After the calm comes the...

Takashi had walked over to Commander Erwin Smith with his uncle Levi to observe the condition of the female titan. 

Luckily, in his uncle's words, no trace of any other intelligent titan appeared to surprise them like last time, so they had won today. 

Commander Erwin reflected for a moment and said, "It seems that we could not get any information from the female titan for the time being. However, the walls of our humanity seem to be made of titans. It seems that that cult that teaches about the walls must know something." 

Erwin looked solemnly at Father Nick with an anxious face as he rushed over. The priest hurried to tell Hange Zoe and the others to use something to block the exposed titan parts of the walls. 

Levi looked at Takashi who still had un-evaporated blood, indicating he was injured and asked, "Are you hurt?" 

Takashi shook his head to indicate that he was fine, he had some external wounds on his body but they were nothing serious. He could tell that the attacks he made were a bit over the top.

Levi looked casually at Eren and remarked, "The kid lost control again and almost killed Takashi, we shouldn't rely too much on his abilities yet, he's a danger to the legion." 

Erwin looked at Takashi, just when Takashi had the chance to interrupt Annie's crystallization, Eren went crazy and intervened.   

"Eren had control of his titan until he was knocked down by the female titan, I honestly don't know what went wrong for him to lose control like that." Takashi said with a bit of irritation. 

Levi didn't mention Eren again and pointed out, "She should be your friend, are you okay with having attacked her?" 

Looking at his nephew, Levi wanted to somehow make sure he didn't feel guilty, this world is getting more and more surreal and he wants at least his own to be mentally prepared for anything. 

"You don't need to feel bad, you did an excellent job this time, I don't think I could do any better if it were me."    

Takahashi was surprised to feel the concern and kindness his uncle had for him, Nile on his side frowned and said, "I still wonder how you're alive, but more importantly we didn't get any information from her did we?" 

"It's not that there's no information from our side. It seems that some people know more than us and the rest of us are just kept in the dark." Erwin said as he looked at the titan inside the wall. 

He realized that in addition to the three walls, there was another invisible wall blocking the steps of the humans and something where he had to be attentive.   

Also, the Royal family's performance has been very strange recently and according to the words of the head of the gendarmerie, they don't seem to know what is going on with the King. 

Nile Dok looked at Eren who had woken up and shouted, "Erwin, you saw how that monster lost control, didn't you? You should imprison him now that he's in his weak state, you can't let a beast like him free." 

Takashi looked at Nile coldly, and this time he was not so polite to the gendarmerie authority, "Captain Nile, if you have so much time to interrogate us and issue orders, you should think about how to explain to the higher ups why an intelligent titan appeared inside the gendarmerie, your jurisdiction." 

Nile was startled by Takashi's fierce gaze, then thought about everything this young man had done and couldn't help but coldly hesitate. "You..." 

Erwin smiled and said, "Takashi, order our people to help rescue the wounded, if you don't think you have the energy to do it, leave the job to someone else." 

"I understand!" Takashi replied, then ran and started giving orders for the Survey Corps to start rescuing civilians. 

Erwin looked at Takashi's back and then looked towards Eren, he couldn't help but frown, he thought Takashi's idea about not leaving all trust in one person was true, Eren's behavior now was a danger to everyone. 

Takashi on his side ran with more than thirty Survey Corps members to start rescuing the civilians. Originally, this time more than forty soldiers could arrive, in addition to the special squad that was with Levi more than a dozen people died when the female titan was intercepted. 

Takashi looked at all the Survey Corps members in front of him and said, "The battle is over, but our duty continues, go help the civilians who are waiting for our help. Petra and Nifa organize two different groups and make sure to cover the hardest hit terrain." 

"No problem!" Everyone was in awe of him this time. After seeing the scene where Takashi cut off the female titan's head, everyone recognized his strength. 

In addition, Takashi saved the lives of many soldiers who could not have been alive at this moment, so they instinctively felt that Takashi was someone very special. 

Hange Zoe took it upon herself to order her people to cover the glass that was removed from the female titan's body where Annie appeared to be asleep, then she took it upon herself to help the panicked priest Nick cover the holes in the wall that exposed the titan's face with cloth for the time being. 

Hange Zoe tried to ask Priest Nick the secret of the titans inside the walls, but the priest was a very stubborn man. He used to be an alcoholic... He drank until he lost his family and took refuge under the belief of the walls and their secrets. 

Therefore, even though Hange Zoe almost threw him from the city wall to a height of fifty meters, he did not reveal any important information, so Hange Zoe could only retreat this time. 

Father Nick, who teaches the wonders of the wall, has long known that the city wall is made of titans, but for some reason, Father Nick would rather die than tell the secret of the wall. 

