Discussion, question and march

Captain Levi and Erwin were also in the square, this time they were accompanied by dozens of soldiers from the garrison troops and the Gendarmerie led by Nile Dok. 

Looking at Takashi, who was mobilizing all the soldiers and making their hope not hit the ground, Levi said in a monotone, "Although he's just a recruit, he's unexpectedly calm and stable in this situation!"

Commander Erwin, who was next to him smiled and, after listening to what Hange Zoe said, found Takashi's thoughts very interesting: "Who do you think he looks like? In fact, being calmer than many veterans, his growth is faster than expected even if he is your nephew, maybe he can even surpass you someday." 

Levi snorted coldly, "If my nephew surpasses me that's fine, but with those titans attacking non-stop, they won't let me rest even at my funeral." 

Levi walked up to Takashi and said, "Takashi, is the crazy one in the bathroom? Go get her, we need to leave as soon as possible."

When Levi says crazy, he means Hange Zoe, currently Takashi is a member of Hange Zoe's squad, no matter what rude words his uncle says, he nodded and ran to where Hange Zoe was. 

Hange Zoe was looking at a rock with the old light microscope. 

"Captain, it's time to go." Takashi walked over and shouted. 

"Oh, sorry, I forgot the situation all of a sudden." Hange Zoe raised her head and held the rock in her hand. 

"What is this?" Takashi asked curiously. 

"The fragments of the hardened skin that peeled off from the female titan didn't disappear for some reason, and its texture was very similar to the gravel that makes up the wall." 

After saying that, Hange Zoe pointed out, "If we compare it to the fragments left behind by that titan that attacked us in the forest, they are so similar. It seems that the powers of the intelligent titans have many magical characteristics." Hange Zoe's eyes were excited. 

Soon after, the two of them left the lab together and Takashi thought for a moment, "In other words, the three walls may be built with the hardened skin of the titans." 

"That seems to be the case at the moment. The city wall is strictly protected by priest Nick and apparently he knows the inside story, hiding everything he knows. He'd rather die than say a word!" Hange Zoe was very angry, she had to personally investigate all these things that father Nick already knew. 

Thinking about the parts of the titan that were exposed after the fight against the female titan, Takashi frowned and said slowly, "Captain Hange, the titan inside the wall is huge, almost fifty meters tall, does it tell you anything? How many of those titans does it take to make up the three walls? Hundreds of thousands or millions?" 

Hange Zoe's expression was solemn, "What do you mean?" 

Having that conversation with Kenny, Kenny mentioned that the secrets of the titans were vast and all that he would learn when he joined their side. But before that, he mentioned why the Ackerman Clan was haunted for generations and that was because of the power of the founding titan. 

Kenny didn't mention the power of the founding titan, but if he belongs to the Royal family, this must be the strongest weapon and maybe the one who controlled the titans to form the three walls. 

However, Takashi was still processing all that information, the conversation with Kenny was short and if he already knew all that, he still didn't understand why Kenny needed his help. 

After pondering for a moment, Takashi said seriously, "Do you think the titans on those walls are all intelligent?" 

"It doesn't look like it. The eyes are dull, there are no emotional fluctuations, and there are no signs of trying to communicate."  Hange Zoe remembered what she saw when she covered the titan's face. 

"Ordinary titans, even abnormal ones, don't have the ability to harden. In other words, to build such a magnificent city wall, you need to form a large group of titans 50 meters tall that have the ability to harden." 

"Intelligence should be a mandatory trait to be able to form the walls the way they are shaped." 

"But if they don't have intelligence, it would be hard to imagine being able to accomplish that without some way to manipulate and control the titans, wouldn't it? Coincidentally, the female titan can attract the titans with her roar, what if this ability goes one step further?" 

Hange Zoe's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but pat Takashi on the shoulder, "Keep talking!"

Using the old information with the obtained and his own theories, Takashi said, "The nobles should know how the city walls were built. After all, even a simple father like Nick knows that there were titans on the walls. If he dares not reveal the secret, something tells me that he is not the true core of knowledge." 

"If that titan manipulation method really exists, even if it's only effective for those titans inside the walls, as long as a few hundred of them are released, it won't be at all difficult to wipe out the titans outside the wall that are generally lower at fifteen meters, right?"   

Hange Zoe thought carefully for a moment and said, "Perhaps that method has been lost or has some restrictions to make use of? There is very little information, so we can only speculate now, but there is no doubt that we are not from reality." 

Takashi stopped walking and his voice became a little colder, "If the priests of the cult on the city walls know more than us, the legion itself, we have been trying to seek direct information from the enemies outside the city, but it seems we are looking in the wrong place all this time." 

"We've been fighting desperately, and now it wouldn't be too much to ask those nobles for information, would it?"  

