Future hubby?

Jungkook: Where is your future hubby?

Yn: Are you blind? Cant, you see him huh? Here is the 5'10 handsome man standing.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was a bit taken aback.

Jimin: yah we kidnapped you okay?

Yn: hubby, why did you kidnap me? You could have asked me if I would have come myself. Hmm?

Taehyung: Who is your hubby huh?

Yn: you?

Taehyung: Do you even know who I am?

Yn: I know everything about you, my love.

Taehyung: And what is that?

Yn: You are Kim Taehyung. Age is 26. Your only family is these two punks. But don't worry when we will get married we will make cute babies like you to vast our family ok future hubby?

Taehyung was left speechless

Jungkook: O-Ok! Everything is alright but whom did you call punks?

Yn: you and this short mochi

Jimin: Stop! I am taller than you, you witch

Yn: yeah yeah! 3cm right? I usually wear heels of 4cm so you are short. Cute mochi.

Jimin Blushed a bit at your last line which Taehyung didn't like at all.

Taehyung: enough! Did you know why we kidnapped you?

Yn: I don't care as long it's you who kidnap me it doesn't even matter

Taehyung: But still.

Yn: Ok fine my prince charming. Tell me why did you kidnap me?

Jimin: we want your boyfriend.

Yn: Boyfriend? Do I have one?

Jungkook: Don't act like we know Sehun is your boyfriend.

Yn: Sehun? ......... oh Sehun Nnnn!

Taehyung: yeah!

Yn: he is not my boyfriend

Jungkook: huh?

Taehyung: lie…

Yn: Nope hubby! I ain't lying. I just dated him for like 2 or 3 weeks? But he is not my boyfriend. I didn't even talk to him for past 10 days

Taehyung: why?

Yn: he said some shit about you so we had an argument and I blocked him from everywhere

Jimin: Like what?

Yn: uhmmm… forget it

Taehyung: Tell me! ( a bit annoyed)

Yn: he said that you are ugly so I said that his face is like a ducks butt

Jimin and Jungkook started laughing.

While taehyung was controlling himself

Jungkook: That's it?

Yn: nope … he said that uhmmm…

Taehyung: What else?

Yn: that … that you … no I-I mean… uhmmm your

Taehyung: MY WHAT?


That's it Jimin was rolling on the floor. Jungkook was laughing his ass off

Taehyung clenched his jaw

Yn: my future hubby relax…

Jungkook: why did you date him tho?

Yn: I had no option.

Jimin: means?

Yn signs

Yn : I saw this mafia man in a restaurant 3 years ago. Since then I have been in love with him. I have been stalking him online and all but for the past 2 years my best friend has been trying to make me understand that he is not the one for me. So finally I decided to forget him and move on so I went on a blind date where I met Sehun and he was pretty handsome and a gentleman so I thought to give him a chance. We were not in any official relationship cause we both were not sure yet. And whatever happened 10 days ago offended me so I blocked him from everywhere because I don't wanna see his face again.

Jimin: So you are saying you dated him because he is handsome?

Yn: yeah?

Jimin smirked and side-eyed tae who look unbothered

Jungkook: What about me? Like my looks

Yn: uhmmm… you are cute like your bunny smile and a bit hottie too… from your looks you don't even look like a mafia tbh

Jungkook: then date me

Yn: huh?