossard was a bit helpless, "That's right, everyone in Mike's squadron has seen him, otherwise why would they mention it?" 

They were all discussing whether Takashi had been able to make similar cuts on Levi, not knowing that he was their captain's nephew. 

"What a waste of energy..." Levi muttered with an indifferent expression. On one hand he was happy that his nephew was so strong, but on the other he didn't like the idea of him joining the Survey Corps.