Hometown and lies

At nine o'clock this morning, Takashi and the female titan had a big fight in Stohess, but this did not affect the situation on the other side, now the Rose wall territory was very lively. 

Unlike the female titan who has exposed all her abilities, she was crushed by intelligence and tactical numbers, and at all times she was prepared to die... On the other hand the beast titan is cunning. Zeke let the villagers now turned unintelligent titans lead the way, while he acted as an abnormal titan. 

His purpose was twofold, one was to make enough noise for Marley's warriors inside the walls to notice him, and the other was to test the combat effectiveness of the soldiers inside the wall.

The group of new recruits under surveillance in the southern area of the Rose wall soon encountered a dozen titans marching on their way forward. 

As soon as Mike sent a report toward the inner walls, the people in his squad acted immediately. Without Mike's command, they all began to move in different directions so that they would spread the news.

Among the envoys, the experienced Thomas passed on the information in just eight hours. From the Ehrmich district to the Stohess district, he drove at high speed all the way and only after drinking water could he have a breather, Takashi had to admire this m-man. 

Mike planned to let the recruits warn the nearby villages due to the short time they had, and the rest should move to find out in which part of the wall was destroyed.

Shortly after setting off, the group of titans behind him suddenly changed direction and headed towards Mike. 

Captain Mike was very determined and opted to go charging at the titans alone, otherwise, his great strength could be overtaken and all would be lost in a matter of minutes. 

Seeing Mike turn and run along towards the titans heading for the main group, Henning from Mike's squad seemed to be concerned and said, "It's too dangerous for Mike to handle alone, I'm going to help!"   

Gelgar gritted his teeth and said, "No, we can't run out of manpower. Trust Mike, he's the second most powerful man in the Survey Corps after Captain Levi, I think he will be able to fight and come back safely!" 

Gulgar trusted Captain Mike, keeping in mind that Captain Mike had just mentioned to Nanaba not long ago, "Humans will be defeated only once they stop fighting, if they constantly pursue the fight, no one will lose." 

Mike's strength is superb and, even if the terrain is not so favorable, he has killed five titans out of nine.  

With his strength, coupled with his keen sense of smell in general terms he is a very outstanding soldier. He has joined the Survey Corps for a long time and his age is older than Commander Erwin. 

It is truly a pity that he has run into the sinister beast titan. The other part is an intelligent titan, but he pretended to be a harmless titan wandering around aimlessly, letting Mike show his prowess and exhaust his strength. 

Mike died, and before that his body and mind were destroyed long before he left this world. 

He also lost his mind when he heard the beast titan speak. After the titan snatched away his three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, he finally in his last breath mustered the courage only to be eaten by several titans. I can do no miracle this time. 

However, it is undeniable that Mike is worthy of the wings of freedom you wear on your uniform. It was important to know that knowing yourself and your enemies is how you can win a battle, Mike didn't know his enemy, without strength, blades and gas he couldn't do much. 

A real battle is never just about strength, just like when Levi showed up to support Takashi in the fight with the female titan, after completing the objectives, Levi's idea was to consider the overall situation and not just relying on his own strength, he could kill the female titan but that would endanger many others.  

Strength, tactics, intelligence, terrain, enemies and personal situation. There are many factors that determine life and death in a confrontation. 

Gelgar led the recruits and after splitting into several groups, the evacuation operation began. Connie and Sasha rushed to their own village with anxious expressions. 

When Connie returned to his hometown, he discovered that all the houses in his village had been destroyed by titans and, strangely, no blood was found. 

Gelgar, who met them, sensed that something was wrong, because none of the horses in the village stables had been taken. 

"Are the villagers so strong that they didn't need a horse to escape?" Thought Gelgar silently. 

The more Gelgar thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, but he decided to conceal this matter to keep Connie from breaking down. While he may be disinterested, it doesn't mean he's a brainless idiot. Unfortunately, there is very little information now. 

"Why is the titan in my house?" Connie stared at the titan lying in hIS house, feeling inexplicable. He felt the titan had an inexplicable sense of familiarity. 


Reiner, who was with him, didn't let Connie get too close. 

Gelgar and Lynne also hurried up and told the recruits to back off. After taking a closer look, they discovered that the titan in the house was very thin and couldn't even stand up. Then a question arose, how did that titan end up on top of the house if it can't even move? 

There is no one in the village, and there is no blood, but the houses are destroyed. It's completely unreasonable. There's no one around, why demolish the house if there are no humans? 

Gelgar had a headache, he felt that his comprehension was not enough to understand what was happening. 

Looking at the desolate, ruined and deserted town, Connie burst into tears, "It's over, I no longer have a hometown to return to." 

Reiner and Bertholdt's eyes blinked, they felt guilty and did not dare to look directly at Connie, they both understood what probably happened. 

Seeing this, Lynne, a female soldier from Mike's squad, comforted him, "There's no blood on the ground, most likely the villagers in this place managed to escape." 

"Yes, they all could have escaped..." 

Connie came back to herself and suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, although he thought it wasn't that simple, he didn't want to think about it now. 

Gelgar took a deep breath, wanting to drink some alcohol to clear his mind, but he knew now was not the time and said, "It's getting dark, let's get the torches ready and get going." 

The first task now is to patrol along the southwest area of Rose territory and discover the place that was destroyed! 

It was getting dark by this time, and everyone got on their horses and started moving. As soon as Connie got on the horse, he heard a strange sound behind him. 

"Welcome home...." 

The voice was slow and garbled, but Connie managed to hear it. Connie turned around and looked at the titan lying on his home in disbelief. This was ridiculous, he thought the titan looked a lot like his mother! 

Connie was panicking, "Reiner did you hear that? She told me..." 

"No, I didn't hear anything!" Reiner was a bit unable to face Connie, he played the lead role of someone strong and forcibly encouraged him. Connie barely calmed down and left with him to keep up with everyone. 

On the other hand, Sasha had finally returned to her hometown where she had not been in three long years - Villa Dauper. 

This is also the town where Takashi grew up, where his story began. 

Sasha separated from the squad leader and they tried to start evacuating civilians. Because of her concern for her village, Sasha headed out to check the situation alone. 

Without being equipped with three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, she bravely faced a three-meter-tall titan and rescued a little girl named Kaya. 

It is a pity that Sasha, who has no three-dimensional maneuvering equipment, failed to kill the titan and panicked and let her horse go. 

Holding a bow in her right hand, Sasha pulled little Kaya and ran down the forest path. A ten-foot-tall titan with blood at the corner of its mouth was chasing them. It was obviously an urgent situation, but Sasha still couldn't figure out what to do.

For some reason, Sasha thought of her friends at this dangerous moment. She knew that going on like this wouldn't work and it was only a matter of time before she and the girl would be caught. Someone must stop the titan! 

Therefore, she let Kaya go first, she had to buy time for the girl to escape, she opened her bow and aimed for the titan's eyes.

Her body was a little tense, remembering the time when she went hunting with Takashi, Sasha gradually calmed down. 


There was a flash of blood. Fortunately, with only three arrows, he successfully shot and blinded the ten foot tall titan with the first two arrows. 

"Huf... It was a good thing I used to go hunting with Takashi, otherwise I wouldn't be familiar with my skills." 

Looking at the titan holding her eyes, Sasha turned around and ran away. She felt relieved and couldn't help but smile. If Takashi was here, probably a three meter titan wouldn't take much trouble to take him out. 

If Takashi was here, with his current combat power, as long as he used his Chakra, a three meter tall titan could be killed with a kick.