
Author POV

It was around 9 at night. You were walking down the road going back to your apartment which you share with your crackhead best friend. You were at the library because Lisa is with her boyfriend right now for a sleepover and mi-rae lives with her parents so she is at her home.

You were walking peacefully not until you heard footsteps behind you. You kept walking thinking it was nothing. Suddenly a black van came and stopped in front of you and someone from behind pushed you inside the van. You didn't even get time to understand what was happening around you.

In the van, everyone was wearing a black mask They tied your hands and legs

YN: Who are you?

But instead of answering they covered your mouth

Yn: Ummm…mmmmhhh…

???: shhh!

Then they covered your whole face with some black cloth.

You kept wiggling but no use.

After sometime

You felt that the van stopped. Suddenly someone picked you up on his shoulder and started walking. You kept wiggling trying to escape but no use. They made you sit in a chair and tied to the chair. Then someone removed the black cloth from your face and adjusted to the light.

It was something like a creepy basement. There were guards around you. You saw two men towering. You looked at them confused because you didn't know them.

???: Junkook Remove the cloth from her mouth

Jungkook: Yes Jimin Hyung

A bunny-looking guy removed the cloth from your mouth.

Yn: what the fuck? Who are you and why did you kidnap me?

Jimin: Shut your mouth! we are not your servants to answer you.

Yn: wait wait wait! Did you kidnap me?

Jimin: yeah?

Yn: shittttttt!

Jimin smirked

Jimin: Scared?

Yn: Shut up ( you started fake crying )

Jungkook: yah!!! What happened?

Yn: Now how will I show my faceu to my friends?

Jimin: huh? why?

Yn: I got kidnapped by you shorty ( fake crying ) my friends will make fun of me

Jimin: yahhhhhh !!!!!!

Junkook started laughing

Jimin: I can kill you!

You rolled your eyes at him

Jimin: Heyy! Did you just roll your eyes at me?

Yn: so?

Jimin: You- ( someone cut him off)

???: what's happening here? ( a deep husky voice)

Everybody turns their gaze toward the source of the sound

Yn looked at him at gasped

Yn: K-Kim T-Taehyung ......… T-The MAFIA KING!

Now you were everyone's attention

You were just looking at taehyung's face

Jimin: What is she? She isn't even scared of me

Taehyung smirked

Taehyung: Babygirl! Are you not scared?

You were just staring at him

Jimin: what? Did the cat catch your tongue?

Yn: Shut up! Let me look at my future hubby's faceu

The trio got shocked