Every Cultivation World Has a Neutral "Pavilion"

The female lead of the Nine Desolations was finally born. She had three portions of luck, and Chi Suzi's luck had reached a terrifying level.

The sun, moon, and stars seemed to be revolving around her!

Chi Suzi's luck seemed to have become a piece of "candy" that fell into the Sea of Realms. It instantly attracted the attention of countless "flies" in the Sea of Realms.

Even though they weren't Immortal Ascension stage cultivators, they were all extremely difficult to deal with. They even had abilities that no Immortal Ascension stage cultivators possessed.

This kind of existence was collectively known as "realm ghosts!"

Back then, when Fang Jinyu was schemed against and touched a place he couldn't touch, he was "punished" to go to the dark land. The treasure that was used to intercept Su Yier was activated, and the "lifespan trader" that was attracted was one of them.