The Cultivation Path Of The Human World Also Wants To Kill Me? Are You Worthy?! (Part 2)

It was "Yi Luoxin."

At this moment, the "dragon" characteristics of the "female lead" were constantly fading. However, the "turning into a dragon" process had finally come to an end. Therefore, even if there was Immortal Ascension stage divine consciousness entering it, it could only temporarily suppress her "dragon" characteristics.

Sensing the discomfort in her body, the netherworld Immortal Ascension stage cultivator who had taken over "Yi Luoxin's" body couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"You've already become the only one, and you're only one step away from being recognized and recorded by the Heavenly Stele. I didn't want to kill you because you have such good fortune, but now I can't let you live!"

The netherworld Immortal Ascension Stage cultivator in "Yi Luoxin's" body said it coldly as if she were passing judgment on Fang Jinyu.

"People kill for death."

"It's a disaster for ghosts to kill people."