Takashi did not know the reason why father Nick kept this secret, he had lost the knowledge about the future a long time ago and now he did not know what would happen in the future, so now he had to think and find out many things by himself. 

Despite being tired, Takashi participated in the rescue of the civilians, and when he walked to the room where Eren was being guarded, it was already late afternoon.  

With a sword on his back, Takashi approached the room to check Eren's condition. It seemed that to the naked eye Eren was in good condition in the fight against the female titan, but Takashi wasn't just thinking about that.  

After the female titan fell, Eren attacked in a very aggressive and seemingly out of control manner. Eren only after everything was under control, he woke up, but he didn't remember the last thing that happened. 

Mikasa was sitting in a chair next to the bed, she had been taking care of Eren since the war against the female titan was over. Armin and Jean were also in the room telling Eren everything that had happened, including the titans inside the walls. 

Eren sighed, "In other words, we have no information, and even the wall that has been protecting the humans to be made of titans." 

Armin and Jean were quiet and answered him, he obviously wasn't in a very good mood, which was ironic considering they won.

"Well, that's the truth we have to hold on to. This time it's your fault. If you hadn't interfered, the female titan would have been captured and no one would die in vain." Takashi opened the door after greeting the two soldiers guarding Eren.

Eren, who was surprised by the voice, showed a guilty expression and said, "Takashi, I heard that I lost control of my emotions again, I'm really sorry.... Are you okay?" 

"I don't know what happened. I remember I had lost the ability of mobility and then I heard a hissing sound and I didn't remember anything else, if it wasn't my fault, maybe Annie wouldn't have crystallized." 

Takashi's expression turned cold, looking at Eren without moving from where he was standing. "Don't give me that shit right now.... You had full control of your titan, how can you lose control like that?"    

Everyone looked at Takashi with serious expressions, Eren was definitely the culprit this time, there was no other explanation for his behavior in the battle. 

Eren clenched his fists and said, "I don't know.... I didn't know what happened either, I'll try to get much better at not interfering again." 

"Again?" Takashi said, "Do you think people will trust you again? It's a surprise that you're not imprisoned, this time I didn't make a fuss about our friendship, but if you do it once again, I'll keep you away from the battlefield even if I have to imprison you." 

Miakaa looked at Takashi and interjected, "Eren wasn't in control.... It won't happen again Takashi, forgive him." 

Takashi averted his gaze to Mikasa and frowned, "This time it was me, when will you learn that not all of Eren's actions are justifiable?" 

Just as Takashi was about to leave, a military policeman entered and immediately ordered, "Takashi Ackerman, Armin Arlet, Jean Kirstein, report for debriefing." 

Takashi, Armin and Jean left, leaving Mikasa and Eren alone in the room. 


Walking through the streets, looking at the rocks and the destroyed houses, this is where the heart of the gendarmerie resides.

On the way, Jean sighed with emotion, "It's not good at all, the battle is not a success again." 

Amin smiled, "That's good, at least we captured Annie. We also learned about the composition of the wall, though it's not good news for anyone." 

Jean looked at Takashi who was silent, 'How did you survive Eren's direct hit? It seemed like you didn't have a chance to escape, how did you manage it?" 

Armin looked at Takashi with a nervous expression, he still remembered when he looked at Takashi with those strange eyes. 

Takashi sighed, a little confused, "My father experimented with my body to match the power of the titans, unlike Eren, my ability is very different and that helped me survive." 

Now he has no idea what will happen later, the people next to him would be the ones who will fight by his side later, so he can share this information. 

"That's..." Armin muttered under his breath. 

"Commander Erwin and the Survey Corps higher ups are aware, it's not something as serious as Eren." Takashi said with a few simple words. 

"And you can make use of your power whenever you please? That's amazing, why did you keep that power a secret if it was something so brilliant?" Jean looked at Takashi with different eyes. 

"I hadn't thought about it... How strong is the hidden power in your body?" Armin asked carefully. To tell the truth, Takashi's power wasn't the same as Eren's, so he was curious what it could do. 

"Well, it's not beneficial for my body to make use of that power... However, I'm unrivaled if I use my full power from the start." Takashi said with an intriguing voice.

"The world is going crazy, I don't know what's been going on in the past few months, it seems like we're living in a simulation." Jean said not wanting to think about what she had discovered. 

"Well, I don't want to find out what happens later either..." Takashi replied in a calm voice. 

"Whatever happens, we'll face it together." Armin said with a determined look. He had learned how Takashi behaved, even if he is not an understandable person with mistakes and failures, he decides to always look for the future.