Disputes about change

The capital of the kingdom, this place is the political and economic center of the inner walls. There are rows of long buildings, very beautiful structures and open roads in addition to the dense population. 

However, the place has not been peaceful recently, thieves and murderers are very rampant lately because not long ago refugees flooded the city, and this caused a shortage of food causing some chaos. 

Many of the military police soldiers were distributing leaflets and newspapers, even answering questions from onlookers politely.  


The government just announced a ban on the real government. People began to panic, if law and order were in ban, it would inevitably generate uncontrollable chaos.

In the morning, under the sun, Takashi, Ymir, Levi and the others came all the way to the capital where they met with Commander Erwin. 

"Is this the capital of the kingdom? It really is very different." Connie looked around, amazed at the sights.       


"Any place is beautiful, but some people just don't do well no matter where they are. Jean watched as a boy snatched a briefcase from a middle-aged man and ran off. The middle-aged man who looked like he couldn't run, ran faster than even the soldiers and caught up with the boy. 

Takashi watched all this without being able to react well, and finally the group rejoined Erwin and the others.

Now, the next step is to crown Historia as the rightful Queen of the Walls. In order to stabilize people's restless hearts, a coronation ceremony was planned to be held in a few days, but Ymir's proposal caused a great stir. 

Originally, Ymir was the only one who knew the whole truth outside the walls, and she herself could become a titan, which was indeed a very important thing, but after all she did not have any capital or political background, so her demands were really difficult to realize. 

However, the current situation was very delicate. According to Ymir's proposals, he wants to reorganize the Central Gendarmerie and establish a guard for the Queen. For this, the Survey Corps members expressed their full support.

Even so, it may be because of him that the previous King died without being able to get information out of him, but still Eren made his support clear. In his words, he said that he would do his best to help her, as did his former colleagues in the training corps. As for Commander Erwin, he agreed.


At first, members of the gendarmerie and garrison disagreed. Even the supreme commander of the three legions Dairus Zackly, he actually wanted a manipulable queen. When the King was replaced, his plans inevitably escalated.

In the evening, in a conference room, the military leaders met to discuss matters related to the Queen's Guard. 

At first, this matter was not taken very seriously, and many people even said that they could directly capture the information by torturing Ymir, but then seeing the support being given to the enhancement plan, no one wanted to speak up. 

In fact, what the military took down was only a few nobles in the capital, but there are still many local nobles and rural nobles in the world inside the wall. Not only do they possess staggering territory and wealth, but they also have a considerable scale of private armed forces. 

Especially the few nobles in the Rose Wall who are very powerful, such as the one in the southern territory, Commander Pixis even took the trouble to visit them from time to time. 

No one is willing to simply withdraw from the center of power and be swept away by the dust of history. After the representatives of the local nobles arrived in the capital, they discovered that the situation was over. At present, there was only an illegitimate daughter with a shameful status in the blood of the Reiss royal family.

A puppet queen may not be able to guarantee their interests, but the local nobles, who had been quiet for too long, could not think of a good solution for a while. They did not have the courage to engage in armed conflict. As a result, they could only agree to whatever was dictated and support it with all their honesty. 

However, Ymir's proposal is tantamount to igniting a fire where it had just been controlled. Since the queen has no power, this would automatically give her more power. 

The Queen's Guard keeps the influence of the nobles in line. This would mean that those nobles would slowly lose power, this way they would not be completely killed. 

On the left side of the rectangular conference table, a large man in military uniform said loudly, "What? Are you kidding, how much risk did we have to take to overthrow the corrupt government and now a woman with a suspicious identity and ulterior motives wants to seize power within the Crown?" 

"What does she think she is, she was just a recruit until recently! Not to mention that she hid important information for many years, and now she uses that as a threat, she actually wants to take the ultimate power in one step, isn't that suspicious?" 

"Erwin, she is a member of the Survey Corps, you must have the responsibility and ability to deal with her!" 

Nile Dok became serious, "Unrestricted power is terrible. The former central gendarmerie, in the name of the king, acted illegally and without restraint. Even if the central gendarmerie is reorganized and established as the queen's Royal guard, we have to seriously consider the risks." 

