The Situation

"So that's it..." Takashi thought for a moment and looked at the bag in his hand, then looked at Historia and said, "Did your father tell you what's inside?" 

Historia gradually steadied her mood and said, "There are some things, I guess most of them are things to make people into titans."       

Rummaging through the bag carefully, Takashi picked up a bottle. "Armor... what will this thing be?" 

Eren looked at the bottle bored and suddenly reached out and snatched the bottle from Takashi, then without a second thought bit it.


"Eren! What are you doing? You can't eat something like that, who knows if it's poisonous!" Histoira said. 

Takashi frowned and looked at Eren with a cold expression, what did this idiot just do? 

Ymir also looked at him strangely, Eren came back to himself and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that just now, it seems like a voice told me, it was like an unexplainable instinct." 

"Do you know what you just did?" Takashi looked at Eren and pointed out, "You are not only reckless but also an idiot, this thing in this suitcase will be of utmost importance for the future." 

"I know..." Eren showed a regretful expression. 

"You know, if you know then control that damn voice in your head, this is the second time it has controlled you, if you continue like this I will tell Commander Erwin that you are unfit." Takashi was convinced by his words.

This was the second time Eren acted under the orders of whatever was in his head, Takashi didn't even know if it was some kind of trauma or disorder, but he should be more careful with Eren in the future. 

Eren's behavior was abnormal, as if another will was overpowering him.

"Guys, I'm glad everyone is okay!" Said Hange Zoe with a calm smile as she saw everyone. 

"Squad Leader, I'm glad you weren't hurt." Takashi immediately saluted and then looked at all the reinforcements that had arrived along with Levi. 

"Hahaha, I'll take care of these freaks before I talk about what happened." Hange Zoe said as she ordered the soldiers to take the MPs away. 

Takashi smiled and took two steps back. He looked inside the bag and found that there were two bottles and several syringes. These things are very important so he was reassured to know that there was a lot of this. Maybe he could look into it later with Hange Zoe, she should be happy to do that. 

"Eren, how are you feeling now?" Takashi asked Eren. 

"I'm fine, it wasn't anything bad, I don't know why now I think I can harden my titan body." Eren touched his forehead in bewilderment.

"Is that so? Then try it later, let's get out of here first." After Hange Zoe removed all the surrendering soldiers, Takashi led the three of them out of the church.

"We accomplished a lot this time. We resolved all the doubts we had about the titans and also managed to find out what the royals had been hiding."      

"Of course, there are many other advantages in between. Among other things, anti-humans maneuvering equipment is really useful."

"I heard from Kenny that the coup had been a success, so we'll really be able to say that we won today." Takashi looked at Levi as he escorted him to a carriage, from his expression he seemed not too happy to meet him. 

Later, it was dawn when a Survey Corps soldier ran into the field outside the Church and excitedly said, "The commander has succeeded and we don't have to hide anymore!"  


Takashi looked at the message and nodded with relief, today he had done something he set out to do with less blood running from his hands. 

For now, what is expected is that all this information will be shared to all corners of this wall, about the fake King and the replacement of the top power within the walls will need to be explained.        

Eren was puzzled, "How could they think of all that while we were sequestered?" 

This had also piqued the curiosity of Ymir and Historia, those who were not very knowledgeable could only speculate. 

However, what actually happened was not very complicated. After having that talk with Erwin, he would be in charge of uniting the three main forces to stage the coup, with all the information and knowledge from outside, it wasn't that hard to convince the top brass of the army.       

Erwin is very intelligent, he could even be ruthless in order to achieve his goals, with such determination it would not be difficult to gain everyone's trust.  


When everyone was at his point, Commander Pixis, who was present, decided to help in the coup d'état. With his words and presence, he caused a false alarm to be raised.

The nobles were furious, and under the stakes of all at stake, decided to refuse to let the civilians once again approach the Sina wall and ordered all the gates to be closed, which amounted to more than half of humanity dying. 

This allowed everyone present including Commander Pixis, Gendarmerie Commander Nile, and others to clearly see their true faces, and then, with the support of the supreme commander of the three legions, Darius Zackly, the names were arrested and they took control of the Sina wall. 

This is the reality, a scene planned by Erwin and Takashi, where they staked everything together with the commander Pixis. It should be known that many of the soldiers' families live in the Rose Wall, which is tantamount to betraying not only humanity, but also the families. 

If the wall had been destroyed, if the nobles had any conscience, they would not have made that decision. Although the drama was fake, the heart of the people was clearly shown.

The old man who was the supreme commander of the three army legions could not wait to get his works of art out of his old warehouse, he had been waiting for this moment for years. Today he was about to put all those cool tools to the test for the nobles to try out.


He has been holding back for a long time, fed up with the noble languages, he couldn't help but make himself present at this amazing show.


"If what they said is true and the royal family regains the power of the titans to modify our memory, then it's not a success now." Commander Pixis said. 

Erwin was having someone prepare a carriage for him to go to Rose wall, he didn't know that Eren had already taken care of it. "I have a lot of trust in the person in charge, even if his life runs out, he won't hesitate to give it for the future of humanity, I'm sorry I got him involved in something so risky." 

Pixis shook his head and said with a smile, "No, I should be the one to express my gratitude. The materials found in Castle Utgard have proven the existence of humans outside the walls. They even sent their warriors who can transform into titans making it clear that they want to exterminate us." 


"In that situation, we are still uneducated, absorbed in the peace and stability of the past, we would eventually be destroyed." Said Erwin looked at the sky that was gradually brightening and said, "Actually, I was still hesitating to believe it. However, then Takashi showed me that canned herring." 

"He also said that if we stayed behind, we would be defeated. We must rely on science and technology, who in the future would be the main forces of our people, there would be no hope for a country that stops its technology." Pixis said.  


The commander touched his mustache and Erwin couldn't even help but laugh, "To be honest, I was very surprised at the time, because it didn't seem like a young man could have the wisdom and insight. I think he's smarter than most people in this world." 

"He is determined and strong, however, he has a very similar ability to Eren, though he is limited in that every time he makes use of his power he loses life, but clearly his power is rivaled by him in this world." 

Pulling a bottle of wine from his chest, he looked around and discovered that his subordinate Anka wasn't there, so Pixis quickly took a sip of wine. "Haha, I should have known that guy was so interesting, I had some good chats with him." 

"Gustav was right. If we are led by donkeys, a more dangerous predator will soon emerge in our territory." 

"Just to imagine a hundred people with knives facing a hundred with guns would be a brutal disadvantage. If the enemy from the outside world has not suppressed their technological development as we have, perhaps their weapons are stronger than ours, and they might even have weapons we can't even imagine." 

"Human beings are good at creating, but equally good at destroying. We still have a long way to go, we must not go to sleep as before."    

Before Erwin could respond, Viktor rushed up, ran in front of him and gave a military salute as he reported, "Commander Erwin, we have met with Takashi and everyone is fine, we have resolved the problem and everyone has been brought to safety, we got everything we expected from this operation."

Viktor narrated the information in an instant and Erwin pondered for a moment. "Ymir's people, the titans outside the walls, there seems to be an incredible story that for now we don't know about. Now, that girl named Ymir also seems to know the history outside the walls." 

"It seems that we are very lucky, and things developed much faster than I thought."      

"If that girl has the power of a titan and has key information and hid it for so long…  Is she really trustworthy?" Pixis asked. 

"She is willing to fight on our side, everyone has sacrificed a lot and I hope Takashi explains it well to us." Erwin said with a slightly happy look.

Today humanity has taken a big step.