Surrender your hearts

In the Trost district, in an open space, a group of soldiers about to join a regiment were discussing their future. 

Connie, who looked hesitant, looked at the silent Jean beside him and asked, "Jean, have you made up your mind?" 

Jean nodded, "Yes, I have decided to go to the Survey Corps." 

Connie said, "Didn't you want to sign up for the gendarmerie regiment, is it because of Marco...?" 

Many of the fellows who didn't know about the situation looked at Jean with surprise. They must have known that Jean had always said he wanted to become a military police officer. 

Jean interrupted Connie directly and said with disdain, "Stop talking nonsense, I didn't decide to join the Survey Corps for anyone! I also don't agree that the best soldiers should join the Survey Corps. Just like Takashi said, our life is ours alone. I'm not such an idiot, I just think it's good to join the Survey Corps." 

The idiot that bothered him was Eren, he had to join to prove that he could be a good soldier too.   

Looking at Connie, Jean snorted softly, "Connie, didn't you come to serve as a soldier to prove yourself? Becoming a military policeman should impress your family, no one seems to be aware of the internal corruption." 

"Don't change your mind because you heard some bad words from Takashi about the gendarmerie regiment." 

Connie flashed a bitter smile. In fact, he changed his goal several times throughout his stay in the training corps. A few days ago, he was determined to go to the Survey Corps. 

Connie shook his head, "I don't know why, but I suddenly feel that going to the Gendarmerie is no longer appealing." 

Jean stopped talking and looked away, Sasha and Takashi were talking without paying attention to anyone else. 

Takashi looked at Sasha, who was leaning against the wall with her head down, and said, "Sasha, consider going to the military police regiment." 

Sasha raised her head and looked at Takashi with a surprised look, "What, are you asking me to join the military police?" 

She was so confused, shouldn't Takashi persuade her to join the Survey Corps?

With his thoughts flying, Takashi looked at Sasha and said, "Yes, the battlefield is very dangerous. Everything will become much more dangerous than any other time. You must have a calm mind when you decide to go with your father." 

Sasha was a little sad. "It's been three years since I wasn't with my father. Takashi, I still remember when I was hiding behind the trees and heard you tell me on numerous occasions that you wanted to hunt down all the titans so that everyone could go back to hunting  in the forest." 

After saying that, Sasha paused a little and fixed, "But now the clan members are raising horses and farming. They have all abandoned tradition and chose to integrate with the crowd to be part of this world. Takashi, you don't need to convince me about which regiment I should join." 

Takashi touched his forehead and said, "I'm not good with my words, but it's just a matter of driving the titans out of the Mary wall so that everyone will return to the forest again, I'm looking forward to finding that future." 

"Really? Then don't convince me to go to the gendarmerie, I don't want to go to that place, there are no friends of mine inside that regiment... friends." 

"Are you sure about that, didn't you know that if you go to the military police regiment, you can eat and drink tasty food? There will be meat..." As if it was the temptation of a demon whispering, Takashi showed a mischievous look on his face.   

"Waa! Damn it, Takashi, you're really mean, don't tell me that!" wiping the exit from the corner of her mouth, Sasha raised her hands and looked at him frantically. 

Seeing that the situation was not good, Takashi slowly moved from the spot and pulled Connie to his side, in case Sasha was hungry, no one would know how to calm her down. He knew very well that when Sasha had food in her way, she was someone much more dangerous than the female titan, her bites were truly painful. 

Time passed slowly, in the Trost district, the sky was slowly darkening. The torches beside the open spaces had been lit, the firelight shone on everyone's faces. No one wanted to talk now, everyone wanted to be quiet to calm their thoughts.

Erwin Smith, commander of the Survey Corps, stood in front of everyone on the podium with his hands behind his back, he looked at the more than one hundred soldiers in front of him. 

"I am Erwin Smith, Commander of the Survey Corps. Today, you will choose a military branch. Bluntly speaking, I'm here to convince you to join the Survey Corps." 

Everyone was a bit puzzled, is it that simple? 

After a short pause, Erwin continued, "During the previous titan attack, I think everyone has understood their own strengths and limits after going through the reconquest battle." 

