Forgets Faster Than A Teenager's Dream (Part 3)

It made Fang Jinyu suspect that the area was a forbidden zone for humans.

Even if Fang Jinyu didn't have any magical power, couldn't use the escape technique, or couldn't switch between reality and illusion, the speed of a flying dragon was already very fast. Moreover, his control of the wind had also increased.

Therefore, in a day, the places Fang Jinyu passed by were at least thousands of miles away!

Fang Jinyu's gains from the system had given him yet another enlightenment of nature. However, this time, it involved more living beings. As a result, he had comprehended a portion of heart force on his own!

However, the portion of heart force was extremely weak.

It was like the "internal excitement" that a person would experience when he or she was touched after reading a philosophical statement.

This kind of enlightenment often comes and goes quickly.

It was faster to forget than a teenager's dream.