Hange Zoe was startled, "Takashi, your ideas are too radical. It's dangerous to do so. If something goes wrong, it will provoke a civil war, and maybe even the Survey Corps won't exist by then." 

"Kenny was right? Take what belongs to us and create a new world without walls to hide us from the real world? If I join him, maybe change is closer than expected." Takashi thought to himself. 

Takashi couldn't help but speak coldly and grudgingly, "Isn't it the original intention of the Survey Corps to investigate outside the walls and discover the mystery of the titans? If so, some people must be looking at us as scumbags, fools and idiots with stupid dreams." 

"If those noble bastards know something about the walls and decide to hide that information, a coup d'état would be in order to end this damn government." Takashi's voice lowered in tone and pointed out, "I will not die deceived, if so, then I will use my power to put an end to all this falsehood that covers us."    

"So Kenny is right... I should seriously consider talking about his plans, the revenge I will take will not be only from our clan..." Takashi thought with his eyes as cold as frost. 

Only until now Takashi's eyes had been enlightened, he is certain of his discovery. 

The intelligence that the soldiers exchange with their lives and blood, the people that were sent to die, and those nobles knew the secrets of the titans from the beginning? 

When all the soldiers were returning outside the wall with heavy losses a few days ago, all those deaths were mocked by the idiots of the nobility. 

Takashi felt touched by all those souls who died believing in something that was possibly a hoax, Mina, Marco, Nelson and Thomas who is still struggling to survive. 

Some of the nobles have said that the Survey Corps soldiers are a negative teaching to the civilians for a long time, forcibly announcing that outside the wall there is no life, it is dangerous and only those who go outside the walls will die. 

But it seems that it is not only that, they have been deliberately withholding information, some people inside the walls want us to die without seeking the truth! This way, the environment inside the wall would be controllable and much more stable.

But seeing Hange Zoe's reaction, he knew she was not ready to understand this, so Takashi had to relax. 

Looking directly at Hange Zoe, Takashi said, "I'm sorry, I got worked up a moment ago over the assumption that our reality was false. Maybe it's not me who is radical, but you are too conservative captain." 

Not caring about the direct way he spoke, Takashi said it directly, Hange Zoe lowered her head a little. In fact, she thought about this too. She almost couldn't contain herself and wanted to kill father Nick earlier to get some information. 

"It's hard, I don't think I can bear all this, I'm afraid of taking big risks and making a mistake. However, it seems that the truth has come to us." 

Takashi sighed feeling somehow stupid. 

He felt extremely uncomfortable and angry to discover that his desperate attempts to change this world have no great meaning because of the people in power, he and all the soldiers gave their lives so that others would only keep silent of the truth. 

Thus, the rule of the king within the wall is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. For more than a hundred years, there seems to be no major upheaval, as if everyone was in agreement. 

Takashi was now convinced that if he really wanted to do something he should work with that person, although it is only the beginning and he still had to prepare, he had to find out the truth even if the nobles must fall. 

"No matter what, we have to overcome this obstacle right now." Hange Zoe was referring to the titans that appeared in Rose territory. 

"You're right, I hope the situation isn't that bad." Takashi stopped thinking too much about that for now, the most urgent thing was to find out the situation in the southern area of the Rose wall. 

Takashi and Hange Zoe arrived a little late, after greeting Eren and the others, they boarded the carriage for the time being. Levi wears a military uniform next to the priest Nick. 

Armin looked at Nick with surprise, "Why is the priest of the wall religion accompanying us?" 

Hange Zoe smiled and put her arms around Father Nick's shoulder, "It's nothing, Father Nick and I are good friends, right?" 

Father Nick was silent. In the afternoon, Hange Zoe almost threw him off the 50-meter high city wall to find out the secret of why there was a titan on the wall. 

Hange Zoe, who kidnapped a priest, did not feel guilty. "Our group members are strange enough anyway, aren't they?" 

Levi said in a flat voice, "I think it has its own meaning..." 

Commander Erwin mounted a white horse and told the 100+ Survey Corps members who had already prepared, "The situation inside the Rose Wall is uncertain. At the moment what we know is that Ehrmich is still safe. Once we get there, we'll try to buy some time - let's go!" 


Everyone responded, and the city gate slowly opened. Major Erwin led the way, followed by a group of Survey Corps soldiers, and dozens of military policemen accompanied them. 

The large legion of soldiers rushed at full speed out of the Sina wall and Hange Zoe by then had told the whole story in the carriage. 

Takashi silently looked at Eren who was making a new fuss, he didn't know why but now he was looking at Eren with a different kind of eyes. 

"I've already made a mistake many times, never mind doing it once more." Takashi thought as he prepared a plan in his mind.    

Darkness engulfed the land, and it was already nine o'clock at night at this time, and the titans that appeared in the southern area of Rose's wall at that time were nine o'clock in the morning.