The faces of many people suddenly became hard to look at. After two battles, a quarter of them died. This is still the case with the advantage of the terrain in the surrounding area. 

Erwin's voice was calm and he continued, "However, this battle brought humanity the closest thing to a victory. Through the existence of Eren Jaeger, who by risking his own life, has proven himself, leaving no doubt that he is an ally of humanity." 

"With his help, we will not only stop the titans' advance, but also discover their true nature." 

"We believe that in the basement of his home in Shiganshina, there are answers about the titans that he himself does not have. If we can get to that basement, we will have a few clues so that we can end this century of titan dominance." 

The soldiers below the podium suddenly became agitated and did not expect the truth to be so close. Many people even hesitated to contribute.    

"So you think the enemies are in this place or nearby, a candy in the mouth to lure the prey." Takashi understood the purpose of making this information public.

As Takashi understood, the march will start from Karanese district to retake Maria wall and later Shiganshina district. All the established routes are completely invalid, so another way has to be found. 

And the sole purpose of why all new recruits must participate is simply to search for the enemy within the allied ranks. 

Even though they already knew about this situation, many Survey Corps people were still very heartbroken when they heard this. 

The deaths inside the walls were unbelievable, outside the wall everyone knew that survival would be much less. 

Looking at the information being presented by Petra and Mike, Erwin explained that the chances of survival were 30%, the death rate will be higher than the last four years, no one could stand to hear those solid words from the legion commander himself.  

Who can stand that? 

"Those who live will be the most powerful soldiers humanity has to offer. Ask yourselves if you really have the mentality to give your life for mankind." 

After saying that, Erwin Smith said, "Now you all know the situation of this division, all those who are willing to sacrifice, I ask you to remain in this place, ask yourselves, will you consecrate your hearts in order to save all mankind?" 

"That's it, whoever decides to join another division can leave." 

Erwin waited silently for everyone to make up their minds, all those who have not left by then, would have officially joined the Survey Corps. 

As soon as the words fell, many of the soldiers hesitated for a moment, then turned to leave and the crowd dispersed. 

Takashi, who was standing a little behind the crowd, felt everyone's thoughtful feelings and truly accepted the decisions of each of these people. 

Takashi watched Annie leave, Bertholdt hesitated but still stopped, he also looked at Sasha and Connie who were shaking but still standing, Thomas and Nelson were sweating but still did not move.   

Takashi's expression remained the same. Looking at Ymir and Christa, Takashi smiled seeing that they had no intention of moving.  

In this era, those who don't follow the trend may not necessarily be great men, nor can they achieve anything remarkable, but it takes courage to go against the grain. 

One Survey Corps soldier said to Erwin, "Captain, aren't you bullying the recruits too much? Few people will join like this!" 

Mike, Petra and the others also looked at Erwin, they knew they had rarely spoken so bluntly before, especially this time the training soldiers had seen the horror of the titans. 

Erwin shook his head, without saying much, Eren can become a titan, which is an important fact in itself. Then there's Cadet Takashi, who has a hidden power that can decide the outcome of a battle. 

And the enemy that killed the experimental titans is another important case. 

When Commander Erwin returned to the podium, there were 26 people scattered among the audience, including Takashi, Thomas, Nelson, Mikasa, Armin, Reiner, Berthold, Jean, Connie, Sasha, Ymir, Christa, etc. 

With the exception of Annie, all of the top ten trainees in the southern 104th period joined the Survey Corps. Marco is dead and Eren has joined in advance. 

Erwin Smith walked forward, the firelight reflecting his face, he looked at all the people with different expressions, his face showed no emotion and asked coolly, "If I order you to die, will you die?" 

"We will not die sir!" someone shouted. 

"That depends on the order and the benefits." Takashi looked at Erwin on the stage and replied. 

Commander Erwin looked at Takashi, who was below the stage, smiled slightly and said loudly, "Everyone has a strong will. So now, I admit everyone here as an official Survey Corps member!" 

The Survey Corps commander gave a military salute and shouted, "Surrender your hearts!" 

Everyone in the audience returned a salute, "Yes!" 

"You have all endured the fear well, I accept your hearts." Erwin thought and said, "Prepare your luggage, we will meet first thing in the morning." 

Today officially, Takashi joined the Survey Corps.