A Certain "Evil Dragon Fang" (Part 2)

Going too far was as bad as falling short!

However, if the Immortal King Banhu's Formation were constructed according to the heavenly rules, it would be within the scope of the immortal realm.

An "Immortal of Heaven" should have controlled such power!

As the saying goes, "a blessing in disguise." Fang Jinyu's idea of creating an immortal law failed, but he found his path to become an "Immortal of Heaven."

"I can do it too. It's a True Immortal technique of the path of freedom. Although it was enough to become an advanced exalted immortal technique, it is not enough for me."

"After all, if I have to rely on others to advance the path of freedom, is it qualified to be called the path of freedom?"

"The path of freedom cultivated in this way still has invisible restrictions."

"Free and unrestrained, then even breaking through stages shouldn't be restricted!"