"Erwin, that female soldier is a member of your legion, don't you have something to say?" Erwin instead poured himself a cup of tea and his mood was very calm. 

"The information she has is very important and she has the power of a titan. We can't risk turning against her to start a war with her. If the other party dies, we will lose the opportunity to understand the outside world and her great power that can help us with the war of the outside enemies." 

"Moreover, the current situation is that representatives of the nobility have already approached her on their own initiative, and the constitution of the Queen's Guard is inevitable. The key is to reorganize this new Central Gendarmerie in what form and nature it shall act." 

Pixies, the commander of the Garrison Troops, took a sip of wine, grunted and exhaled, "This old man wants to remind you, don't think I'm someone impulsive. We overthrew the king's government because we were clear on their unjust actions. I don't want to fight for power and profit. The queen is entitled to some personal power and it's not necessarily a bad thing either." 

"Of course, they may be very dissatisfied when this is proposed, but the representative of the Rose wall nobles, Rose, has arrived. She contacted that girl named Ymir and expressed that the nobles would be willing to support her in resources and whatever is necessary for her to be the one to lead the Royal guard." 

"Do I have to explain to you that if Ymir, who possesses the power of a titan just like Cadet Eren, joins and supports the nobles who are now in fear of being wiped out, and in the name of supporting the queen, she can definitely match our forces?" 

Pixis' eyes were cold and her expression was serious, "I will never allow something like that to happen and I hope everyone can remember how fragile we are enough to launch a full-scale war within the walls." 

"Besides, enemies like the armored titan and the colossal titan are still out there, I advise you to consider the current situation and don't notice if the power in your hands diminishes!" 

Pixis is just like Erwin, it's not that they don't love power, it's just that they have something more important than this in their hearts. For the commander, the safety of all humans inside the wall is obviously more important.

Sitting in the main seat Darius Zackly helped arrange this and moistened his throat, "Everyone, the reorganization of the Central Gendarmerie is inevitable. Soon someone will bring Ymir to the scene. What we need to consider is how to limit this force." 

Everyone was silent for a while, and time passed. About half an hour later, a middle-aged man in a white gentleman's hat, about forty years old, a light blue dress and a sexy mustache pushed open the door. He greeted everyone very politely and said, "Good evening everyone, I'm Derek Bryant, nice to meet you." 

"Marquis Derek, the pleasure should be ours, please have a seat. Darius smiled at Derek. 

Derek sat down across from the president, followed by Ymir with an expressionless face. When everyone saw her, they had different reactions. Erwin smiled softly, and Pixis didn't mind. Looking at her, Nile Dok frowned. 

From Takashi's words, Ymir knew that to explain the situation she realized that this was a political fight and it was much more complicated than he expected, so after confirming her interests under the temporary agreement, she handed this negotiation to Derek for him to take over. 

The noble Derek spoke calmly, shared how grateful he was that not all the nobles were marked as traitors, under his words he explained that he could not do much due to the power of the Crown. 

Ymir's appearance was a complete surprise to the nobles. Not only did he have an important bargaining chip, but she also possessed the power of a titan. 

After being in certain predicaments, the nobles learned of Ymir's delicate prescience and decided to support her to ensure her survival within the walls. Even if she fails, there would be nothing wrong with speaking up for Ymir. 

"I don't think it's suitable for her to be the captain of the Queen's Guard of the Central Gendarmerie. She is only a recruit and has no knowledge or experience in this field." 

"I think the right person should be selected from the army. This is an important position." Said bluntly a chief of the northern garrison troops.

It must be said that people in the army have expanded a lot now, and before they wouldn't dare to talk to a noble like this.

Derek smiled slightly, very gracefully and without anger, "Doesn't Kenny Ackerman also serve as the captain of the anti-humans suppression force? You know, that assassin isn't even a soldier." 

"Why can't Ymir? She was born a soldier, has the power of a titan, and is no worse than anyone else in terms of strength. Besides, she was the queen's close friend during the training period, and has been taking care of our unfortunate queen all this time. She is loyal and reliable, and she is stronger and more powerful than any other candidate for her position, right?" 

Many people present frowned, this Marquis Derek was obviously not a rich man but he did have his plans straight.